Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

490: Bringing The Little Wife To Visit The Father-In-Law

"My dad taught me to keep promises and promises, he, he probably wouldn't do such a thing, would he?"

After listening to Qi Lin's words, Qiu Yuelin's pretty face was a little dull, obviously she didn't believe that Qiu Shanhai would violate her promise.

Qi Lin shrugged with a smile: "Whether he did it or not, let's ask him now and then we will know."

"Well, go to my house first, and tell parents about the pregnancy later."

Qiu Yuelin was also worried about her father's safety. After all, Qi Lin said that someone might come to trouble him.

The direction of travel of the Maybach has changed again.

"Tuk Tuk ~"

Qiu Shanhai was sitting on the sofa in the living room, reading a newspaper with his glasses on, when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Honey, go and open the door."

Without raising his head, he said to Qiu Mu who was knitting a sweater.

Qiu's mother put down the sweater "833" in her hand, and said coquettishly: "You don't know how to move after you rest, I am knitting baby clothes with your grandson.

Although the Qiu family is already a billionaire.

But grandparents always love their grandchildren from the heart.

They are also worried about the things they buy outside, and they have to do it by themselves in order to express their wishes.

"Okay, okay, you knit a sweater and you are the biggest, so you can make it firmer for my grandson."

Qiu Shanhai smiled and shook his head, he could only put down the newspaper and go to open the door.

"I don't know what's going on at Yuelin's side. She was such a good baby last time, and she was so born. How can she just drop it? These two children are not worry-free at all."

While walking towards the gate, Qiu Shanhai sighed.

Qiu Yuelin had a fake pregnancy for several months, and seeing that she couldn't hide it anymore, she could only make up this fake news to deceive her parents, which made both of them very sad.

"Hey? Why did you two come back together? And who is this little girl?"

Qiu Shanhai opened the door, and when he saw clearly who was coming, he froze on the spot.

"Dad, I was a little worried about you, so I came back with Xiaolin to see you, this is my student Lan Yuxi.

Qiu Yuelin smiled and introduced Qiu Shanhai.

Qiu Shanhai must be happy that her daughter is back.

"Worried about what I do? Your mother and I are in good health, come in and sit down and talk."

Qiu Shanhai didn't know that the girl next to his daughter was also the girlfriend of his good son-in-law, so he warmly invited them in.

When Qiu's mother saw her daughter and son-in-law coming back, she was also very happy. She quickly put down the needle and thread in her hand, got up and served tea, snacks and fruits for several people.

Good news and bad news.

This is the habit of Chinese people speaking.

Biting her lower lip, Qiu Yuelin, who was sitting on Qi Lin's body, said shyly, "Mom and Dad, I have good news for you, I, I am pregnant again.

A lie must have a beginning and an end, Qiu Yue said that she was pregnant again.


As soon as Qiu Yuelin finished speaking, everyone heard the sound of porcelain breaking.

It turned out that Qiu's mother was so shocked by what her daughter said that she couldn't hold the tea she brought over firmly and dropped it on the ground.

"Hahaha! Good news! This is indeed good news! I just told you how the young couple is doing recently, and I was worried about the miscarriage. It hit you too hard and affected your pregnancy preparation. I didn't expect to get pregnant again so soon. up."

Qiu Shanhai was both surprised and happy, laughing so loudly that he could hardly close his mouth from ear to ear.

"Oh my god! The Bodhisattva who is so merciful and loving, you have really heard the prayers of the believers. Thank you for sending us a golden boy and a jade girl."

Qiu's mother believed in Buddhism. When she heard that her daughter was pregnant, she couldn't bear it any longer. With tears in her eyes, she clasped her hands together and thanked the sky repeatedly.

After finishing speaking, she walked quickly to Qiu Yuelin, held her daughter's hand, and asked apologetically while weeping: "Yue Lin, Mang Mang broke the quilt clumsily, didn't I scare you just now?"

Seeing her parents so happy, Qiu Yuelin also had beautiful eyes flushed, and she shook her head softly: "Mom, I'm not a child, how could I be frightened casually? When a glass is broken, it will be broken. As the saying goes, It's safer to be broken."

As if he thought the two elders were not shocked enough, Qi Lin added with a smile: "Wife, did you miss a word? Li is not simply pregnant, you are pregnant with twins."

"Double! Twins!!!"

As soon as Qi Lin said this, Qiu Shanhai became dizzy and almost couldn't sit still.

His health is not good, the surprise is too big, for him, it is really a bit dangerous.

When Qiu's mother saw this, she hurried over to help her husband, and couldn't help but said, "Twins are good! The mother-in-law Guanyin told me in a dream that my family Yuelin would be pregnant with a golden boy and a jade girl. She really didn't lie to me!"

Listening to Qiumu's words, Lin smiled and shook his head. 0

Superstitious people, everything can be associated with gods.

Obviously this is his Qi Lin's credit.

Without his sowing, how could Qiu Yue be pregnant with twins.

The two elders pulled Qiu Yuelin to ask questions again.

In order to make them feel at ease, she showed them the results of her physical examination.

When it was confirmed that their daughter was really pregnant with twins, and that she was in good health and everything was safe, the two couldn't help but burst into joy.

The good news is over, but the bad news is about to come.

"Dad, do you still have the picture of 'Thousands of Rocks and Thousand Valleys' I gave you last time?"

Qi Lin lit a cigarette, then asked with a faint smile.

Before taking two puffs, the cigarette from Qi Lin's mouth was suddenly taken away.

Then, he met Qiu Yuelin's beautiful eyes.

Qi Lin coughed: "I'm sorry, I forgot that Linlin's wife is pregnant. May I apologize to you, dealer?"

After speaking, he smiled and kissed Qiu Yuelin's moist rose lips.

"Pit~ my mouth is full of smoke, it smells so bad, don't brush your teeth in the future, don't kiss me.

Qiu Yuelin rolled her eyes at Qi Lin [Bai Nen pinches her lips in disgust with the back of her hand.

Qiu Shanhai watched his daughter and son-in-law show affection, as someone who has been there, he shook his head 5.4 with a smile.

"What are you talking about? I don't keep that painting, so can I give it to others?"

Qiu Shanhai didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and said with a smile.

"Dad, remember what I said? This painting cannot be shown to anyone, otherwise it will cause trouble for you and Yuelin.

Qi Lin was not in a hurry, and continued to ask Qiu Shanhai.

When this sentence was asked, Qiu Shanhai's face suddenly changed, and he began to forget.

What does Qi Lin mean by this?

Could it be that he knew that he had shown his words to his old friend?

But this is impossible, my old friend doesn't know Qi Lin at all.

"Of course I remember what you said. I kept that painting for myself and didn't show it to others. You don't think I broke my promise, do you?"

Qiu Shanhai coughed and looked aside. .

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