Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

492: Mother-In-Law: Look At You, You Are Very Playful

Qi Lin said that he left someone to protect Qiu Shanhai, but in fact it was the war pet Qingqing who stayed here.

At that time, as long as someone invades the villa, Qi Lin will be able to rush over before Qiu Shanhai's accident.

After taking Qiu Yuelin back to Qi Lin's villa, and telling Qi Feng and Fang Yuanyuan that their daughter-in-law was pregnant with twins, there was another flurry of chaos in the villa.

The two elders, Qiu Shanhai and Qiu's mother had similar reactions, they were all happy from ear to ear, pulling Qiu Yuelin to ask things and things, and to inquire about how warm they are.

"Mom, you and Yuelin will live in Villa No. 2 for the next two days. It has been renovated and everything is ready."

They all turned around Qiu Yuelin, Qi Lin saw that Qiu's mother was embarrassed, so he chatted with her with a smile.

At this time, Qiu's mother had a wry smile on her face: "Xiao Lin, you really bought all 9 villas in the whole community?"

Qi Lin coughed: "Well, I have too many wives, and I can't help it."

Speaking of this, Qiu's mother immediately glared at Qi Lin: "I was mistaken, I always thought that you are a boy who is devoted and only loves Yuelin in our family. Look at the good things you have done. Wife, if your father finds out about this, he will chase you with a knife."

When I first came to the villa, I saw Qi Xueyao's girl called Qi Lin's wife, and Qiu's mother's eyes popped out.

But when she saw her own daughter, she was not surprised and walked over to say hello to Qi Xueyao, who had a close relationship, and her face gradually showed a hint of helplessness.

Obviously, my daughter also knew about it. Since she doesn't mind, what's the point of getting mad now?

Of course, the most important thing is that Qiu Yuelin is now pregnant with Qi Lin's child, or twins. What should Qiu Yuelin do if she can't bear the blow?

Therefore, the timing of Qi Lin's confession to Qiu's mother is just right.

In addition, if Qiu's mother knew that Qi Lin's wife was not only Qi Xueyao, but also Wang Siling, Qi Lin's big brother, she would die of anger on the spot.

Qi Lin blinked at Qiu's mother: "As long as Mom doesn't tell, no one will know, right?"

Qiu's mother was so angry that she didn't bother to talk to Qi Lin, she changed her restraint just now, and walked in front of Fang Yuanyuan and Qi Feng.

"Mother-in-law, that..."

Seeing Qiu's mother, Fang Yuanyuan and Qi Feng also looked embarrassed and felt guilty.

Is there anything more embarrassing than letting the mother-in-law find out that her brat has adopted another wife?

"I don't want to worry about anything else. If our family Yuelin suffers a slight grievance in the future, I'll take her back immediately and won't let her come back."

Mother Qiu said very seriously.

"Yes, yes, what my mother-in-law said is that if that kid Qi Lin dares to bully Yue Lin, I don't need my mother to do it. I will beat the little brat to death first."

Fang Yuanyuan laughed along with her, but she scolded Qi Lin bloody in her heart.

If it wasn't for this brat messing around outside, would they need to be so humble?

The atmosphere became harmonious amidst the weirdness.

As a senior who was six months pregnant, Qi Xueyao took Qiu Yuelin to teach her experience in raising babies.

But Qiu Yuelin, who is a math teacher, is listening to Teacher Qi's lecture seriously like a good baby.

Seeing the two girls getting along so well, Qiu's mother at the side finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled and chatted with Fang Yuanyuan.

"Eating and drinking alone, leisurely, with clean ears, it's better to leave, it's better not to come back.

That night, Qiu Shanhai stayed alone in the villa, muttering with a hint of dissatisfaction.

But from the erratic eyes he looks out of the window from time to time, it can be seen that he doesn't want to be so calm on the surface.




There was a sound of broken porcelain coming from outside the window, which made Qiu Shanhai jump.


He shivered a bit, walked to the window and looked out tentatively.

A frightened meow sounded, and a black figure climbed over the courtyard wall and fled towards the villa.

"After a long time, it turned out that the wild cat broke the flower pot."

Looking at the escaped wild cat, Qiu Shanhai breathed a sigh of relief.

Qiu Shanhai returned to the sofa and watched the national football match.

The China National Football Team in 2002 was quite awesome.

At this time, it is not popular for international footballers to eat sea cucumbers, and they can give the Maldives a 20-0 score by kicking them casually.

This kind of one-sided cool game made Qiu Shanhai watch it with relish.

But he didn't notice at all that there was a slight clicking sound coming from outside the villa, as if someone was using something to unlock the lock.


A few minutes later.

The sound of the door being pushed open finally alarmed Qiu Shanhai.


He was startled suddenly, and looked back towards the door.

"Brother Qiu, we meet again."

The first person to walk in was actually Qiu Shanhai's old friend Sun Fuqiang, and behind him, there were more than a dozen uninvited guests in suits and mirrors.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Qiu Shanhai's heart sank.

It was so late, and he came to his house as soon as he called out. Although the person in front of him was his old friend, he felt a sense of foreboding.

.It was you who leaked the news about the picture of 'Thousands of Rocks and Myriad Valleys'?"

Smart people don't talk nonsense, Qiu Shanhai finally asked the question in his heart.

"What are you talking about, brother Qiu? I just did what I should do. That painting doesn't belong to you in the first place, so how can it be called a leak."

Sun Fuqiang said with a grin.

Hearing these words, Qiu Shanhai finally became angry, and shouted loudly at Sun Fuqiang: "Did you even forget that the national humiliation family hates you? These collections were national treasures stolen by the Eight-Power Allied Forces, and now they are finally kept in Huaxia. You chose to be a traitor and informer."

Qi Lin, who once said that Qi Lin was confused, couldn't help but say what Qi Lin had said before.

After all, he is still facing his son-in-law.

"Don't tell me these things, Qiu Shanhai, you know? I've always hated your righteous appearance."

"People die for money, birds die for food, and I can get a reward of 100 million for recovering this batch of collections for Mr. Bartz, and I won't have to worry about money for the rest of my life. Why don't I do it for (what?) ?”

"I won't talk nonsense with you anymore, there are only two choices for you now."

"Either hand over the 'Thousands of Rocks and Myriad Valleys' map, and tell me where the rest of the collection is. For the sake of my friends for many years, I won't do anything to you.

"If you refuse to cooperate... don't blame me for taking you to see Mr. Buzz."

Sun Fuqiang's once hearty smile disappeared, and his eyes were replaced by greed and ruthlessness.

Looking at the old friends who have been friends for more than ten years in front of him, Qiu Shanhai's eyes are full of sadness.

Is there really absolute right and wrong in this world?

An old friend he thought he could trust betrayed him without hesitation because of money.

His son-in-law, who has always made him feel uneasy, protects him time and time again.

But this time, he finally drove his son-in-law away.

This time, will he stand up to save him from the fire and water like before when the company was taken away by his partners?

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