Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

460: This Is My Eldest Wife And My Younger Wife

After the three brothers got married and started businesses, they went their separate ways.

Especially the third uncle Qi Gang, who has been wandering outside all year round and only moved into the house in the past few days, so that the three families didn't even have a reunion dinner.

Taking advantage of the lively day of the first day of the Lunar New Year, Qi Feng decided to keep the whole family of his second and third brothers to have a New Year's Eve dinner together.

Qi Lin felt that the second uncle and third uncle's family were not considered outsiders.

A few girls stayed upstairs for a whole day, and asked them to come out to get some air, and it's okay to meet their relatives by the way.


When the third uncle's family and the second uncle's family at the dinner table looked at the girls who walked down the stairs and sat around Qi Lin after a while, their faces were shocked.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, there are not many people.

It was Qi Xueyao who was pregnant, her younger sister Wang Siling, and two little bodyguards, Chuchun and Lindong.

However, even so, it still shocked the second uncle and the second uncle's family.

"Sister-in-law, who are... who are these little girls?"

Third Aunt Chen Ying stammered and asked Fang Yuanyuan.

After all, it is a monogamous world. If you let her face relatives, how can you say that these two are your daughters-in-law?

Fang Yuanyuan's pretty face was a little embarrassed, and then she glared at Qi Lin with her beautiful eyes: "You brat caused the trouble yourself, you can tell it yourself.

Qi Lin shrugged, quite indifferent.

He has always been thick-skinned, and he is not even afraid of the Shura field, so he is afraid of such a small scene?

Qi Lin pointed to Wang Siling and Qi Xueyao, and introduced with a smile to the second and third uncles: "Let me introduce, this is my eldest daughter-in-law Qi Xueyao, who has been pregnant for five months, and this is my youngest daughter-in-law Wang Siling.

Hearing Qi Lin's shocking introduction, the tea spewed out as soon as he took a sip.

His astonished eyes kept moving on Qi Xueyao's elegant and beautiful face, as well as Wang Siling's pure and tender face.

Regardless of the appearance of these two little girls, they are one in a million.

Such a girl should be the most arrogant.

It's not surprising for Qi Lin to fall in love at this age. What shocked him was how Qi Lin managed to make two girls who both liked him get along so well.

This kind of wrist, it's like a sage in love!

Thinking of this, the third uncle Qi Gang couldn't help giving Qi Lin a thumbs up: "No wonder you make so much money, a man has money, and his confidence is hard. "Hug left and right and play with the schedule."

Second Uncle Qi Zheng also couldn't help laughing bitterly.

He is an honest scholar, and expressed that he could not accept this kind of feudal and conservative behavior.

But the problem is that this person is his nephew.

"Sure enough, a man who has money has privileges. This kid is young, and the second wife's concubine has already taken care of him."

The third aunt Chen Ying, who was still in shock at the side, suddenly became angry when she saw the envious look of third uncle Qi Gang.

Standing up, he pinched Qi Gang's ear, twisted it a full circle, and said angrily, "What do you mean by that just now? Don't tell me you are rich and want to find a wife? If you dare to do this, believe it or not, I will take you Chopped?"

Needless to say what to chop.

"Pfft! Hahahaha!"

These sturdy words made everyone in the room laugh out loud.

The third uncle Qi Gang begged for mercy again and again, and gave countless guarantees, even swearing to the sky, his wife Chen Yingcai let her go.

As the objects of crowd watching, Qi Xueyao and Wang Siling looked shy.

After all, this is Qi Lin's own family, and the two of them still serve a husband together. If they hadn't mustered up great courage, they would not have dared to go downstairs.

As the husband of the two, Qi Lin is about to come out to make a rescue at this time. He smiled and said to Qi Xueyao and Wang Siling: "Sister Xueyao, Si Ling, don't you call me second uncle, second aunt, third uncle and third aunt, and the red envelopes for the New Year are welcome." It's gone."

Are Wang Siling and Qi Xueyao short of this red envelope?

Of course there is no shortage, what they lack is a matchmaker.

With a hint of shyness, the two girls politely said to Qi Gang, Qi Zheng, Chen Ying, and Li Hui: "Hello, second uncle and second aunt, third uncle and third aunt."

Qi Lin's family is a wealthy family.

Several people were only shocked for a while before accepting this fact.

The eldest brother's family is rich, and his nephew Qi Lin is even rich and handsome with billions of dollars. It's so strange to find two daughters-in-law.

"Okay! You are also good."

"Xiao Lin has a good eye. The two nieces and daughters-in-law of our Qi family are both beautiful and beautiful.

0 looking for flowers......

"Third Aunt has nothing to give you. This pair of gold bracelets was brought from my mother's house when I got married. This time, I gave it to you two nieces and daughters-in-law as meeting gifts.

The third aunt, Chen Ying, loved Qi Lin in the first place, but now that Qi Lin has a wife, she will naturally not be stingy.


When it comes to receiving gifts, especially expensive gifts, the two girls dare not make casual decisions, so they can't help but look at their husband with beautiful eyes.

Seeing Qi Lin nodding with a smile, the two girls blushed and thanked them: "Thank you, Third Aunt."

"There's nothing to be thankful for."

Third aunt waved her hand.

Then, she immediately stepped on Qi Gang under the table, and said angrily: "What are you doing in a daze, what gifts did you prepare for the two nieces and daughters-in-law?"


Faced with this situation, Qi Gang was stunned for a moment, because he never thought that this boy Qi Lin already has two wives, and there are two at the same time. At this time, where do you ask him to find a gift?

But after all, Qi Gang has been fishing all year round, and he is the most slick in the world. When he rolled his eyes, he thought of something.

He fumbled in his arms for a while, and then took out two crystal clear round stones, which radiated glittering light under the illumination of the crystal lamp in the living room.

Girls like beautiful things, Qi Xueyao and Wang Siling were attracted when they saw these two beautiful stones.

Qi Ziqi exclaimed even more: "What a beautiful stone! Third Uncle, is this the legendary imperial green jadeite?"

Qi Gang didn't expect Qi Ziqi to know quite a lot, but he shook his head and said with a smile: "This is not some emperor green, but its rarity is about the same as emperor green."

"This is a stone taken from the head of a herring. We call it a herring stone. The bigger the herring, the bigger, fuller and more beautiful the herring stone in its head will be."

"One of my two herring stones was taken from a 163-jin herring and the other was taken from ten 211 household herrings.

"And this herring stone is also the largest herring ever caught in Huaxia's records."

"So these two herring stones are the only two in the world, and it is impossible to find a third door.".

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