Because Jiang Dacheng's external image was really bad, in fact, as soon as Yuan Xiuyan entered the principal's office, she became wary of this middle-aged man.

She wondered if this man would try to find ways to make things difficult for her, to get something cheaper from her.

But after hearing Jiang Dacheng's words, Yuan Xiuyan's pretty face couldn't help being stunned.

"You can choose your own class, and the school can also provide one-on-one help with party rhyme?"

"Principal Jiang, aren't you joking what you said-?"

Yuan Xiuyan's pretty face showed a hint of joy.

After she arrived in Huaxia, she realized that the better schools in Huaxia would divide students into classes according to their talents.

For example, the regular version, top students class, rocket class and so on.

Of course she also hoped that Yun'er could study in a better class.

Another point, just as Jiang Dacheng said, what Yun'er learned in Peninsula is completely different from what she learned in Huaxia.

If no one provides one-on-one support for her after studying here, even if Yun'er is in the top class, it will definitely not be able to meet everyone's learning progress.

Principal Jiang smiled and shook his head: "Of course I'm not joking..."

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Xiuyan felt a little embarrassed, feeling that she had misunderstood Principal Jiang.

It seems that the other party really saw that his mother and daughter came from the peninsula and were not familiar with the place of life, so they gave policy help.

I don't mean to use these things to take advantage of myself.

With this in mind, she thanked Jiang Dacheng with a smile: "I am really grateful to Principal Jiang, and when I have time, I will definitely host a banquet to thank you.

Yuan Xiuyan is going to tell Qi Lin about this.

After all, Qi Lin is now the head of the family, and if he owes a favor to others, he has to ask the head of the family to nod in agreement, isn't it right to pay back the favor?

But Jiang Dacheng misunderstood what Yuan Xiuyan meant.

After hearing about Won Soo-yeon, she wanted to treat herself to dinner in private.

He secretly laughed in his heart and said: "It seems that this woman is not as cold as I imagined. I'm giving you a little favor, and it's a little bit like throwing yourself into my arms."

Thinking of this, he said in a domestic tone: "Ms. Xiuyan is too polite, you are a weak woman from a foreign country, I should take care of you, and this is also because I happen to be a little capable, of course..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Dacheng, with a pair of fat palms, suddenly crawled towards Yuan Xiuyan's jade hands slowly from the table and continued with a smile: "My ability is not limited to what Miss Xiuyan saw, as long as Miss Xiuyan Walk around with me more in the future, and I guarantee that Yun'er can be admitted to a famous local university in Huaxia smoothly."

He actually wanted to take this opportunity to touch Yuan Xiuyan's white and tender hands.

Seeing Jiang Dacheng showing his true colors, Touyan's pretty face immediately changed color.

The smile on his face also turned into full of embarrassment, and he quickly withdrew his hand and dodged it.

The Huaxia language is indeed correct. Since ancient times, women have always had bad lives.

She is such a beautiful young woman, no matter where she goes, there will be people thinking about her.

Let alone a handsome little big brother like Qi Lin.

What kind of green onion is this bald ** man in front of me? Is he worthy of his own attention?

Yuan Xiuyan picked up the bag decisively, and stood up with her playful little hand with an angry brow.

This is Jiang Dacheng's territory, and she is not prepared to conflict with him.

But after going back, she will call immediately and tell Qi Lin about it.

With Qi Lin's personality, if Jiang Dacheng hit him with attention, he would definitely get angry in his heart and resort to thunderous means directly.

Yuan Xiuyan could already predict Jiang Dacheng's next fate.


But before Yuan Xiuyan could turn around and leave angrily, there was a knock on the door of the office.

"Who... who?"

Jiang Dacheng didn't expect Yuan Xiuyan to have such a big reaction, so he was stunned.

He was also taken aback when he heard someone knocking on the door outside, and asked stammeringly.

"Jiang Dacheng, you are stammering and closing the office door, are you itching again and molested the vixen female teacher in the school?"

He didn't give Jiang Dacheng any face at all, a soft but choking voice came from outside.


In the next second, the door of the office was pushed open.

As early as when Jiang Dacheng heard this voice, his face turned pale, and he thought that something was wrong, why did the tigress come to the door?

After the woman who spoke came in, Yuan Xiuyan could clearly see the person coming.

A fair face with melon seeds.

Bright eyes like water.

The combination of exquisite facial features reveals a femininity with lingering glances, and the appearance is actually not much better than Won Soo-yeon's.

0 looking for flowers......

In this cold winter season, that graceful body was wearing a mink coat, with a European-style brown half-length skirt underneath, and a pair of black silk pantyhose.

On the slender jade legs, there is a pair of slim boots.

This is such a beautiful lady!

If Qi Lin was here at the moment, he would have recognized him on the spot.

Yo, isn't this the same Leng Shuang who set up a trap for Lin Yun and wanted to take pictures of her?

Unexpectedly, she would be the wife of the principal of Jianghan Foreign Languages ​​Junior High School.

"Jiang Dacheng, why don't you explain what's going on? This is the new teacher again?"

"What are you discussing? Do you want to close the door tightly?"

As soon as Leng Shuang entered the door, a pair of beautiful eyes locked on Yuan Xiuyan.


When discovering Won Soo-yeon's pretty face [a gleam of coldness appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"Wife, you, why are you here?"

Looking at Leng Shuang who suddenly barged in, Jiang Dacheng was sweating profusely on his forehead.

Although he is lustful, he is terrified of the tigress in his family.

Although in the education system, he is tactful and clever, and he can get along like a fish in water, but in terms of scheming, he and his wife are not a little bit worse.

If he let her know that he had a crooked mind about this Yuan Xiuyan, then he would not want to live in peace for the past six months.

"If I don't come, how will I know that you are having a tryst with your lover?

There was a hint of a sneer in Lengshuang's beautiful eyes, and her tone became strange.

Facing Leng Shuang's ridicule, Jiang Dacheng felt guilty and didn't know how to defend himself.

But Yuan Xiuyan, an innocent woman, how could she allow a woman to slander her like this.

She frowned and said to Yuan Xiuyan: "Madam, please don't talk nonsense, please? I have nothing to do with your husband, I just brought my child to go through the admission procedures.

Hearing Yuan Xiuyan's words, Jiang Dacheng woke up like a dream, and immediately echoed with a licking smile: "Yes, yes, this is the parent of the student who came to go through the admission procedures, and he has a child with him, so don't be suspicious." gone."

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