Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

496: Boss, Will She Be Your Woman After Midsummer?

"Yes, yes, when you raise your legs, go a little higher..."

"When doing splits, hug your heels to show your body's flexibility..."

"Here's another one who sticks to the wall and smiles a little bit sweeter..."

In the beginning, Zhong Xia's training was a little normal, it was all her usual fighting moves.

But with Lan Yuxi's intervention, the tone gradually began to change.

Why do I have to do these strange dance moves and keep smiling sweetly?

Is this practicing martial arts or dancing?

It just so happened that Qi Lin had already reached the door of the master bedroom.


"Raise your legs a little higher?"

Qi Lin who vaguely heard these words was a little taken aback.

what plane?

Why do these words sound so...

Could it be that Lan Yuxi really couldn't bear it anymore, and went to the side with Zhongxia Lace behind her back?

"That's not okay, I can only put my love for my concubine on me alone, how can I share it with other people, not even women."

With a hint of anger, he opened the door directly.

"Um..." 03, but after he pushed open the door and took a closer look, he couldn't help being stunned.

This... What kind of plane is this playing with?

In the meantime, Zhong Xia was sticking to the wall, with a sweet smile on his innocent face, as if he was taking a photo.

Why do you say photo?

Take a look at her tight gym suit, her bandaged fresh ball head, and her cute little feet.

Isn't this taking a photo? What is it?

Zhongxia is facing the door.

She also never expected that the boss, who obviously shouldn't be here, would suddenly barge in.

A pure face, looking at Qi Lin at the moment, looks cute.

next second.


She screamed shyly, and immediately wanted to retract her slender manga legs and find a place to hide.

Maybe it was really too panicky.

She, who was clearly skilled in martial arts, lost her balance and fell directly from the wall.

Leaping against the wall has also become a posture of splitting legs on the ground, not to mention how embarrassing it is.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin was dumbfounded.

"What are you two doing?"

When Lan Yuxi saw that Zhong Xia, who had practiced well, suddenly fell down in a panic, she was also stunned.

But when she heard Qi Lin's voice, she realized what happened.


Lan Yuxi turned her head in surprise and let out a cry of joy.

Even Zhong Xia didn't care about it, and jumped on Qi Lin like an octopus, a pair of delicate little feet locked his legs tightly.


It was only now that Zhong Xia finally regained his balance, got up from the ground quickly, and then picked up the sheet on the bed to cover himself.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin was a little dissatisfied.

"Zhong Xia, what do you mean by this? A gym suit is still concealed, netizens can see it, just guard against us family members, right?"

Qi Lin uttered a classic saying for later generations.

Zhong Xia was so frightened by Qi Lin's criticism that he was at a loss as to what to do. When he let go of his hand, the bed sheet fell to the ground.

That set of pure blue gymnastics uniform was displayed in front of Qi Lin again.

"That's about the same."

Qi Lin smiled and nodded, not shy at all, looking up and down shyly bowing his head and not daring to look at Qi Lin's Zhong Xia.

To be honest, Qi Lin has so many women, he has seen basically all kinds of dresses.

Only this gym suit was the first time Qi Lin had seen it.

Lan Yuxi, who was hanging on Qi Lin's body, saw that Qi Lin seemed to like Zhong Xia in this attire, and a sly smile appeared in her beautiful eyes.

She leaned close to Qi Lin's ear, breathed like blue and said softly: "Husband, Zhong Xia and I are taking a photo now."

Qi curiously asked: "Take a photo? Who will you take it for? Could it be that you still want to sell it for money?"

Hearing Qi Lin's nonsense, Lan Yuxi's beautiful eyes rolled her eyes: "Thinking about it, it's impossible. How could I show the photo of my little sister to others?"

"I have discussed it with Zhong Xia, and she personally agreed. After the photo shoot is finished, I will show it to my husband. She wants you to see if her martial arts has improved.

Lan Yuxi's words made Qi Lin couldn't help being taken aback again.

Qi Lin knew that Lin Dong liked him.

But Zhong Xia likes herself, but she really doesn't know it at all.

Willing to show Qi Lin a photo of her gym uniform, if she doesn't have a good impression of herself, which girl would do this?

Qi Lin looked up again at Zhong Xia who was shy and lowered his head: "Zhong Xia, you really said that? Are you willing to take a photo for me?"

Obviously, the two of them discussed just now to shoot a training video, and then show it to Zhong Xia to let her find out her flaws, but now Lan Yuxi has changed her beyond recognition.

Zhong Xia can completely explain it to Qi Lin.

But she nodded ecstatically.

After nodding his head, Zhong Xia's heart was blank with shame.

"God, what the hell am I doing? This nod, soon to admit that I like the boss?"

"If the boss doesn't like me, then am I being too affectionate?"

Fortunately, she didn't really understand Qi Lin's character.

In spring, summer, autumn and winter, they are the four most beautiful among the hundreds of orphans adopted by Rose.

And they have different personalities.

They are also responsible for protecting the safety of Qi Lin's wives.

How could Qi Lin let them fall in love and get married freely.

From the moment they became the bodyguards of Qi Lin's wives in spring, summer, autumn and winter, they were destined to follow the people they protected and become Qi Lin's housemaids.

It seemed that Qi Lin's heart was moving, and Lan Yuxi jumped off Qi Lin at the right time, she said with a smile: "Originally, I planned to finish filming the video, and then show it to my husband.

"Since you're here now, you don't have to make such trouble."

"Zhong Xia, show your boss a good dance here, I'll go downstairs to the living room to watch TV first."

Speaking of this, Lan Yuxi ignored Zhong Xia's panicked eyes asking for help, walked out of the room, and closed the door thoughtfully.

Some people need emotional foreshadowing.

But for some people, it will be a matter of course, without any twists and turns, and they will be able to spend a full moon.

"Boss... Zhong Xia, will she be your woman after Zhong Xia?

Zhong Xia was still dressed like that, snuggling in Qi Lin's arms with hazy eyes.

Giving her innocence to Qi Lin, she didn't regret it at all.

Moreover, her extravagance is not high at all, she only hopes that Qi Lin can give her a little love, and treat her as her own woman, not a plaything. .

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