Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

493: Bad Master, I Don't Want A Husband~

"Don't say 100 million, you can't even think of getting one."

"Whether it's the picture or the batch of collections, I will never tell you, you old dog just give up your heart!"

Qiu Shanhai said angrily.

For the first time, Old Antique, who came from a scholarly family, began to curse in anger.

"Heh~ call me an old dog? I think you really don't cry when you don't see the coffin. If that's the case, then come with me."

The former close friend, so far it can be regarded as completely torn face, endlessly.


"Tie him up for me and take him to the car."

Sun Fuqiang's eyes were cold, and he said to the man Baz arranged for him.

The dozen or so men in suits and sunglasses nodded, and then approached Qiu Shanhai.

Seeing the danger approaching, Qiu Shanhai is really Sparta this time.

He backed away with a wry smile, and said to himself: "This is really called every day and every day. If I had known to apologize to my son-in-law sincerely, I wouldn't have fallen into this situation."


Just when Qiu Shanhai felt that he was going to die.


A fiery bird song descended from the sky, resounding throughout the living room.



The two men in suits and sunglasses closest to Qiu Shanhai gasped, then covered their necks, screaming again and again.

The green and sharp claws of the top alloy armor easily bloomed 153 on the necks of these uninvited guests.

In an instant, the four men in suits and sunglasses fell to the ground screaming, then gradually gave up struggling and lost their voices.

"My God! What kind of monster is this?"

In an instant, the four companions who were dealt with, including Sun Fuqiang and the rest of the men in suits and sunglasses, were all dumbfounded, not understanding what happened at all.

Even Qiu Shanhai himself was stunned and stunned by this scene.

But Qingqing's massacre will not stop with the shock of these people.

"Ah! This monster is too fast, I can't see clearly, I can't even aim a pistol, run away quickly, or I will be killed by it!"

The bodyguards were crying and fled towards the door of the villa.



Can they really escape?

Several men in suits and sunglasses, including Sun Fuqiang, had just fled into the courtyard when they saw a tall and burly figure like a mountain, looking at them indifferently.

Before these people figured out the situation.

They felt a sense of suffocation coming from their chests, and instantly spit blood from their mouths and flew back into the villa.

Qiu Shanhai will never forget what he saw tonight.

Qi Lin, dressed in a black silk tuxedo, walked in from outside the villa with an elegant smile on his lips.

Immediately behind him stood a burly man with an indifferent expression and murderous intent, guarding Qi Lin like a patron saint.

at this time.

It just so happened that Qingqing also took care of the last man in a suit and sunglasses in the villa.


With another fiery cry, Qingqing circled down, and finally landed on Qi Lin's arm.

The armor on her body receded, revealing a body of soft pure white feathers. The cute bird head rubbed against Qi Lin's cheek affectionately, obviously waiting for the master's praise.

"You did a good job this time. After a while, I will find you a husband, and then I will give the master a bunch of pets."

Qi Lin flicked Qingqing's beak and said with a smile.

"Bad master, I don't want a husband, you bully Qingqing, Qingqing will go back and complain to Master Siling!"

The arrogant Miss Haidongqing was obviously annoyed by Qi Lin. After Qi Lin's beak pecked Qi Lin's hand, she spread her wings and flew away, and her figure disappeared into the night.

Qiu Shanhai is just a serious businessman.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, the blood flowing into a small river, he couldn't bear it anymore.


Turning around, he vomited until it was dark.

Qi Lin took it for granted, walked to the sofa and sat down: "Pojun, pour me a glass of red wine, and call Chen Yanmeng, and ask him to come over and clean up the venue.

"Yes, boss."

Zhou Pojun nodded, went to the glass cabinet, actually poured Qi Lin a glass of red wine, and then went out to make a phone call.

Qi Lin shook the red wine gently, savoring it carefully, waiting for Qiu Shanhai to recover.

After finally suppressing the terrible nausea, Qiu Shanhai finally turned around and looked at his son-in-law.

At this moment, no matter how stupid he is, he understands.

His son-in-law is not as simple as he sees on the surface.

In the blink of an eye, he was proficient at destroying corpses and removing traces. This Niqi was even more of a gangster than a gangster.

When the club bosses saw him, they would tremble and kowtow, the kind who called Mr. Qi.

"Xiao Lin, you killed people, and you killed so many people."

Qiu Shanhai tremblingly pointed at the corpses all over the floor, almost crying.

"They are all damned. If I don't kill them, they will kill Dad."

Qi Lin said with a light smile.

"I, I know, I mean, will it cause you trouble?"

Qiu Shanhai has finally changed, having such a son-in-law has become a fact, and following him to the dark, what else can he do.

"Don't worry, I have people who specialize in dirty things under my hands, and they won't leave any traces."

Qi Lin drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, his tone seemed extremely casual.

Hearing this, Qiu Shanhai shivered again.

won't leave a trace?

So many people just destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces?

How cruel and ruthless is my son-in-law!


This, this is his son-in-law, not his enemy.

People, know the mistakes and can correct them, know the shame and then belong.

"Xiao Lin, Dad knows he was wrong, Dad will listen to you in everything from now on, if you want to blame this time, you can blame me, don't blame Yue Lin.

Suddenly, Qiu Shanhai slumped on the ground with a plop, and said sadly to Qi Lin.

This scene tonight had a huge impact on him.

Slaughtering lives at will, destroying corpses at will.

He was really afraid that Qi Lin would do something to Qiu Yuelin in a fit of anger.

What Qi Lin heard was dumbfounding.

It's good that he's a villain, but he's not a pervert either.

His own delicate wives are all as beautiful as flowers and jade, gentle and virtuous, he is sick to blame them?

"Dad, what are you talking nonsense about? It's not Yuelin's fault for this matter, I will kill you if I want to... Pooh! Now that you know your mistake, Dad, let's turn this matter over and manage the 720 antivirus company properly in the future." , Waiting to be a grandfather, holding grandchildren on the line.

Qi Lin himself was almost deflected by Qiushan Kelp.

And hearing Qi Lin's words, Qiu Shanhai's face turned pale with fright, and he almost fainted.

Look, my son-in-law is really a cruel tyrant, he actually said just now that he would kill his father-in-law.

This is the real thing!

It seems that I must be more honest in the future, but don't put on some father-in-law airs.

Otherwise, if one day disappears inexplicably, I don’t know who did it.

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