Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

498: You Want To Be The Soft Side Seven, Right?

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Although Matsushima Kirina wants to go back to Sakura Country, she is not interested in Qilin's mission.

How strong Qi Lin is and how sophisticated his methods are, she has personally experienced it.

Even if he can't handle things, let him do it, how much hope can he have.

"Buzz has imprisoned his fiancée, Bernice, and I need you to rescue her and bring her to me.'

"As long as this task is completed, I will give you the antidote and let you go. I will never break my promise."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

"Is Bernice imprisoned by Buzz?"

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Matsushima Kirina's pretty face couldn't help but froze for a moment.

But immediately, a sneer appeared in her beautiful eyes.

She did not doubt Qi Lin's words, but despised Qi Lin's fickleness.

It must be that Qi Lin and Bernice knew about the adultery, so that he would kill his fiancée and imprison him.

"Buzz has the Golden Knights by his side. If you want to save someone from him, what's the point?"

Kirina Matsushima said lightly.

Qi Lin smiled slightly: "I asked you to save people, but I didn't ask you to kill people, and when you shot 907, I would also help you attract firepower. If you can't even do this, don't blame me for not giving If you have a chance, you will stay here for the rest of your life and be my soft side seven."

Hearing Qi Lin's obscene words, Matsushima Kuna blushed, and glared at him fiercely with her beautiful eyes.

"When will you do it?"

Kirina Matsushima didn't want to communicate with Qi Lin, so she asked directly.

"Just tonight."

Qi Lin said and snapped his fingers.

Xiaomei came in from outside the room, holding a set of ninja skirts and a few brand new kunai in her hands.

Xiaolan brought in another box of strange things. Looking closely, it turned out to be the smoke bombs, ecstasy and other strange things of Matsushima Yuna.

Sometimes Qi Lin is also quite strange.

Obviously Matsushima Kirina is so slender, where are all these things she brought? Why can't it be seen at all.

Looking at the familiar guy in front of her, Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes were slightly red, and her white tender hands gently stroked them.

After months, she finally saw her again.

And from this point, it can be seen that Qi Lin is not joking with her, but really needs her help.

Although Kirina Matsushima hated Qi Lin very much.

But the relationship between the two has gone beyond husband and wife.

Not shying away from Qi Lin, she immediately put on this brand-new ninja skirt, and equipped her with those weird things.

"Can I go now?"

The beautiful and stunning Sakura college student transformed into a valiant ninja again at this time, and she looked at Qi Lin with her beautiful eyes.

"Be careful, ask the master to kiss you again before you leave."

Without waiting for Matsushima Wuna's consent, Qi Linlou climbed up to her slender waist, and kissed her moist rose lips.

Matsushima Wuna was being bullied, and Bai Nenyu subconsciously wiped the sharp Kuwushang with her hands, her beautiful eyes showed a cold light, and she was about to seal Qi Lin's throat with a sword.

But in the next second, a look of helplessness flashed across her beautiful eyes.

I've given this bastard my innocence, so I still want to be invited by him once?

Besides, she couldn't beat Qi Lin, so it's better to endure it silently than to suffer more.

Thinking of this, Matsushima Kirina blushed slightly, closed her beautiful eyes, and waited for Qi Lin to finish quickly.



Matsushima Yuna pushed Qi Lin away, and wiped the corners of her mouth in embarrassment.

It turned out that something had suddenly crossed over just now.

"Master is disgusting, I think you want to be Roubianqi again?"

"Stop moaning, hurry up and complete the task for me, if you are not rescued, see how I deal with you."

Qi Lin smiled lazily, and didn't care about Matsushima Sonona's murderous eyes at all.

Is he really (afaj) so boring and doing that disgusting thing?

of course not.

In fact, what was sealed and fed to Matsushima Murona just now was the antidote.

Today is different.

Kirina Matsushima is already pregnant with his child.

The medicine is three-point poisonous, and Qi Lin didn't want the child in Matsushima Yuna's stomach to have any accidents. She didn't tell Matsushima Yuna, and directly detoxified her.

Matsushima Kirina took a deep look at Qi Lin with her beautiful eyes, turned around and immediately got out of the bay window.

The slender body, like a squirrel, disappeared into the night nimbly.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin smiled faintly, turned around and went downstairs as well.

Sitting in the living room on the first floor, Qi Lin lit a cigarette and slowly exhaled a smoke ring.

"Is the eyeliner gone?"

Qi Lin asked in the dark.

Xiao Zhu stepped out of the darkness.

She is the person in charge of all surveillance at Yanyan Villa.

"Boss, the eyeliner sent by Chen Jiawei has already left quickly after seeing Miss Wu Nai leaving."

"He must have gone back to report to Chen Jiawei."

With Qi Lin's shrewdness, will he not be able to discover this little guy's eyeliner?

Two months ago, this knew that someone was monitoring here.

After discovering this, Qi Lin at that time did not act rashly, but kept this eyeliner until now.

Sometimes, the news that the enemy finds out by himself is much more reliable than the information that he sends up on his own initiative.

Chen Jiawei's manor.

"Young Master Chen, one of Qi Lin's lovers, Yan Yan has important news."

The man in charge of monitoring Yan Yan's villa immediately reported to Chen Jiawei who was sitting in a wheelchair after entering the villa.

As Chen Jiawei's guest secretary, Masao Oda, who has reached a cooperative relationship between the two parties, is also there.

"what news?"

Chen Jiawei immediately sat up straight.

After several rounds of confrontation with Qi Lin, and being made into a man who is neither human nor ghost, Chen Jiawei finally did not dare to underestimate Qi Lin and became mature.

He hasn't recalled the eyeliner placed outside Yan Yan's villa for a long time.

Because he knew how terrifying Qi Lin's keen sense of smell was.

He had told this eyeliner a long time ago that if it was not a particularly important news, he must not come to see him, otherwise it would be easy to be directly exposed to Qi Lin.

But how did Chen Jiawei know that Qi Lin already knew about the eyeliner he placed beside Qi Lin, but he just pretended not to know.

"I saw with my own eyes that Ms. Matsushima Wuna, Mr. Oda's junior sister, came out of the villa."

"Although she was wearing a ninja suit, she was not masked, and the villa was brightly lit at that time, so I could see it clearly."

The eyeliner spoke truthfully.

Hearing this news, Chen Jiawei was fine, but Oda Masao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly widened his eyes.

Stand up abruptly. .

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