Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

470: Adding Oil And Vinegar Is An Essential Skill For Every Woman

"The parents of the students who came to go through the formalities?"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyan speak proactively, the corners of Lengshuang's mouth turned up slightly, revealing an inexplicable smile.

She didn't attack Won Soo-yeon any more, but choked on her husband Jiang Dacheng.

Instead, he walked to the table, picked up Won Soo-yeon's information without any hesitation, and read it.

When she learned from the information that the mother and daughter came from the peninsula, a sneer gradually appeared on Qiao Qiao's face.

"No wonder you care so much about him. It turns out that they are a mother and daughter vixen from the peninsula. We Chinese women have had enough fun. Now we want to experience some exotic customs, right?"

Hearing his wife's words, Jiang Tiancheng had an embarrassing smile on his face.

Leng Shuang really saw through his mind.

Jiang Dacheng is also very particular about playing with women.

Women with housework don't play.

After all, those who come here to study are either rich or expensive, and if someone cuckolds the husband of the "130" family, it is because he thinks that he has been sitting in the position of principal for too long.

So Jiang Dacheng would only attack divorced single young women, or single teachers in schools, or threaten or lure them.

Of course, there is no impenetrable wall in this world, and he has been caught by Lengshuang several times.

In the end, they were coaxed away with hundreds of thousands of pocket money, or some brand-name bags and jewelry.

"Who do you say is a vixen? You are wearing a fox fur, you are the vixen!"

Of course Lin Yun'er would not sit back and watch her mother being bullied.

Hearing Leng Shuang scolding the two of them as vixens, the little Loli stared at her beautiful eyes and bravely looked at Leng Shuang.

Hearing that a yellow-haired girl dared to scold him, Leng Shuang's beautiful eyes immediately flashed a sliver of anger.

The little girl with such a sharp mouth, if she can let her transfer to another school normally today, she won't believe the cold.

"Stand up for me."

Leng Shuang didn't quarrel with Lin Yun'er, but suddenly ordered Jiang Dacheng who was sitting in the principal's office chair.

"Yes, yes, as long as you calm down, you want to ride in a team of pigs, Nanny.

Jiang Dacheng had a guilty conscience, how could he dare to disobey Leng Shuang's words, and stood up with a smile to get out of his seat.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Xiuyan felt an ominous premonition in her heart.


When Leng Shuang sat down, she pretended to read Lin Yun'er's information.

"Lin Yun'er? Is this smelly girl also surnamed Lin?"

"Sure enough, the most hated women in the world all have the same surname.

Lin Yun's surname is also Lin, and Lin Yun'er's surname is also Lin. After discovering this, Leng Shuang looked at the eyes of the mother and daughter in front of her, and became more and more hostile.

Apparently, the last time he failed to cheat Lin Yun, but was taken by Qi Lin to take fruit pictures, the enmity was transferred to Yuan Xiuyan and Lin Yun'er.

"I'm sorry, the reviewers read it wrong last time. This Lin Yun'er's information does not meet the admission procedures of Jianghan Foreign Language Junior High School, so the transfer procedures are naturally impossible. You can get up and go back with the information."

Leng Shuang's tone was downplaying, and she deprived Lin Yun'er of her admission qualification.

Hearing that Leng Shuang was so domineering and unreasonable, Yuan Xiuyan's pretty face instantly turned pale with anger.

She had thought that this lady would make things difficult for her, but she didn't expect that the other party would avenge her private revenge and directly deprive Yun'er of her admission qualifications!

You know, all the junior high schools in Jianghan City have started school now, and the enrollment places of all schools are full.

Once she is deprived of her admission qualification, where can she find a place for Yun'er to study?

Isn't this a joke about Yun'er's future?

"You are avenging your own personal revenge. I have made it clear that I have nothing to do with your husband. I am just here to go through the admission procedures. We have also provided all the materials as required by the school. Why do you suddenly say that the procedures are not in compliance? "

A woman is strong as a mother.

It's about her daughter's future, Yuan Xiuyan, who is always quiet and elegant, also chooses to stand out as the headmaster's wife.

"Haven't you heard a sentence? All interpretations are in the hands of the organizer. I said that if there is a problem with the materials you brought, then there must be a problem. Don't make trouble here. Before I call the security guards, Get out of here with dignity."

Looking at Yuan Xiuyan, who had a pretty face and was aggrieved, a hint of teasing flashed across Lengshuang's beautiful eyes.

Hearing Leng Shuang's shameless words, Yuan Xiuyan was furious: "I'm going to your local education bureau to sue you, you are abusing your private power!"

Hearing this, Leng Shuang's pretty face was extremely calm: "You go, anyway, I will always say a word to anyone who comes, I will act according to the school rules, your child just doesn't meet the admission requirements."

For Jiang Dacheng to become the principal of the best junior high school in Jianghan City, his relationship with the Jianghan City Education Bureau is naturally complicated and deep-rooted.

As for Lengshuang's family, it's not simple, it also belongs to the education system

The two families belonged to the kind of strong marriage, the kind that would not be afraid of Yuan Xiuyan to sue at all.

Looking at Leng Shuang, who refused to eat hard and soft, and was not afraid of threats from herself, Yuan Xiuyan's pretty face burst into sadness.

It seems that no matter where they are, ordinary people who have no power and power can only be bullied by others, and there is no room for resistance.

Just like when she was in Bangzi Country, in order for Lin Yuner to enter the best school in Seoul, she had to choose to divorce her ex-husband Lin Yingjun.

But when the two met the powerful local chaebols or dignitaries in Biaoer, Lin Yingjun could only nod his head and bow his head in a low voice, which could not give her a sense of security at all.

But luckily...

"It's different now. I'm with a powerful man. He is the one who can cover the sky in Jianghan City. I have become his woman. He will definitely protect me."

Yuan Xiuyan suppressed the anger in her heart and gradually calmed down.

She looked at Leng Shuang calmly with her beautiful eyes, and said word by word: "Since you all bully me, then don't blame me for being rude.

Speaking of this, Yuan Xiuyan took out her mobile phone and dialed Qi Lin's number.

Seeing this scene, Leng Shuang smiled with great interest: "Really calling someone? But do you think it's useful? Unless you can call the director of the Jianghan City Education Bureau, it's useless to call anyone in charge today. "

Yuan Xiuyan also paid no attention to this mean woman, when she heard the phone connected and a familiar voice came from the other side, her pretty face beamed with joy. 4.5

Ignoring the explanation, Yuan Xiuyan said with a hint of grievance in her soft voice: "Husband, I brought Yun'er to go through the admission procedures, and a woman bullied me. Not only did she not let Yun'er enter the school, she also let I'm going."

Cold Frost: "???"

It's true that she didn't let Lin Yuner go to school, but did she ever let Yanqi, a catwalk show?

From the looks of it, this ability to add fuel and vinegar is a must for every woman.

and also!

She remembered that it was written in the information that this woman is currently divorced, when will a husband appear again?

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