Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

459: Not Getting Married Anymore, I Will Help Lin Big Brother Take Care Of The Children In The Futur

Qi Lin gave his second family a farm tractor, and bought a farm for the second family with one million dollars.

If you really want to say that Chen Ying is not envious, that would be a lie.

The second child and the third family are all the kind with more backbone.

Although the elders are extremely rich, except for emergencies such as serious illnesses and emergencies, the two families have never asked the elders for money.

But that doesn't mean they don't want the boss to help them more.

Hearing that Qi Lin woke up Qi Gang, and promised that as long as Qi Gang won the title of Huaxia Fishing King, he would invest 10 million yuan in starting a company, Chen Yingxiao couldn't close her mouth.

Looking at the eyes of his nephew, he fell in love with him more and more.

This little guy has changed too much. The little Zhengtai who was still in his arms when he was a child has now grown into a young entrepreneur, and he is much more promising than his third uncle.

If she was born more than ten years later, she would definitely not choose this dead fisherman, but would go after her own nephew.

Just kidding.

Qi Lin being able to treat the second uncle and third uncle's family so well has already shown how harmonious the relationship between the several families is.

In her heart, Qi Lin is similar to her own son.


Fang Yuanyuan and Qi Feng couldn't help admiring their son for resolving the conflicts and difficulties between the eldest and the second's family with just a few words.

In the past, they were always envious of how well-behaved, obedient and promising their sons were.

But now, they don't have that idea anymore.

On the contrary, there is a sense of pride in having a child who is like my child.

"Rourou, come to big brother, let me see if you have grown taller."

Given a gift to Qi Ziqi, the person who sealed the vice-high school would not lose sight of one or the other.

He smiled and waved to Qi Yuerou.

Qi Yuerou was very well-behaved, nodded with her pretty face, and walked slowly to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin touched Qi Yuerou's small head, then picked up her soft body, and sat on his lap.

For Qi Lin's intimate behavior, Qi Yuerou, who was originally very quiet, suddenly blushed.

Seeing this scene, Qi Gang and Chen Ying just smiled and got used to it.

130 The relationship between the two brothers and sisters has been very good since childhood, especially Qi Yuerou. For some reason, she has been clinging to Qi Lin since she was a child, holding Qi Lin's clothes tightly, and following the little follower


Every time Qi Lin went back to his hometown to play for a few days, and then returned to Jianghan City from Huayuan Town, the one who cried the most was Qi Yuerou, his sister.

Therefore, when she was a child, Qi Yuerou often sat on Qi Lin's lap and listened to him telling her about the city.

But people grow up.

Qi Yuerou is already twelve years old, she has the shyness that a little girl should have, and being hugged and sitting on the lap by the big brother, she inevitably feels a little embarrassed.

Qi Lin didn't think much, Qi Yuerou asked with a smile, "Rourou, do you have any New Year's gift you want?"

When she first sat down, Qi Yuerou was still a little shy, but after a while, she found the sense of security that she had when she was clinging to Lin big brother when she was a child.

The quiet little face hesitated for a moment, and she said softly: "Big brother, I want a learning machine to learn English. The teacher said that my test scores are very good, but my oral English is too bad, and my pronunciation is not standard at all."

"Dad promised to buy it for me a long time ago, saying that I only need to get the first place in the age test, and this time I have already won the first place in the grade at the end of the semester, but Dad...

Speaking of this, Tuzi took a quick look.

The girl's soft gaze was indeed like a steel blade, and it made Qi Gang's old face burn with pain, and everyone in the room looked at him with contempt.

The second elder brother Qi Zheng sighed and said: "A good girl doesn't know how to cherish it. Don't say that my crazy girl is the first in the grade, even if she can be the top 20 in the class, even if she wants a natural star, I will give it to her."

At this time, Chen Ying's eyes were red again, and she stared at Qi Gang and said, "If you are willing to buy hundreds of fishing rods, I don't know how to save some money to buy school supplies for your daughter. How can you be a father like you?"

Seeing the little girl's disappointed expression, Fang Yuanyuan's heart was broken in an instant, and she comforted Qi Yue and said: "Rourou, your dad won't buy it for you, but your aunt will buy it for you. If you want anything in the future, just give it to you directly." Auntie calls, and eldest auntie will send you all."

Qi Lin waved his hand, Fang Yuanyuan said angrily: "Mom, this is my cousin, I'm here to hurt you, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Hearing her son's rude words, Fang Yuanyuan rolled her eyes beautifully: "All right, all right, as long as you can, you two junior girls, go and pamper them well."

Qi Lin ignored his mother, stroked Qi Yuerou's dark hair and said with a smile: "It just so happens that your big brother, I have an education and training company that specializes in selling learning machines. I'll let someone buy two of them later. You send it over."

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Qi Yuerou was taken aback, she shook her head lightly and said, "Lin big brother, there are too many, I just need a learning machine."

Qi Lin waved his hand and said with a smile: "My sister, Qi Lin, can you still make her suffer? I have both of them, and you are not allowed to refuse. Usually, one is used for learning English and for cadres to listen to songs.

Speaking of this, Qi Lin seemed to think of something.

He smiled and took out a big red envelope from his arms.

"Rourou, this is the New Year's red envelope from Lin Big Brother, you don't have to ask your dad for anything you want to buy again.

On Bai Nen's small hand, Qi Lin forcibly stuffed a big red envelope, and Qi Yuerou's delicate face was a little at a loss.

It may be that Qi Lin didn't seal the red envelope firmly when he wrapped it.

When the angle is off, the money inside will slide towards the ground.

Qi Yuerou's small face panicked, and she used her two white and tender hands together to catch all the money.

At this time, she discovered that there were ten thousand yuan in the red envelope!!!

What is the concept of ten thousand yuan?

Her mother usually works outside, and from the beginning to the end of the year, she may not be able to earn so much money.

But so much money is just the New Year's red envelope that Lin Big Brother gave her.

This was really beyond Qi Yuerou's tolerance.

"Lin big brother, I can't take this money."

Qi Yuerou panicked and wanted to retreat.

Qi Lin's face was serious: "If you don't accept it, don't come to my house."

Hearing Qi Lin's threatening tone, the weak cousin almost cried in fright.

She was even more attached to this big brother than Qi Ziqi, and when she thought of Qi Lin letting her come, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

In the end, with a small expression of grievance and timidity, she still accepted the red envelope.

Of course, Qi Yuerou is not an unreasonable person, and the girl who can get the first grade in the exam will not be so low in EQ.

She knew that it was the big brother who threatened her to make her accept the red envelope.

With a trace of (baef) shyness, Qi Yuerou imitated Qi Ziqi, closed her beautiful eyes, and suddenly kissed Qi Lin on the face.

Feeling the moist lips on his face lightly, Qi Lin grinned: "It seems that the red envelope I gave is quite meaningful. I picked it up for nothing. I don't know if Yuerou's future boyfriend will see it and see it." won't be jealous."

"Lin big brother, if you make fun of me again, I will ignore you."

Qi Yuerou, who was already shy, was teased by Qi Lin like this, her shy little head was buried in Qi Lin's arms, and she didn't dare to see anyone.

This scene made the family laugh even more happily.

"Lin big brother, where are my red envelopes? Why is there only Rou Rou?"

Qi Ziqi also leaned over, holding Qi Lin's arm with her small white hand, begging for a red envelope.

"Didn't I give you a farming tractor? If you still want a red envelope, I will take back the farming tractor.

Qi Lin teased Qi Ziqi.

Qi Ziqi looked confused at this moment, not knowing which one to choose.



At this moment, there was a roar of machinery outside the door.

When the family heard this, they couldn't help but be surprised.

This sound doesn't sound like an ordinary car, is it possible?

With doubts, the whole family didn't bother to chat, and all ran out to watch.

When they saw this huge monster in the yard, they were all stunned.

Zhou Pojun jumped down from the driving seat, and Qi Lin reported: "Boss, this is XCMG's T2300 farmland tractor, and the price is 1.4 million."

"Cough cough cough!"

Hearing this exaggerated price, the second uncle Qi Zheng was almost choked to death by his own saliva.

In 2002, in a small city like Huayuan City, it was extremely rare for anyone to buy a car worth two to three hundred thousand yuan.

When Qi Lin came up, he just gave Qi Ziqi a 1.3 million farmland tractor. Is there anything more exaggerated than this?

Thinking of this, Qi Zheng hurriedly pulled Qi Lin aside: "Xiao Lin, I know that you coaxed Qi Qi to study hard, these gifts are too expensive, there is absolutely no need to use them on Qi Qi, Take it back quickly."

With that said, the second uncle delivered the check to Qi Lin.

A look of helplessness flashed in Qi Lin's eyes.

My second uncle is just too upright, otherwise, with his education background, he wouldn't be living in a small county all the time.

Putting the check back into the second uncle's hand again, Qi Lin said flatly: "Second uncle is too outspoken, Qi Qi is like a real sister to me, no matter how much money or expensive gift I give her, I will And a feast of love."

As soon as Qi Lin finished speaking, he didn't wait for Qi Zheng to say anything more.

Qi Lin suddenly felt that there was a delicate little body on his back, which was soft, and his neck was caught by someone.

There is even a whistling aroma in the ears.

"That's right, that's right! Dad, you are too old-fashioned. It's only natural that Lin Big Brother loves me as a younger sister. Why can't I accept the gift he gave me?"

Qi Ziqi said with a smile in a clear and pleasant voice.

She simply liked the huge car that Qi Lin gave her so much.

Can't help the joy in my heart.


She smacked Qi Lin's face again, loving her to death for getting old.

"Hee hee, I've decided, to find a boyfriend in the future, I need to find someone like Lin Big Brother.

Tong Yan has no taboo, and Qi Ziqi dares to say anything.

Qi Lin smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "Your requirements are a bit outrageous, a man like your brother and me who is unparalleled in the world, is the only one in this world, how can we conjure up a second one?"

As for his cousin's narcissism, Qi Ziqi not only didn't think there was a problem, but puffed his mouth and said, "If you can't find it, then don't look for it. Anyway, my vision has been raised by Lin big brother now, so I don't want to pay attention to it." ...

"Big deal, at worst, I can rely on Lin Big Brother in the future, and help Lin Big Brother and sister-in-law take care of the children.

Looking at Qi Lin, who doted on Qi Ziqi endlessly, and Qi Ziqi, who relied more and more on Qi Lin, he sighed helplessly.

After all, he is old, and there is a generation gap with young children, and it becomes more and more difficult to educate him.

I hope that under the guidance of Xiaolin, Qiqi will achieve something in the future.

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