Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

479: Bring Someone Else's Wife To Buy A Diamond Ring, Counter Lady? ? ?

Leng Shuang is the kind of woman who is very possessive.

When she found out that she was being PUA by Qi Lin and gradually fell in love with him, she had the idea of ​​driving away the women around Qi Lin and monopolizing him by all means.

But at this time, Qi Lin's warning directly made Leng Shuang realize his current situation.

She couldn't help laughing bitterly in her heart: "What are you thinking, you are just someone else's plaything now, and someone can kill you with a light pinch of two fingers, and you thought he was Jiang Dacheng, so you can do whatever you want?"

Lengshuang is not stupid, she immediately realized the mistake in her thinking.

With Qi Lin's means, no matter what method she uses to target the women around Qi Lin, he will quickly know about it.

With a tone of voice, at the risk of being thrown into the cold palace or directly killed, it is better to be obedient, be Qi Lin's lover, and enjoy this extravagant life.

"What are you talking about? Since they have given you their innocence, they are a family. How could I hurt the women around you? If someone bullies them, I will stand up and help them."

Leng Shuang rolled her eyes at Qi Lin, and said her position by the way.

Qi Lin listened, with a hint of deep meaning in his smile, but he didn't say anything more.

When walking past a jewelry store.

Leng Shuang's eyes were attracted by the luxurious jewelry in the store, and he couldn't move.

"Is there anything you like?"

Seeing this, Qi Lin also stopped, looked at Leng Shuang's beautiful face, and asked with a smile.

Lengshuang bit her lower lip lightly, and nodded with a blushing pretty face.

Qi Lin walked towards the store without saying a word.

Seeing this, Leng Shuang's pretty face was overjoyed, and her heart couldn't be more moved.

In this world, money can't buy love.

But love is inseparable from material things.

What women like the most is this kind of uninhibited, direct purchase of whatever they like.

Not to mention Qi Lin's extremely handsome appearance.

At this moment, even if Leng Shuang gave Qi Lin another baby, she would probably agree without hesitation.


Famous French luxury jewelry brand, founded in 1874.

Its famous feature is that the jewelry designed is bold, avant-garde and fashionable, which changes the tackiness of medieval jewelry and is more popular among contemporary young people.

"Ma'am, do you have any favorite jewelry?"

Lengshuang is very expensive, and the dresses on her body are all luxury brands that she just bought.

The tellers working in these jewelry stores are the most sharp-eyed.

They also like this kind of rich customers the most.

You asked her why she called her Mrs. Coldfrost right away?

Leng Shuang wears a wedding ring on her left ring finger.

This time, Lengshuang really didn't covet the luxury of jewelry.

After entering the door, her eyes were locked on a pair of dazzling couple rings, her beautiful eyes were infatuated.

Without this Miss Xiang, Lengshuang's car head, Meirourou looked at Qiqi: "Lin'er, I want this pair of diamond rings, can I do it?"

Hearing Leng Shuang's words, Qi Lin glanced at the price of the pair of diamond rings.

Good guy, eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand.

It was so expensive in 2002, and 20 years later, it will not start at 5 million.

Of course, Qi Lin would not satisfy Leng Shuang's greed without limit, he asked in a light tone: "Some things should be done in moderation."

Seeing that Qi Lin seemed to be angry, Leng Shuang panicked. She was afraid that Qi Lin would misunderstand, so Bai Nenyu immediately touched Qi Lin's clothes, and said in a tone of grievance, "I, I didn't sneak into Qian's eye like you thought. , we are all like that, I want a pair of diamond rings to wear on our hands as a souvenir."

This reason is acceptable, Qi Lin asked with a strange smile in his eyes: "You and I wear wedding rings? What about your husband? Don't you still have a diamond ring on your ring finger?

The lady at the teller: "..."

what did she hear

After a long time, this isn't the husband bringing his wife to buy a diamond ring? It's the little handsome guy bringing someone else's wife to buy a diamond ring?

My God, people play too much nowadays, right?

I also ignored the stunned lady at the counter.

As if expressing his feelings to Qi Lin, Lengshuang's beautiful eyes showed a hint of determination.

She took off the diamond ring, which was neither too big nor too small, from her ring finger, and then threw it on the ground forcefully.

Lifting her slender legs, the high-heeled shoes stepped on the diamond ring resentfully, crushing the diamond ring to pieces, not knowing where it went.

This is the Qingao beautiful young woman Lengshuang, once she chooses to betray, she will be so dismissive of the former eachother.

"Lin'er, I just want to wear a wedding ring with you, can I be your own woman?"

Leng Shuang took Qi Lin's arm again, her beautiful eyes full of anticipation.

To be honest, Lin was very satisfied with Lengshuang's actions.

But it was impossible for him to agree to Leng Shuang's request.

What a joke, if all the women followed him, then he might not be able to wear so many diamond rings with ten toes, let alone ten fingers.

…… Ask for flowers…………

"Pack this pigeon egg for me."

Qi Lin pointed to the 10-carat lady's diamond ring and said directly.

The lady at the counter had a happy face, she didn't expect this handsome guy to be so forthright.

She secretly thought in her heart that this handsome young man must be a rich young man from a wealthy family.

Handsome and handsome, young and rich, it's no wonder that other people's wives are willing to give their hearts to him.

In fact, couple rings can also be sold separately, "It's ten points more expensive.

"Hand out."

Picking up the delicate and beautiful pigeon egg, Qi Lin said to Leng Shuang.

Lengshuang's beautiful eyes were a little puzzled, but she still stretched out her ring finger.

"Wearing this diamond ring, you will no longer be someone else's wife, and you will no longer be able to touch the lust of the world. If you fall in love with other men, this diamond ring will tighten and tighten in your hands, causing unspeakable misery. Is there anything else you want to say before you put on this diamond ring?"


Qi Lin's tone was serious.


Leng Shuang listened carefully at first, her beautiful eyes were full of emotion.

But when she heard Qi Lin's good words, she couldn't help it anymore, her smile trembled wildly, and her breath was like blue.

"You, haven't you watched Westward Journey? It's getting tighter and tighter.

"You villain is so domineering, and you are still so likable. From the moment you put on this diamond ring, your innocence belongs to you alone. How can you think of other men."

The love words of the beautiful young woman are beautiful, and she put on the diamond ring with a smile.

"System, check Lengshuang's loyalty."

Of course, Qi Lin didn't do this for no reason, and he needed to ensure that Leng Shuang would not betray him.

Although he may not have any feelings for this woman, Qi Lin has a cleanliness obsession, as long as it is a boutique in his collection, he does not want anyone to touch it.

System: "Lengshuang, age 34, occupation: housewife, personality is arrogant and cold-blooded, has no feelings for anyone except her own daughter Jiang Guoer, because the host opened Lengshuang's heart, the femme heart was cracked by the host, the current loyalty 100.

Ask for monthly tickets! Evaluation tickets! Rewards! Reminders! Flowers! Please give Qi Lin more motivation to update!

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