Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

491: The Dead Duck Has A Hard Mouth, And The Mother-In-Law Also Changed Sides

"Then dad, can you tell me who Sun Fuqiang is? How could he know that you have a picture of 'Thousands of Rocks and Thousand Valleys'.

When he saw Qiu Shanhai looking around, Qi Lin had already confirmed his guess.

As soon as Qi Lin said this, Qiu Shanhai couldn't hold back immediately, and looked at Qi Lin in shock.

He didn't understand how Qi Lin knew about Sun Fuqiang, and how he knew that he had shown this painting to his old friend.

Could it be that he even sent eyeliner by his side?

"Dad, this matter is very important, don't lie to Xiao Lin."

At this time, Qiu Yueyue on the side also said with pouting.

Hearing that his daughter turned her elbow outward and believed Qi Lin's words directly, he couldn't help but wry smile.

It's really a married daughter, the water that was thrown out.

He could only nod guiltyly: "The old boy who was sleeping showed me that he had an authentic painting of Zheng Banqiao. I couldn't see his complacent look [so I took out this painting and showed it to him."

As soon as Qiu Shanhai finished speaking, Qiu Yuelin turned pale and stood up: "Dad, how can you do this 30! Xiao Lin clearly told you not to show it to others, why didn't you listen to him?"

Being bullied by his daughter, Qiu Shanhai felt a little embarrassed about it.

He said speechlessly: "It's just a painting, is it necessary to be so mysterious? Could it be possible that if someone sees it, someone will come to trouble me?"

Qiu Yuelin is already pregnant with Qi Lin's child, and now Qiu Shanhai and Qi Lin are really in the same carriage.

Qi Lin dropped a blockbuster just right, and he said lightly: "Have you heard of the mysterious disappearance of the 8 billion collection that shocked the world a while ago?"

Qiu Shanhai couldn't help being taken aback when he heard Qi Lin's words.

Then, his lips began to tremble, and a terrible idea began to brew in his heart.

"It's hard, it's hard to make this painting..."

"You guessed it, this painting is one of the collections worth 8 billion."

Qi Lin smiled casually.

Qiu Yuelin on the side couldn't help but roll her beautiful eyes at her husband.

She knows Qi Lin's character best. After all, Qi Lin snatched her from Hu Bing by all means.

Therefore, even if she knew that the collection worth 8 billion was robbed, she would not be surprised at all.

A woman marries a chicken and follows the chicken․ Marry a dog and follow the dog.

Qi Lin has a successful career, so she follows Qi Lin to enjoy the glory and wealth.

Qi Lin's success was on the verge of failure, so she went to Huangquan with Qi Lin in an embrace.

Her feelings for Qi Lin are as simple as that.

"Stupid, stupid! How could you do such a thing!"

"Have a good day, but why do you want to be a gangster?"

"If people find out about this, it's not enough for you to be shot once, kid?"

"It's not a pity that you are dead, what do you want Yuelin to do? Will you be a widow for you?"

Qiu Shanhai's righteousness was violated again, and he criticized Qi Lin heartbroken.

Qi Lin played with Yue Lin's little hand, and said with a faint smile, "Dad, are you the one who likes to share secrets with friends the most? I'm telling you the biggest secret now, and you can tell it outside as you like."


Qiu Shanhai's eyes widened, almost choking to death on Qi Lin's words.

He is not an idiot, Qi Lin is his son-in-law, Qiu Yuelin is his daughter, could it be possible that he can kill his relatives righteously and let the police arrest Qi Lin?

"These collections were looted by the Eight-Nation Allied Forces. Now I just let them stay in their homeland forever. Is this also wrong?"

Qi Lin said lightly again.

Qiu Yuelin was also pissed off by her father: "Dad, you might as well be so mad at me, Xiaolin believes in you so much, and gave you this painting, but you just showed it to outsiders, as long as that friend of yours shows it to you." Do you know that Xiaolin will be in danger if the matter is leaked out?"

"Do you know who the owner of these collections is? The Baz family! The Wanxi Group controlled by them is the well-deserved overlord of the world construction company. How can you let Xiaolin withstand such pressure?"

This was not a momentary remark by Qiu Yuelin, she really felt sorry for her husband and worried about his pressure.

After listening to Qiu Yuelin's words, Qiu Shanhai also realized the seriousness of the matter at this time.


"It shouldn't be possible. I have known Lao Sun for more than ten years, so he probably wouldn't say it casually."

Qiu Shanhai's face turned pale, and he put the last ten shreds of hope on Sun Fuqiang as the kind of person who would keep secrets.

"Dad, do you know what's wrong? That Sun Fuqiang can't believe you at all, you know?"

Since Qi Lin said that Qiu Shanhai and her are in danger, it means that he has received definite news and this matter has been leaked out.

Qiu Yuelin angrily asked Qiu Shanhai to admit his mistake.

Qiu's mother was worried that her daughter would lose her temper, so she immediately comforted Qiu Yuelin, and then said to Qiu Shanhai: "I told you to avoid dealing with such cronies before, but if you don't listen, you're better now? You've caused trouble!"

"Yuelin is pregnant now, you apologize to your daughter quickly, if she gets angry, I will never end with you."


What kind of plane are you doing?

How could he become the enemy of the whole family with just a few words?

"All right, all right, I apologize, I was wrong, I shouldn't go against what I said, and show the painting to outsiders, but I still believe that Lao Sun is not that kind of person."

Qiu Shanhai continued to be stubborn.

Some people just don’t look back until they hit the south wall.

Qi Lin was not annoyed, he smiled and said to Qiu Yuelin and Qiu's mother: "Wife, Mom, you should move to my house for the next two days, and let Dad stay at home, when someone comes to talk to him, It's none of our business."

340 Qiuyue Lin is angry but her father is stubborn, and Qiu's mother thinks the same way.

"Okay, let's go live with Xiao Lin, and let this stubborn person stay at home."

Just do it, Qiumu packed a box and went out with Qi Lin.

Seeing that everyone was going to sit in Qi Lin's car, Qiu Shanhai was dumbfounded.

"Isn't it? Are you really going to leave me alone at home?"

"Dad, let's go, don't send it off."

Qi Lin said something with a smile, the car window rose slowly, and the Maybach disappeared into the courtyard of the villa.

In the car, Qiu Yuelin and Qiu Mu were not as heartless as they said.

"Husband, did you really leave my dad here? Although he was at fault for this matter, he is still the villain Sun Fuhai is after all. We can't really leave my dad alone."

Qiu Yuelin's pretty face was full of worry, she held Qi Lin's arm, and looked at her husband with her small face up.

Qiu's mother also echoed: "Xiaolin, your father's health is not good, so don't let him have any good or bad."

Hearing the worries of the two, Qi Lin smiled sassyly: "I just frightened him to play, don't worry, I left someone to protect him in the villa."

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