Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

481: Jiang Guo'er: It's Much Bigger Than The Original One!

This pigeon egg diamond ring cannot be concealed no matter what, Lengshuang lightly touched the smooth diamond ring: "Yes, it has been changed.

Jiang Guoer was silent for a moment when she heard Leng Shuang's confirmation.

"Then, what about the original diamond ring?"

She was talking about the one that Jiang Dacheng gave to Leng Shuang.

Leng Shuang's tone was calm, as if she had no lingering thoughts about the past: "I threw it away, maybe it's lying in a certain sewer now."

These words have already let Jiang Guoer know that her mother is not joking this time, but for real.

The relationship between her and her father cannot be restored in any case.

Jiang Guoer doesn't have the slightest affection for Jiang Dacheng himself, but she doesn't mind her mother's remarriage.

But even at a young age, she knew that Qi Lin and her mother were too far apart in age, and whether they could get married was a problem.

In addition, although this Qi Lin is handsome and handsome, Jiang Guoer always feels that he is not the kind of person who can treat a relationship wholeheartedly.

Jiang Guoer remembered that Qi Lin said that she would let her be his child bride, which made her feel ashamed and angry.

"Mom, how much is this diamond ring? Why do I feel that it is much bigger than your original one.

After all, Jiang Guoer is a little girl, and after a while, her eyes were attracted by the eye-catching diamond ring.

Speaking of this, Leng Shuang was a little complacent, with a smile on her pretty face.

"Around 500,000."

"Ba da~"

This is the sound of Jiang Guoer's phone falling to the ground.

"No wonder mom likes that big villain so much..."

Hearing this exaggerated number, Jiang Guo couldn't stop laughing bitterly.

720 antivirus companies have gone on the right track.

Through three rounds of large-scale recruitment, the management structure of the entire 720 antivirus company has become more complete, and it can effectively control the smooth operation of more than 20 branches in the world, including the Huaxia head office.

So in mid-March, Qiu Shanhai gave himself a rare two-day vacation.

At noon that day, Qiu Shanhai was admiring the painting Qi Lin gave him in the study.

That is, Wang Wei's Map of Thousands of Rocks and Myriad Valleys among the more than one thousand pieces in Baz's collection.

"It's still that this kid has many connections, and he can even get such a good product handed down from generation to generation."

"But just based on this painting, I want to exchange our Yuelin, how can it be so cheap."

"This kid is messing around outside, and Yue Lin also helped him to fool me, not letting Qi Lin send more pieces from his collection, it seems that our Qiu family is easy to bully.

Qiu Shanhai wondered if he could get some more calligraphy and paintings from Qi Lin to appreciate and collect.

He is not greedy for the value of these calligraphy and paintings.

There is no way, Qiu Shanhai was born in a scholarly family, and he was able to do this when he was young, and he only had the daughter Qiu Yuelin under his knees.

When he returns for a hundred years, these paintings will eventually flow into Qi Lin's hands.

That's why Qi Lin assured Qiu Shanhai of this tens of millions of paintings.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk ~"

While Qiu Shanhai was meditating, there was a knock on the door of the villa.

Seeing this, the nanny hurried over to open the door.

"Hahaha, brother Qiu! I came to visit again, and I came back from looking for your taster.

The visitor was full of laughter, dressed in a Tang suit, and looked very rich. He was about 55 years old, a little older than Qiu Shanhai.

If you have hobbies, you will integrate into a certain circle.

This person is called Sun Fuqiang, and he is Qiu Shanhai's friend in the collection field.

The collection level of the two is half a catty, eight taels, they are the kind of antique noobs who often find fakes, and mistakenly regard fakes as treasures.

Hearing that someone was coming, Qiu Shanhai trembled in fright, quickly rolled up the picture of thousands of rocks and valleys, and quickly hid it in the dark grid.

At this time, that Sun Fuqiang also happened to walk into Qiu Shanhai's study.

After entering, Sun Fuqiang was not polite, and directly put a pair of wooden boxes with his arms on Qiu Shanhai's desk.

Pointing to this wooden box, Sun Fuqiang said with a dignified tone, Lang Lang said with a smile: "Look for yourself and see what good things I found this time."

Looking at Sun Fuqiang's proud appearance, Qiu Shanhai couldn't help being stunned.

The two have been dealing with each other for more than ten years, and he is very clear about the ability to appreciate ancient calligraphy and paintings.

Could it be that Sun Fuqiang bought a pair of rags from the Antique Street again?

Thinking of this, he directly opened the wooden box and spread out the ancient paintings inside.

"Zheng Banqiao's 'Spring Breeze with Full Sleeves' picture? Is it true or not?"

When looking at the entire ancient painting, Qiu Shanhai looked a little surprised.

Sun Fuqiang put his hands behind his back, and said with a hint of confidence in his tone: "Don't you know the certificate below? This is personally authenticated by the former curator of the Chu Provincial Museum, a master of ancient painting appreciation I went to find."

After listening to Sun Fuqiang's words, Qiu Shanhai quickly took out a certificate of appraisal from the wooden box.

Sure enough, there were comments on ancient paintings, rice paper appreciation, authenticity identification and other opinions written on it.

After final appraisal, the words are genuine and worth 4.6 million.

The inscription is also the name of the master of ancient painting appraisal.

"Which master have you practiced with? This time I really found a treasure for you? This Zheng Banqiao's authentic work is really a remarkable thing!"

Regarding Sun Fuqiang's luck, Qiu Shanhai can only express his feelings at the moment with beauty, jealousy and hatred.

Admit that my appreciation ability is better than yours? Brother Qiu, from now on in our circle, the title of Xiaobai in ancient painting appreciation will fall on your head. "

Sun Fuqiang was relentless, still beating Qiu Shanhai.

If in the past, Sun Fuqiang made such an authentic painting, Qiu Shanhai might not even dare to fart at 120 and could only be aggrieved by his old friend.

But don't forget, his son-in-law just gave him a picture of Wang Wei's Thousand Rocks and Myriad Valleys some time ago.

A famous painting worth 60 million through the ages!

It's fine if Sun Fuqiang doesn't show off in front of Qiu Shanhai.

You obviously have a pair of peerless treasures in your hand, but you are reluctant to take them out to get back the place. Isn't this a fool?

Qiu Shanhai has forgotten Qi Lin's warning that this ancient painting cannot be published, otherwise it will lead to disaster.

With a pale face, he glanced at his old friend, then opened the hidden compartment, and took out the picture of thousands of rocks and myriad valleys.

"It's just an ordinary calligraphy and painting by Zheng Banqiao. Do you need to be so excited? Let me show you my recent collection, so that you can keep your eyes open."

The moment the ancient painting was taken out, Qiu Shanhai actually hesitated.

But right away, he comforted himself: "It's not for exhibiting or selling it, but just showing it to old friends, it shouldn't be a problem.

But he didn't know that it was this showing off, because of this calligraphy and painting, there would be a series of chain reactions behind it.

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