Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

480: Little Mobile Phone, Want To Exchange It For My Stunning Mother, No Way!

During this trip, Qi Lin spent more than 1 million yuan on Leng Shuang.

At the end of the day, when the two were about to separate, Leng Shuang's excitement and joy just now disappeared, and her heart felt melancholy.

Only now did she realize that what she needed was not these material needs at all, but Qi Lin.

How much she wished that Qi Lin was her husband. After the two went shopping, Xiao Niao snuggled into the arms of her beloved and returned home, undressed and changed his shoes, and prepared ten sumptuous dinners for him.

It's a pity that such a simple request is just an extravagant wish for Leng Shuang.

"In the future, don't use those little tricks to set up tricks for others. You must know that without my ability to strategize, playing tricks on others will sooner or later be your turn to be tricked by others.

"At that time, it will be unknown whether they will be photographed or educated in turn."

Qi Lin deliberately frightened Leng Shuang.

"Seven three three" women must get rid of the problem of causing trouble if they want to prosper.

Although Qi Lin is very powerful now, he can't stand against the enemy casually.

The ghost knows that Leng Shuang will go crazy at that time and offend some important woman.

"But, but what else can I do besides this?"

Lengshuang lowered her head, her tone was a little frustrated.

She boasted that her methods were vicious and played with all the women in her hands, but in the end, in Qi Lin's eyes, these methods were all clever little tricks.

"Aside from playing mahjong and spending money, Aunt Yun used to feel that she was useless, but recently she has a new career, and she is doing quite well."

"You will also think about what you are good at yourself, and then tell me when you have thought about it, and I will invest in you when the time comes.

Qi Lin put his arms around Lengshuang's small waist, and kissed her ruddy lips with a smile.

At this time, Leng Shuang's beautiful eyes were already staring at this big boy who was ten years younger than him.

When she first met, she only felt that Qi Lin was domineering and cruel, which made her, a femme fatale, tremble uncontrollably.

But after becoming his woman, Leng Shuang discovered that under Qi Lin's cold appearance, there was a delicate and translucent heart that cared for her to the utmost.

Care about her safety and don't let her go back to her old job.

It also let her find a career she is good at and invest in her.

"I'm a little sleepy, can I go to sleep in your car first?"

Leng Shuang's pretty face flushed slightly, and said softly to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin froze for a moment, then looked at Leng Shuang with admiration.

This woman is much more interesting than those women who pretend to be reserved, and she knows how to repay her kindness.

after an hour.

Qi Lin sent Leng Shuang to the downstairs of her community.

"Is this the first time you had an argument with someone just now?"

Qi Lin looked at the beautiful young woman who had gotten off the car, and asked with interest.

Lengshuang bit her lower lip lightly, and gave Qi Lin a white look: "Do you think anyone can suppress my temper? Jiang Dacheng also had this idea, but I despised him, and he didn't dare to force me? So we never There was an altercation."

Hearing Leng Shuang's words, Qi Lin felt quite at ease.

"I like your attitude very much, and I will continue to maintain it in the future."

Seeing Qi Lin's Maybach leaving slowly, Leng Shuang, who was carrying a lot of things, felt lost.

Later, she called her daughter Jiang Xiaoguo.

"Guo'er, come down and help mom carry things."

After a while, the pretty girl Jiang Guoer was wearing a white bread jacket, matching black skirt, and black silk bottoming socks, trotting over with her two tender little hands breathing the hot aroma.

When she saw the packing bags and gift boxes all over the floor, she was taken aback.

"Mom, did that Qi Lin big brother buy these for you?"

Leng Shuang is now focusing on Qi Lin, she really wants Qi Lin to be Luo Guo'er's stepfather.

Jiaochen nodded on Jiang Guoer's snow-white forehead: "It's not big or small, it's called Qi Lin Uncle.

Jiang Guoer puffed out her small mouth, her small face was a little disconvinced: "Why is he called Uncle, he is not a few years older than me."

Lengshuang can't cure Qi Lin, and it can't cure Luo Guo'er.

Her tone was slightly joking: "Do you want to call him big brother? Anyway, Qi Lin seems to like you quite a bit. Why don't I let him be our son-in-law before you become an adult?"

Sure enough, upon hearing Leng Shuang's inappropriate words, Jiang Guo'er's pretty face blushed quietly, and she said crisply: "Hey, I don't want him to be my boyfriend, and Mom, how old am I, you just treat your daughter Do you think it's appropriate to say that?"

The corners of Lengshuang's mouth curled up slightly: "Then let me ask you again, is your name big brother or Uncle?"

Jiang Guoer pouted and said, "Uncle, Uncle! My name is Uncle, isn't it okay? I know that Qi Lin Uncle belongs to you alone, and no one can take it away."

Now, it's Lengshuang's turn to blush...

She pinched her daughter's tender face, and said in a bad mood: "I will talk nonsense, you and I, Uncle, are just good friends.

Jiang Guoer is not a three-year-old child, she couldn't help but roll her eyes: "Yes, yes, my good friend who bought you a lot of things, see if I tell Dad, will he believe it?

He said so, but in fact Jiang Guoer didn't mean to leak the news at all.

When Jiang Dacheng came back and asked about it, Jiang Guo would only say that Leng Shuang bought it himself.

Anyway, Cold Frost is a shopaholic, and has a good way of making money.

Both Jiang Guoer and Jiang Dacheng have long been accustomed to her lavish behavior.

After arriving home.

Jiang Guoer curiously unpacked the boxes one by one, wanting to see what Qi Lin Uncle bought for her mother.

Dresses outside are normal.

But when he saw the black stockings of Balenciaga, all kinds of sexy nightdresses, flight attendants, teacher OL skirts and so on, he quickly put the dresses back with a blushing face.

"Little girl, what are you rummaging about?"

"This is a gift that your Uncle Qi Lin bought for you, take it back to your room quickly."

Seeing her daughter rummaging through her dress, Leng Shuang felt shy and hurriedly gave Jiang Guoer a box.

"I still have presents?"

Jiang Guoer froze for a moment, then opened the box in her hand.

When she found a delicate and compact flip phone inside, her beautiful eyes were full of irrepressible 1.1 colors.

Although Leng Shuang's dress is sexy and her personality is playful, Jiang Guoer's discipline is still relatively strict.

Although the family conditions are good, they never buy Jiang Guoer a mobile phone or anything.

If this mobile phone was not given by Qi Lin, but by someone else, she would not give it to Jiang Mou'er.

"Hmph~ They must be trying to bribe me, a small mobile phone, just want to replace my stunning mother, no way!"

"I really thought about this test of mine, but it still depends on his performance in the future."

At this time, Jiang Guoer's pretty face was still arrogant, and Leng Shuang, who was watching it, couldn't stop laughing.

"Huh? Mom, why did you change the diamond ring on your hand?"

She fondly groped for her new phone, and when Jiang Guoer turned around to talk to Leng Shuang, she suddenly discovered a very novel thing. .

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