Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

494: No Matter How Many Wives There Are, They Can Only Watch

No matter how angry Qingqing is, she is just a bird.

Qi Lin coaxed a few words casually, and the little guy chirped a few times arrogantly in the communicator, and flew back to the starting shoulder.

"In the past two days, you will protect my father-in-law at the villa, do you hear me?"

Qi Lin flicked Qingqing's little bird's head.

"After the task is completed, I will go back to eat fresh ghost claw snails."

Qingqing put forward the conditions arrogantly.

"You and your brother are really foodies, but fortunately it's me, ordinary people, you two must be foodies after all."

Qi Lin smiled and shook his head.

Jianghan City is deep inside China.

In 2002, a really huge logistics network hadn't been established yet~.

Ghost claw snails are also a special product that can only be found in the coastal areas. Every time Qi Lin consigns a batch by plane.

In order to keep it fresh, one time can not be brought back - too much.

In order to satisfy the greed of these two little guys, Qi Lin spent millions of dollars a month on consignment and purchase of ghost claw snails.

No wonder he would say that these two cute pets can make ordinary people poor.

"Forgive me! Brother Qiu, please hurry up and beg your son-in-law, don't let him kill me!"

"I was only in a state of infatuation for a while, and I made a lot of mistakes. 21

"And this time, I didn't want to hurt Brother Qiu's life, I just wanted to take you back to Buzz. y

"For the sake of our friendship for many years, you can ask your son-in-law to spare me."


Almost forgot.

Not everyone in the villa was killed.

Sun Fuqiang is just an ordinary person. Qingqing didn't feel any threat from him, so she just ignored him.

Just now, Sun Fuqiang, who was scared to pee his pants by Qi Lin's Thunder method, was finally relieved by the bloody ground.

His strong desire to survive made him forget his shame.

Kneeling in front of Qiu Shanhai, hugging the legs of his former best friend, asking him to intercede for him with snot and tears, let him, the son-in-law of the big devil, take his life

There was no way, he didn't know Qi Lin, and he didn't dare to talk to Qi Lin at all, so he could only put his last hope on Qiu Shanhai.

Faced with today's major life changes, Qiu Shanhai's old-fashioned and stubborn outlook on life has quietly undergone some changes.

He could see clearly what those so-called friendships were.

In this world, apart from his wife, daughter and son-in-law, there are probably not many people who really treat him well.

"It's useless for you to tell me these things, you know in your heart whether you have ever wanted to kill me.

"And you didn't mean to kill me, didn't that Buzz either? Since you chose to dedicate me to him, it means that my status as a friend for many years is worthless in your eyes.

Qiu Shanhai turned his head expressionlessly.

Then, under Qi Lin's admiring eyes, he kicked Sun Fuqiang to the ground.

"Xiao Linzhi will give it to you, don't tell me whether it's dead or alive, it's his own fault.

Qiu Shanhai said so to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin nodded with a smile: "Dad, go upstairs to rest first, the next thing is not suitable for you.

Even though he knew what would happen next, Qiu Shanhai still felt nauseous and couldn't bear it.

But thinking about how Sun Fuqiang treated him ruthlessly, Qiu Shanhai finally held back the kindness in his heart, turned around, and went upstairs under Sun Fuqiang's extremely desperate eyes.

"Forgive me!"

"Don't kill me! I'll give you all the money!"

"I was wrong, I was really wrong, I don't dare to mess with you...Ah!!!"

With a desperate and painful scream, Qiu Shanhai, who had already walked up the spiral stairs and reached the second floor, couldn't help but close his eyes.

Qi Lin returned to the villa and found that Qiu Yuelin was still sitting in the lobby of No. 2 villa waiting for him.

"Honey, are you back?"

Hearing that the door was pushed open and that the man she loved came back, a surprise flashed across Qiu Yuelin's beautiful eyes [immediately got up and came up to meet him.

Qi Lin picked up the little wife who rushed forward, and kissed her sweetly.


Qiu Yuelin, who was kissed by Qi Lin, closed her beautiful eyes shyly, opened her teeth gently, and responded to her husband's love.

Minutes passed.

Qi Lin was already hugging the pretty blushing Qiu Yuelin, sitting on the sofa.

0...asking for flowers...

Afraid that his wife would be cold, Qi Lin thoughtfully put Qiu Yuelin's exquisite white jade feet in his arms, and gently pressed and pinched her white and tender feet without a trace of calluses to help her dredge her blood.

What pregnant women are most afraid of is swollen calves. Qi Lin obviously did his homework.

"What's going on with my dad?"

Perhaps it was because of the great murder today, Qiu Yuelin's pretty Liu Ye frowned slightly, as if she smelled a bloody smell from Qi Lin.

"The minion who came to the door has been dealt with, and I have sent someone to stay in the villa to protect him. There should be nothing wrong with it."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Qiu Yuelin's beautiful face lightly nodded, and then she raised her tender white hand with some distress, and stroked Qi Lin's cheek: "Husband, this situation must be very dangerous, right? It's all because my dad didn't listen to you, I have brought you trouble, and I can't help but worry when I think of you having to face those dangers alone.

Qi Lin said with a smile: "It's just some little guys, it's not dangerous, and your dad was really scared this time, and sincerely apologizes to me, I believe he won't make such low-level mistakes next time .”

Hearing Qi Lin say that her father was scared and apologized, Qiu Yuelin couldn't help showing a hint of curiosity.

She couldn't be more clear about her father's character, and she never bowed her head to anyone in her life.

And this time he actually apologized to his son-in-law, isn't this scene a bit interesting?

"Honey, why did my dad apologize to you?"

Qiu Yuelin asked with a suppressed smile.

Qi Lin followed Qiu Shanhai's example, and said in horror: "Xiao Lin, Dad knew he was wrong, and Dad will listen to you in everything from now on. If you want to blame this time, you can blame me [Don't take your anger on Qie."


Because Qi Lin learned too much, he learned that Qiu Shanhai was terrified when he saw the cold and evil side of the big devil Qi Lin with his own eyes.

Qiu Yuelin couldn't bear it anymore, she fell into Qi Lin's arms with a smile, and the flower branches of her smile trembled wildly.

"I think you must be very proud now. How can a father-in-law be afraid of a son-in-law? In the future, even if my father knows that you are playing tricks outside and has so many concubines, he won't dare to bother you."

With white and tender jade fingers, Qiuyue Lin tapped Qi Lin's forehead softly while suppressing a smile and said. .

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