Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

488: Isn't It The Big Girl Of Huanghua This Time?

"Mom, can you help my friend join the team and have a physical examination?"

Lan Yuxi took Qiu Yuelin to Zhou Lina's head nurse's office.

After Zhou Lina finished her work, she opened the door and came in. Lan Yuxi immediately walked over with a smile, holding her mother's arm.

After Zhou Lina looked Qiu Yuelin up and down, she was slightly surprised and asked: "If I remember correctly, this girl came here last time, she seemed to think she was pregnant, but she turned out to be a big girl."

Seeing that Zhou Lina still remembered herself and told her embarrassing things, Qiu Yuelin blushed a little, a little embarrassed.

"Oh, mom, why do you always bring up other people's embarrassing things?"

Seeing Qiu Yuelin's pretty face was a bit embarrassed, Lan Yuxi coquettishly told Zhou Lina to stop talking.

"I'm sure we've had married life this time, isn't it an oolong?"

Zhou Lina stayed in the hospital all year round, she had never seen any kind of woman, she blinked her beautiful eyes, and teased Qiu Yuelin.

At this time, Qiu Yuelin's pretty face became even more rosy, she nodded shyly and said: "A while ago, I was with my husband..."

She was going to say Qi Lin's name.

"Cough cough cough!"

Lan Yuxi immediately pretended to cough and winked at Qiuyue.

Qiu Yuelin immediately realized that the head nurse in front of her was Yuxi's sister's mother.

If you let her know that her daughter has 290 affairs with someone else, she shouldn't fry the pot on the spot.

"Some time ago, my husband and I had that and that. Recently, our menstruation was postponed for more than ten days, and we still retched. It shouldn't be an oolong."

Qiu Yuelin quickly stopped talking and spoke again.

Zhou Lina didn't see the tricks of the two girls.

She nodded and said, "then you come with me."

There are acquaintances in the hospital to lead the way, so the examination is convenient.

The green light was given along the way, and the most comprehensive inspection was done for Qiu Yuelin.

Two hours later, all the test results came out.

"Your name is Qiu Yuelin, right? Congratulations, you are indeed pregnant."

After Zhou Lina glanced at the test results, she smiled and congratulated Qiu Yuelin.

Hearing the great news that fell from the sky, Qiu Yue was stunned on the spot.

"Aunt Zhou, you... what did you say? I'm pregnant with twins?"

Zhou Lina also understood Qiu Yuelin's mood at the moment, she patiently smiled and continued: "Yes, you are pregnant with twins. After a comprehensive examination, it was found that you are in good health and the fetal position is normal. After you go back, you just need to rest assured and come on time. After the examination, after ten months, you will be able to give birth to a pair of lovely little angels.

Lan Yuxi was also behind Qiu Yuelin.

When she heard that Qiu Yuelin was really pregnant, and it was twins, she was surprised and delighted, and exclaimed emotionally: "My God, Sister Yuelin is pregnant with twins. Have two daughters?"

What she said was right, they were all Qi Lin's women, and Lan Yuxi was definitely the young mother of Qiu Yuelin's child.

However, Zhou Yana's words didn't sound right to her ears.


"Lan Yuxi, what did you mean by that sentence just now?"

Zhou Lina looked at her daughter with a straight face.

Looking at her mother's scrutinizing eyes, Lan Yuxi stuck out her pink tongue, knowing that she had said the wrong thing.

But she was clever, and immediately put her arm on Qiu Yuelin's arm and said with a smile: "Sister Yuelin and I are the best girlfriends, she promised me a long time ago, and the baby born in the future will recognize me as a mother."

This reason is still reasonable.

Zhou Lina let go of the doubts in her heart, and said angrily: "You are still a godmother, you are still a child, and you are not doing a good job every day."

"Mom, since the inspection is over, Sister Yuelin and I won't disturb your work, let's go first, bye~"

There were many mistakes, but Lan Yuxi knew how shrewd her mother Zhou Lina was. She quickly took Qiu Yuelin's arm and left here with her dazed sisters.

"Be careful on the road."

Looking at the back of the reckless daughter, Zhou Lina shook her head helplessly.

After coming out of the hospital, Lan Yuxi stopped the car and asked Qiu Yuelin, "Sister Yuelin, shall we go back to school now?"

Qiu Yuelin's beautiful eyes (dadd) are radiant at this moment, full of infinite hope for the future life.

Her tone was soft: "I want to let the child's father know the news first."

After pregnancy, even the temperament of a woman begins to change, as if she has a bit of motherhood, and a bit of the gentleness of a virtuous wife.

"Okay, okay, I know sister Yuelin misses your husband now, can I call her for you?"

Lan Yuxi was a little amused, but still had some taste in her heart.

It is true that I am happy for Qiu Yuelin, but if I really want to say that I am not envious, it is absolutely against my will.

Seeing that all the good sisters in the family have Qi Lin's flesh and blood, but she still has an empty belly, so she can only watch helplessly.

As the saying goes, if a concubine cannot give birth to a baby, her status in front of the emperor is not secure.

How can they compete for the position of the lord of the first palace without even giving birth to a child from the blood of the Qi family?

But then again, it's not for Lan Yuxi to make the decision at this time.

Although Lan Gang and Zhou Lina agreed that Qi Lin and Lan Yuxi were together, even when the two broke through the last relationship, they turned a blind eye.

But if Qi Lin really got Lan Yuxi pregnant, it is estimated that the two couples could rush to Qi Lin's villa with a knife in their hands to settle accounts with him.

After all, Lan Yuxi is still a senior in high school, and she has to wait until she graduates from university or graduate school if she wants to get pregnant.

So, if Lan Yuxi really wanted a baby, he had to pass the test of his own parents first.

"Concubine Lan, why did you call me today?"

On Qi Lin's side, knowing the ins and outs of Bernice being imprisoned by Baz, he planned to go to Qiu Shanhai first.

At this moment, he is on his way to Qiushanhai Villa.

"It's not me looking for you, it's your sister Qiu Ai looking for you."

Lan Yuxi felt a little depressed, pouting her mouth, and gave Qiu Yuelin the phone directly.

"Qiu Aifei? Yuelin?"

Qi Lin paused after hearing Lan Yuxi's words.


After answering the phone, Qiu Yuelin blushed slightly, and the pleasant noise was sweet and greasy.

"Isn't school busy today? What can I do if you call me?"

Listening to her sweet husband, Qi Lin asked with a smile like a spring breeze.

"I want to tell you good news."

Qiu Yuelin said softly.

"What good news?"

Qi Lin asked following her words.

"I can't tell you now, can you come pick me up? I'll tell you face to face then.

Qiu Yuelin was shy.

The conversation between the two left Lan Yuxi at the side completely speechless.

Who said just now that you should share with your husband the first thing about pregnancy?

It's obvious that you have to wait for Qi Lin to pick her up before saying a word.

Is it true that women who are pregnant are so dizzy?

In the current Qiu Yuelin, Lan Yuxi vaguely saw the shadow of her deadly rival Qi Xueyao.

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