Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

487: Qiu Yuelin Retched? Pregnant One After The Other?

"Is there an intersection with me? Where?"

Qi Lin asked with a frown.

"He is a personal friend of your father-in-law Qiu Shanhai. Both of them like to collect ancient calligraphy and paintings, and they often discuss together."

Chen Ximeng said truthfully.

As soon as these words came out, Qi Lin's mind flashed instantly, as if he had sorted out something.

"Some time ago, I seemed to have given Qiu Shanhai a copy of Wang Wei's 'A Thousand Rocks and Myriad Valleys'.

"This Sun Fuqiang happens to be Qiu Shanhai's personal friend and also likes to collect ancient calligraphy and paintings.

"Just after Sun Fuqiang went to Buzz's villa, Bernice was imprisoned by Buzz..."

"Qiu Shanhai obviously didn't listen to my words, and revealed something that shouldn't be revealed.

Qi Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, guessing the truth of the whole thing.

"The college entrance examination is less than three months away, everyone should take the time to consolidate the key topics.

"Today there is a test, you should do this paper first.

"The leaders of each group, come up and distribute the test papers."

No. 1 High School Attached to China Normal University, Class No. 1, Senior Three.

As a math teacher, Qiu Yuelin put down a thick stack of test papers.

After four months of tempering, Qiu Yuelin now has more and more temperament and demeanor as a teacher.

Today, she is wearing a khaki windbreaker dress, and her lower body is wearing high-quality cotton black stockings, with a pair of Martin boots.

It looks stylish and dignified.

The ones below are all seventeen or eighteen-year-old youths who are full of vigor, how can they withstand the charm of a rich and beautiful teacher like Qiu Yuelin.

While doing the test papers, from time to time, I looked at the math teacher who wrote the topic with admiration from the corner of my eyes.


While writing the project, Qiu Yuelin suddenly felt nausea in her stomach.

She immediately covered her mouth and retched.

"Isn't it because the food you ate in the morning was unclean?"

Qiu Yuelin's pretty face showed a trace of depression.

In order to catch up with time in the morning, she didn't have breakfast at home, but ate some casually at a roadside stall.

After the Chinese New Year, Qiu Yuelin did not live in the Qi family villa.

In her eyes, Qi Lin's villa is Qi Xueyao's territory after all.

She has already bought a duplex villa next to the No. 1 High School Attached to China Normal University.

That's where she and Qi Lin's wedding room and love nest are, so she went back to live there after the Chinese New Year.

After the disgusting feeling subsided, Qiu Yuelin continued to write the project.

But within a few minutes.




A series of nauseating feelings instantly filled Qiu Yuelin's entire brain.

After covering her mouth and retching several times, she couldn't bear it anymore, got up and rushed to the door, trotting towards the bathroom.

Seeing this scene, the students in the classroom were stunned, wondering what happened to the math teacher.

Only Lan Yuxi in the front row had a strange expression on his face, as if he had expected something.

She put down the pen in her hand, didn't do the test paper, stood up, and walked towards the door.


By the sink in the bathroom, Qiu Yuetu vomited out all the white rice porridge he ate in the morning.

But after she vomited all the contents in her stomach, Qiu Yuelin still didn't want to stop, she coughed and vomited acidic water.

Just when she was feeling unbearable, Qiu Yuelin suddenly felt someone patting her on the back.

She was startled and wanted to get up to see who it was.

"Sister Yuelin, are you feeling better now?"

Lan Yuxi's clear and sweet voice resounded, which immediately dispelled Qiu Yuelin's uneasiness.

"It's a little bit better, I don't know what happened today, I suddenly vomited so badly.

"Could it be that you caught a cold in bed last night?"

Qiu Yuelin said in a depressed tone.

Seeing the silly and cute Qiu Yuelin, Lan Yuxi couldn't help it anymore, and laughed out loud: "My silly sister, Yuelin, why should I have a fever when I catch a cold? It's just vomiting and diarrhea. How can it be like that?" If you are like this, you can even spit out the sour water in your stomach, why can't you think about it?"

Qiu Yuelin is a more responsible person. Recently, she has been busy with the school's senior year graduates, so she has no time to think about her own affairs.

Now hearing what Lan Yuxi said, her watery mouth immediately became an O shape: "You mean, I, I might be pregnant?"

Lan Yuxi held the arm of Lan Yuxi who is also a teacher and a good sister, and said with a smile: "That's for sure, think carefully about when was the last time you had your period? Who was the last time you and your husband stayed together?" What time is it?"

Qiu Yuelin bit her lower lip lightly at this moment, feeling ashamed and happy in her heart.

During the Chinese New Year period, she and Qi Lin messed around a few times.

After the Chinese New Year, Qi Lin went to their little love to romance several times.

As for the menstrual holiday, it seems that it has been delayed for more than ten days.

At that time, Qiu Yuelin thought it was caused by a disordered work and rest schedule.

But now she suddenly vomits so hard, isn't she already pregnant?

Speaking of it, Qiu Yuelin and Qi Lin had the best troubles.

At first, Qiu Yuelin mistakenly believed that Qi Lin had bullied her and made her pregnant.

Although Qiu Yuelin hated and hated Qi Lin at the time, she was still with her.

Later, Qiu Yuelin was gradually caught by Qi Lin and began to fall in love with her, but when she found out that she was on her period, she found that Qi Lin had lied to her at the beginning. She was not pregnant at all, and she was still perfect.

You know, at that time, she had already married Qi Lin under the witness of her parents, who were still waiting to have grandchildren.

A few months passed, and Qiu Yueyue's belly didn't move.

Qiu Shanhai and Qiu Mu also noticed something was wrong.

It was obviously the fault of the bastard Qi Lin, but Qiu Yuelin could only bear the grievances alone, and lied to Qiu Shanhai that the child had accidentally miscarried.

At that time, I called Qiu Shanhaiqi's face pale, and almost had a heart attack again.

After going through all kinds of hardships, so now that she knew that she might really be pregnant, the joy in Qiu Yuelin's heart can be imagined.

""||I, I will call Qi Lin and tell him the good news. "

With the crystallization of love between two people in the belly, what is more joyful than sharing this matter with your beloved husband.

However, Lan Yuxi shook her head with a smile, and pressed Qiu Yuelin's phone.

"Sister Yuelin, don't be in a hurry to make a phone call. You don't remember the oolong last time? What if it's because you ate badly, or caught a cold?"

"How about this, it happens that (Zhao Dezhao) my mother is at work today, how about I take you to the hospital for a physical examination?"

Regarding Lan Yuxi's opinion, Qiu Yuelin hesitated for a moment, and felt that it was quite reasonable.

Don't tell Qi Lin the news at that time. After he took himself to the medical examination, he found out that it was an oolong. This big villain had to laugh at himself, and the sisters in the family would take this as a joke and often made fun of her .

"Don't think I can't see it, you little girl just didn't want to do the test paper, so you took me to skip class?"

Qiu Yuelin's beautiful eyes were full of amusement, and Slender Yu pointed at Lan Yuxi's little nose.

Lan Yuxi stuck out her pink tongue, and said with a playful smile: "Hehe, Sister Yuelin has noticed this, the test papers I did recently are almost piled up, so you can give me a whole morning off Well~"

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