Knowing that her father was safe and sound, she gently kissed Qi Lin on the face, and Qiu Yuelin went back to her room to rest.

Now that she is just pregnant, she can no longer mess around with Qi Lin.

The once arrogant and willful young lady has now become a gentle and virtuous young woman.

It was she who said to Qi Lin herself that she couldn't serve him now, so she asked her to find Lan Yuxi and the others.

Looking at Qiu Yuelin who had changed so much, Qi Lin was deeply moved.

If all his women can finally change towards this trend, then he is really harmonious in the harem, and he will become the happiest man in the entire Blue Star.

Lan Yuxi has been living in her own home since the Chinese New Year.

This time, Qi Linyou took her over from Zhou Lina, and she will live in Qi Lin's house from now on.

Villas No. 1 to No. 9 have all been decorated.

Fang Yuanyuan and Qi Feng live in Villa No. 9.

In Villa No. 2, Qiu Yuelin and Qiu's mother live in "340".

Not to mention Villa No. 1, Qi Xueyao, Wang Siling, Lin Dong, these girls live there.

As for Chuchun, since she has been taking care of Qiu Yuelin, she moved into Erting Villa together.

Lan Yuxi was going to live here with Qi Lin, and Zhong Xia, who had been in charge of protecting her, also moved here.

The two girls just became companions and moved into Villa No. 3.

at this time.

Villa No. 3 is brightly lit.

"Yuxi, why do you want me to wear this kind of clothes?"

In the master bedroom on the second floor, Zhong Xia looked at himself in the mirror, wearing a tight-fitting gym suit, with a pretty face flushed, and very reserved.

As I said before, Lan Yuxi always wanted Zhong Xia to be her maid.

With a little helper joining his camp, Qi Lin will only dote on her even more.

So she always coaxed the shy and lovely Zhong Xia to wear some weird dresses.

Forget it before, JK uniform skirts, blue and white sailor uniforms, Lolita skirts, British style school uniform skirts, maid skirts.

Abandoned since she was a child and grew up in an orphanage, Midsummer Night didn't wear any good clothes, and she picked up unwanted clothes or donated clothes to wear.

So even though these dresses were weird, under Amy's careful thinking, she followed Lan Yuxi's request and wore those dresses.

But what is this tight gym suit now?

This is no longer clothes, is it?

Can't wear it out at all.

As long as she thinks about being seen by those men, she wants to find a hole in the ground shyly.

But how did Zhong Xia know that this tight-fitting gym suit is very normal to wear in the country of cherry blossoms.

It is a must-wear for swimming lessons and gymnastics lessons, and it is also very common on TV.

"Ann, Zhong Xia, you are my bodyguard, you usually do training to strengthen yourself."

"The clothes you wear are not suitable for training, unlike this gym suit, which doesn't hinder you at all and can fully display your flexibility.

"If you don't believe me, show me some backflips now."

Lan Yuxi looked at the shy and lovely Zhong Xia with a satisfied face.

If her appearance at this time was seen by her husband, she would be so fascinated that she couldn't move her eyes.

"Is it really going to be easier?"

Zhong Xia was also loosened by what Lan Yuxi said.

Pretty blushed slightly, and after hesitating for a moment, she actually did a few backflips on the expensive carpet.

That agile figure like an elf is beautiful and beautiful.

Lan Yuxi can guarantee that even if Zhong Xia joins the gymnastics team now, he will probably be able to come back with an award in the international competition.

"Well, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Zhong Xia asked with a smile after the backflip was over.

Zhong Xia nodded slightly in surprise: "The clothes are so close to the skin, as if they are one body. If you are only training in the villa, it is quite suitable to wear."

"Since it is suitable, Zhong Xia, you can start training now, I will record a video for you, and after you finish training, you can see what flaws you have.

Lan Yuxi suddenly performed a magic trick, took out a video recorder, and said with a smile.

Was it really out of good intentions that she asked Zhong Xia to find out her shortcomings?

No and no.

This little girl recorded the video just to show it.

No matter how beautiful the product is, you can't expect customers to come to your door by themselves, you have to sell it well, right?

With the pregnancy of Qi Xueyao and Qiu Yuelin, the sense of crisis in Lan Yuxi's heart became more and more intense.

She was worried that because she had no children, she would go to the doctor in Ji'an.

Under so much pressure, Lan Yuxi had no choice but to use her trump card, the little bodyguard Zhong Xia.

Let her be his maidservant.

At that time, Lan Yuxi will not believe that Qi Lin will not spoil himself more.

Zhong Xia is also stupid enough, she really believed Lan Yuxi's words, she nodded: "Yuxi, you have to promise me, this video can only be shown to me, don't let outsiders watch it, I'm not married yet people."

Lan Yuxi smiled and started recording: "Well, your boss can't do it either?"

Hearing Qi Lin's name, Zhong Xia's pretty face turned rosy again...

In Zhong Xia's heart, Qi Lin is her bole, a great benefactor who has the kindness to know and meet.

If it wasn't for Qi Lin, she would probably still be staying in the dilapidated orphanage, and the future would be bleak.

How can there be a bright and familiar life now.

There is also a good little sister like Lan Yuxi, who respects her, takes care of her, and never dislikes her for not studying and being an orphan.

"For example... If the boss wants to see it, that's fine.

Zhong Xia lowered her head shyly, pointing her white and tender hands unconsciously.

Hearing Zhong Xia's answer, Lan Yuxi's eyes lit up.

"It's funny, it seems that my husband's charm is too strong, and he obviously hasn't said a few words, but this little girl is actually interested in him. y

After knowing Zhong Xia's intentions.

Lan Yuxi focused more on the video of Zhong Xia's training.

But the two little girls didn't know that at this time there was already a figure, who walked into the villa silently, and then went straight to the second floor.

After the last unified renovation, this villa has been uniformly replaced with the most advanced foreign fingerprint locks.

Qi Lin can open the fingerprint locks of each villa. As for the rest of the villas, the fingerprints of whoever moves in will be recorded, and there will be no confusion.

So when Qi Lin entered Villa No. 3, Lan Yuxi and Zhong Xia were not aware of it at all.

"The lights are bright? Is this girl Yuxi still asleep?" 4.4 walked towards the second floor, Qi Lin thought while smiling.

"I haven't bullied this girl for such a long time, and I don't know if she will miss me. If she really can't help it, she won't go to that girl Zhong Xia, right?"

But Qi Lin really misunderstood Lan Yuxi this time.

She is a very normal girl, she just likes to be intimate with Qi Lin, and she has no interest in lace or anything.

She and Zhong Xia are pure girlish friendship...

Of course, if Lan Yuxi always wants to give Zhong Xia to Qi Lin, it is not a bad idea, it is indeed a pure friendship.

PS: It’s a new month. Brothers who have a monthly pass must give it a free one. The author has updated it stably now. Please finish writing this book. And the author is already planning a new book, and it is expected to meet with you after the new year, and I hope everyone can continue to support Lao Qi. .

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