Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

489: I Want To Burn High Incense For The Son Of God Guanyin

"Don't go to Qiu Shanhai's place first, turn around and go to the central hospital.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Lin instructed Zhou Pojun.

Afterwards, Qi Lin had a strange look on his face.

"If you want to tell me the good news, the location is the Central Hospital, and Yuxi is still next to her, so it could be...

The last time Lan Yuxi brought Qiu Yuelin here was because of a fake pregnancy.

But now Qiuyue Lin has already been married by his official media.

At this moment, Qi Lin already had a bold guess in his mind.

Ten minutes later.

The Maybach stopped steadily at the entrance of the Central Hospital.

Qi Lin had just gotten out of the car and hadn't stood still.


The milk swallow is like throwing himself into his arms, Qi Lindun feels the fragrance, warm and fragrant nephrite.

There is a beautiful and beautiful woman in her arms.

"Sister Yuelin, even if you want to ask for joy, wait until you get home first? Isn't it good to be in the public?"

Qi Lin said with a smile.

"Pfft! You little villain can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth. You're going to be a father, and you're still so dishonest.

Qiu Yuelin's pretty face was slightly red, her little head was slightly raised from Qi Lin, and she said coquettishly with her little face up.

If Qi Lin still doesn't understand this sentence at this time, then he is really no different from a fool.

"Damn it, can they get together when they are pregnant? His grandma's is too coincidental, isn't it?"

Qi Lin was both surprised and happy. When he heard the good news, he couldn't help but swear.

After hearing these words, Qiu Yuelin felt something was wrong?

The joy on her pretty face gradually dissipated, and she looked at Qi Lin with an aggrieved and puzzled tone: "Qi Lin, what do you mean by that? Could it be that besides me, you have other women who are pregnant today?"


Qi Lin coughed twice in embarrassment.

The fact that Matsushima Wuna and Qiuyue Lin were pregnant at the same time was indeed a bit outrageous, and it made the big devil Qi lose his composure.

"It's nothing, I just heard the radio in the car saying that the pet pig at the Jianghan City Zoo is also pregnant, so I said so.

Qi Lin was talking nonsense.

He knew whether Qiuyue Lin would believe it or not, but women like to hear lies, even if they know it's from a man.

"Okay, you little villain actually compares pet pigs to me to see if I won't beat you up."

When Qiu Yuelin heard Qi Lin talking nonsense, she was angry and funny, and Fenquan lightly hammered Qi Lin twice.

After laughing for a while, Qiu Yue put the depression behind her.

After all, she finally saw her lover. Qiu Yuelin's beautiful little face lay in Qi Lin's arms again, and she softly uttered an even more shocking news.

"Big villain husband, not only is she pregnant, but she is also pregnant with twins~"

this will.

It was really Qi Lin's turn to stand there in a daze.

Now there are three women who are pregnant with Qi Lin's children.

Matsushima Wuna, Qi Xueyao, Yan Yan.

After a comprehensive examination, all three of them confirmed that they were pregnant with singletons.

According to authoritative data, the probability of conceiving twins is about one in a thousand.

Any man in this world, as long as he knows that his wife is pregnant with twins, except for those wastes who have no money and no sense of responsibility.

There was no one who was not ecstatic on the spot.

"Hahaha! My father's gene is too strong. Not only do I have a baby, but I'm also fucking twins. When I go back next time, I'll burn incense to the Son-Song Guanyin!"

Qi Lin hugged Qiu Yuelin's weak and slender waist, and hugged her happily in circles.

For ordinary families, it may cost tens of millions to raise a child.

Two or three children can make a family overwhelmed.

So when it comes to having children, you will be very cautious.

But these are not problems for Qi Lin.

With the system, he is already worth tens of billions at the age of 18.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, Qi Lin will even stand on top of the world, making the Qi family the most prosperous family.

Therefore, what Qi Lin is least worried about is that his woman is pregnant.

As long as there is one, it will be born, and Qi Lin and her women don't need to worry about it.

At that time, there will naturally be the most superior babysitter, the top nutritionist, the best educational environment, and the best growth environment, so that these babies of Qi Lin can grow up healthy and strong.

"Put me down quickly, I'm going to be dizzy by you bastard~"

What Qiu Yuelin was most worried about was that Qi Lin didn't like children and didn't respond much to her pregnancy.

Seeing Qi Lin hugging herself happily and circling around, she looked at her lover with more tenderness.

Qi Lin also controlled his emotions, don't wait to make too much noise, if the twins are wiped out, that would be like crying without tears.

"Get in the car and go back to the villa first. You must tell my parents about such a big happy event."

…0 for flowers……

Qi Lin didn't go around in circles anymore, instead he carried Qiu Yuelin into the car in the posture of a princess hugging her.

"Yuxi, get in the car too, I'll call your mother later, you will have dinner at home today."

Qi Lin waved to Lan Yuxi again.

Just now Qi Lin just hugged Qiu Yuelin and circled around, Lan Xiaohua's jealous vat had already been overturned, and she stood there pouting and sulking.

Seeing that Qi Lin didn't forget himself and asked her to go to the villa for dinner, she got into the car happily and sat on the other side of Qi Lin.

"By the way, Sister Yuelin, from today onwards, you can live in the villa, so that I can have someone take care of you.

Qi Lin said with a smile while stroking Qiu Yuelin's stomach.

Although Qiu Yuelin was pregnant, it was only about ten days old, and it was probably still in an embryonic state, so how could she tell?

The flat and white belly was itchy when Qi Lin touched it, and Qiu Yuelin immediately pressed it down with a blushing face.

"But, but I want to live in our new home. I'm already used to it. It's the same if you let Chuchun take care of me."

Qi Lin frowned: "No, it's different now. Your father has made a hole recently. It is estimated that someone will come to trouble him in the next two days. As his daughter, you are also in danger. I can't Keep you from staying in your new home."

Qiu Yuelin, who was quite happy at first, was shocked when she heard what Qi Lin said.

"My dad poked a hole? And there are people coming to trouble him? What the hell did he do?"

"Do you still remember the last time when I visited your house for New Year's greetings, I gave your father a painting? I told him at that time that this painting can only be collected and viewed by himself and must not be given to anyone.


Qi Lin said lightly.

It didn't take long for this incident, and Qiu Yuelin certainly remembered, she nodded nervously.

"In the end, your dad couldn't hold back and showed this painting to his friends."

"The origin of this painting is not right. Someone is looking for it all over the world. Your father's friend was betrayed by your father. Now someone wants to use your father to deal with me."

"I said so, you should understand?"

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