Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

483: Dear Lin, Answer The Phone Quickly!

"Dear Bernice, I think you are famous enough now. There is no need to show your face in the entertainment industry. After we hold the wedding, you can be a wealthy wife who has no worries about food and clothing, okay?"

Hearing this news, the smile on Buzz's face gradually disappeared.

He naturally knew where Bernice's fame came from.

The most hated enemy, Qi Lin, wrote songs for his fiancée in public, and was reported by all major media.

This made Buzz's head suddenly green, and he became the laughing stock of the family brothers.

in addition.

Buzz didn't want Bernice to become too famous and become a queen like Tadygaga.

In this way, Bernice not only realized the freedom of wealth, but also gained a reputation that rivaled him, and it would be difficult to control her when the time came.

Only by letting Bernice quit the singing world and concentrate on being a rich wife can Buzz feel relieved that his fiancée won't be pried away by some bastard.

But he didn't know that at this time, Bernice had already moved on, and her heart was not on him at all.

Hearing Buzz's words, Bernice sneered inwardly.

"A laughing stock that has fallen out of favor is also qualified to judge my life? Now he is like a bereaved dog, not even qualified to compare with Qi Lin."

Qi Lin never interfered with her freedom and dreams, and even gave her a masterpiece handed down like God is a Girl.

913 Bernice is ready to stab Buzz in the back at any time and throw herself into Qi Lin's embrace.

"Sorry, Buzz! I'm going to the bathroom to touch up my makeup. We'll talk about that later."

Bernice didn't want to have a direct confrontation with Buzz.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Bernice is also afraid of Buzz's revenge, so before assisting Qi Lin to give Buzz the final blow, she still needs to maintain the superficial relationship between the two and lurk by Buzz's side.

Looking at the back of Bernice getting up and leaving, and recalling her ambiguous words just now, Buzz's eyes flashed gloomy.

Seven or eight minutes later.

After finishing her makeup in the bathroom, Bernice was going back to the living room to say goodbye to Buzz.

However, when she walked to the corner of the corridor, she heard a conversation.

Faintly, it seems to have Qi Lin's name.

Startled, Bernice quickly stopped, leaning her back against the wall and listening carefully.

Buzz: "What happened to the thing that asked you to investigate? Who is that Qiu Shanhai?"

Assistant: "Mr. Buzz, that Qiu Shanhai is the president of 720 antivirus company, and has an only daughter named Qiu Yuelin."

"And the actual controlling person behind the 720 antivirus company is Qi Lin, and according to reliable information, Qiu Shanhai's daughter often visits Qi Lin's residence, and the relationship between the two is very close.

"Bang (ciee)!"

As soon as the assistant finished speaking, Baz was so angry that he slammed his fist on the coffee table.

"Sure enough! The black hand behind the scenes is actually that bastard Qi Lin!"

"At the beginning, I was actually blind. I was confused by his smoke bombs, and put the suspect on Chen Jiawei!"

"But in the end, God still favored me, Buzz, and let me find out the truth of the matter!"

"Very good, very good! So, all the 1,000 pieces of my stolen collection belong to Qi Lin, right?"


Buzz called the butler by name.

The housekeeper is sent by the family, and on the surface it is to take care of Buzz's life, but in fact he is the family's monitor of Buzz.

Now that the Baz family is in charge, Baz's father is angry, and even Baz can't get in touch with him.

Only the butler has this ability.

Although he knew that Qi Lin was behind the scenes, Buzz didn't have the confidence to hide the 1,000 collections from Qi Lin.

At this time, he must seek help from the family history area.

"Mr. Buzz."

Sanchez came to Buzz and bowed gracefully.

"Contact my father immediately and tell him that the whereabouts of the collection have been found out, but the opponent is too powerful to take it back with my own ability, and I need to ask the family for help.

Buzz said in a low voice.

the other side.

Bernice, who was hiding at the corner of the corridor, was very anxious at the moment.

Baz may not be Qi Lin's opponent.

But the Baz family behind him is a terrifying behemoth, and Qi Lin, who is not yet full-fledged at this time, can't match it at all.

Now she must tell Qi Lin the news as soon as possible, at least to make him fully prepared to deal with the revenge from the Baz family.

Thinking of this, Bernice didn't want to wait any longer, she tried to walk as lightly as possible, and walked to the bathroom again.

"Mr. Buzz, after Miss Bernice came out of the bathroom just now, she stopped at the corner of the corridor for a while, and now she has returned to the bathroom.

Buzz is discussing the next layout with his assistant, and is in charge of monitoring security, and informed Buzz of the situation in the villa through the walkie-talkie.

Hearing this news, Buzz's face changed, gloomy and frightening.

Without saying a word, he immediately got up and walked towards the bathroom.

"Answer the phone, dear Lin, answer the phone quickly!"

There was a hint of worry on Bernice's beautiful pretty face, and her beautiful eyes were staring at the phone screen.


Suddenly, a lazy voice came from the phone.

Bernice's pretty face lit up, and she was ready to speak.

But in the next second, someone snatched her mobile phone, and then hung up directly.

When Bernice raised her head in astonishment, she found that Dian Zi was looking at her with a gloomy expression.

"Dear Bernice, can you explain who you're calling?"

Bernice couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and her heart skipped a beat.

But she didn't get flustered, and said calmly: "Last time Mr. Qi Lin sent a song, I just wanted to call and thank him. "Is there any problem?"

Hearing that Bernice was still quibbling, Buzz laughed angrily: "Thank you? Why do I think my fiancée is a mole?"

"You are a woman of noble French descent, why are you messing with a humble Chinese?"

Hearing Buzz insulting Qi Lin, Bernice couldn't hide the beauty in her eyes anymore.

"Elegant French gentlemen will not abuse a Chinese person casually, so return my mobile phone to me."

She reached out to get her phone back.

But Buzz sneered, threw the phone heavily on the ground, and then crushed it with his feet: "You are still protecting that Chinese person, Bernice [I think you have really changed your mind.

This was also the first time Bernice saw Buzz showing such a sinister smile. She was startled and realized that she couldn't stay here for long.

"You're crazy, I can't communicate with you now, I'm going back to France."

Bernice glared at Buzz with beautiful eyes, got up and prepared to bypass Buzz and leave here.

Buzz narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly had a crazy idea in his heart.

"Go back to France? I think you want to find Qi Lin?"

"Miss Bernice is not feeling well, she is no longer suitable for running around, you take Miss Bernice to the room to rest.

Buzz winked at the two maids.

The two burly maids from France nodded and immediately held Bernice, ignoring Bernice's struggle, and dragged her towards the second floor.

Bernice's pretty face turned pale, and she hated Buzz in her heart: "Let go of me! Buzz, you are committing a crime. I'm just your fiancée. What right do you have to restrict my freedom?"

Buzz turned a blind eye to Bernice's hatred.

It doesn't matter if the fiancée betrays him spiritually, as long as the person is still in his hands.

"Dear Bernice, take a good rest here during this time, when I get rid of Qi Lin, I will naturally set you free.

Buzz's tone was gloomy, and the murderous aura inside made the whole living room a few degrees colder.

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