Sun Fuqiang certainly understands the level of tasting of old friends.

When he saw his old friend take out a pair of antique calligraphy and paintings, wanting to give him long eyes, he almost couldn't help laughing.

In Sun Fuqiang's view, Ken was an old friend who was not convinced at first, so he took out the fakes he picked up in the antique market to pretend.

"I said, brother Qiu, it's possible that you've wasted money again, and it's in the hands of some liar..." T

Sun Fuqiang casually looked at the ancient painting that had been spread out, and there were a few words between the lines that were sarcasm and ready to laugh at the old man.

However, the sarcastic smile on his face froze in an instant before it lasted for three seconds.

His old face was stiff, and his heart was filled with horror.

He shouted wildly in his heart: "This... Isn't this Wang Wei's picture of 'Thousands of Rocks and Thousand Valleys'? How could it be in the hands of Qiu Shanhai?"

You ask Sun Fuqiang how he saw it at a glance?

What a coincidence.

Sun Fuqiang also happened to visit the collection fair organized by Baz at the beginning.

He was extremely obsessed with ancient calligraphy and painting, and he stopped in front of this picture for more than three hours, looking at every detail of the ancient painting.

It is conceivable how deeply he was impressed by this painting.

It's just a pity that Sun Fuqiang's assets are only about tens of millions, not as rich as Qiu Shanhai.

The auction price of this painting will hardly be less than 50 million, and he can only sigh in awe.

Sun Fuqiang also participated in the auction at that time, so I don't need to go into details about it later.

Qi Lin darkened Chen Cang and took all the collection away.

"This painting is absolutely authentic? But the question is, why is this painting in Qiu Shanhai's hands?"

"Haven't all these collections of Mr. Buzz's been stolen?"

Although he was terrified in his heart, Sun Fuqiang remained silent on the surface.

"Could it be that Qiu Shanhai is related to the theft of Mr. Buzz's collection?"

He had an extremely shocking speculation in his mind.

Thinking of this, Sun Fuqiang's heart suddenly beat faster, and his breathing became more rapid.

After the more than 1,000 collections were stolen, Buzz said in a news interview that as long as anyone provides information about the stolen collections and helps him find them back, he will personally reward 100 million in cash.

What is the concept of 100 million cash in 2002?

Wealth can directly rank among the top 50 in Jianghan City.

With this money, Sun Fuqiang can retire directly and realize the freedom of wealth.

He couldn't refuse such a temptation.

At this time, Sun Fuqiang had already forgotten the identity of his friend Qiu Shanhai for many years.

"How about it? My 'A Thousand Rocks and Ten Thousand Valleys' Picture' is still passable, right? Compared with your Zheng Banqiao's 'Full Sleeve Spring Breeze' picture, which one is stronger or weaker~?"

Seeing Sun Fuqiang standing there in a daze, Qiu Shanhai asked with a hint of arrogance on his face.

"Brother Qiu is very skilled. I am convinced that this kind of peerless collection can be mastered."

Following Qiu Shanhai's words, Sun Fuqiang gave a thumbs up with a smile.

I accompanied Qiu Shanhai to appreciate ancient calligraphy and paintings for a while.

Declined his invitation to stay at home for dinner.

Immediately after the villa, Sun Fuqiang immediately asked the driver to take him to Baz's manor non-stop, in case the night had many dreams.

Baz villa, luxurious living room.

"You said that you already have important information about the stolen collection?"

"Don't play ambiguous things with me. There have been several groups of liars who have come to me to cheat, and the end is not so good. Do you understand what I mean?"

Buzz talked on the ashtray with the cigar at his fingertips, and looked at Sun Fuqiang opposite with a hint of indifference in his tone.

Sun Fuqiang's tone was a bit cautious, and he quickly assured: "Mr. Buzz, don't worry, the news this time is absolutely true.

"I borrowed a picture of 'Spring Breeze with Full Sleeves' from a friend, and went to Qiushan Haina, who is also a lover of ancient calligraphy and painting, to appreciate it."

"His personality also belongs to the kind of person who refuses to admit defeat. After being insulted by me a few words, he took out the map of Thousands of Rocks and Myriad Valleys stolen by Mr. Buzz

"I happened to be there when Mr. Buzz's collection was exhibited. I am very familiar with this calligraphy and painting, and I will never admit it."

Hearing what Sun Fuqiang said in such detail, Buzz's expression gradually became dignified.

Because of the theft of the family's collection worth 8 billion yuan, he was forbidden by the family to return to France and could only stay in China.

And his brothers, because of his falling out of favor, gradually eroded his property and status in the family.

If this continues, his position as heir will really be lost.

Therefore, it is imminent to retrieve those collections.

"Thank you very much for Mr. Sun's news. I will remember Mr. Sun's friendship. When these collections are recovered, I will pay Mr. Sun what he should have as soon as possible.

Buzz's attitude was one side at this time, and he finally smiled and stretched out his hand towards Sun Fuqiang.

Sun Fuqiang was immediately flattered and shook hands with Baz, his face was full of joy: "Where, where, it is my honor to help Mr. Baz a little bit."

After Sun Fuqiang left, Baz immediately called his assistant.

"Find me all the specific information about Qiu Shanhai, as well as his network."

He said coldly to his assistant.

"Ding dong~"

The assistant had just started working when the villa's doorbell rang again.

The nanny took a look at the cat's eye, then turned to Buzz and said, "Mr. Buzz, it's your fiancée, Miss Bernice is visiting."

Hearing the nanny's words, Buzz, who was in deep thought, beamed with joy, and immediately got up to greet him.

"My dear Bernice, you are beautiful again."

When he saw Bernice carrying a beautiful bag, a gorgeous dress, and a lady's hat, Buzz, who was in a good mood today, smiled and prepared to hug his fiancée.

Seeing Buzz's actions, Bernice took a step back and dodged quietly.

"Buzz, can we chat? (Wang Qian's) Valley"

Blinking Kazilan's big eyes, Bernice smiled impolitely.

Now that Buzz's family status has plummeted, what he fears most is that his fiancée Bernice will leave him.

He withdrew his hand in embarrassment, and moved away as a gentleman: "Of course, dear Bernice, you are my fiancee, you can completely treat this place as your own home, and you don't need to make such a fuss.

For Baz's approaching words, Bai Niang felt as if her tongue was empty.

Bernice sat down on the single sofa and explained her reason for coming.

"I came here to say goodbye. The concert in France has already been prepared. I should be very busy for the next period of time."

Last time, Qi Lin sent her a song "God is a Girl", which made Bernice, who is already a well-known international singer, famous.

All of a sudden, Bernice became popular throughout Europe and America, and even this year's highest honor in the singing industry, the Grammy Award, was pre-determined by her. .

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