Since the younger junior sister was captured by Matsushima Wuna, she has been imprisoned in Yan Yan's villa.

Oda Masao also wanted to snatch the junior sister back, but the villa was run by Qi Lin like a fortified wall, using the most advanced security system imported from Germany.

Under the monitoring without dead ends and the protective net, not even a fly can fly in.

The most important thing is that there are still four not weak masters in the villa, even Masao Oda is helpless in the face of this situation.

Follow Chen Jiawei's advice.

Oda Masao did not act hastily, but stayed here, waiting for the opportunity.

Waiting for the opportunity to rescue the little junior sister.

And this wait, that is, two months have passed.

For the first time, the eyeliner sent by Chen Jiawei sent back news that the junior sister Matsushima Wuna escaped from the villa!

"The little junior sister must have found a way to escape!"

"I knew it! I knew that my junior sister didn't have a crush on him, he was just controlled by the hateful Qi Lin dog thief."

"No way! Knowing that Junior Sister has escaped, that dog thief Qi Lin will definitely not let it go, and will send someone to chase her down.

"I can't let my junior sister face danger alone anymore, I'm going to help her!"

Speaking of this, Oda Masao had a dignified expression on his face, and he was about to leave Chen Jiawei's manor and set off to find Qi Lin.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Oda, don't be impulsive, this may be Qi Lin's trick."

"Have you forgotten what happened last time? How did he find someone to pretend to be Ms. Matsushima Kirina and play you around?"

Seeing that Masao Oda was going to act rashly, Chen Jiawei stopped him immediately.

Hearing Chen Jiawei's reminder, Oda Masao also calmed down a little.

He stopped and looked back at the eyeliner: "Are you sure that person is my little junior sister, Ms. Matsushima Nai?"

But after asking, Masao Oda didn't know what to do.

Even he would be fooled by Qi Lin Yirong's fake junior sister, now can he expect an eyeliner who has only seen the photo of the junior junior sister to recognize the real one?

However, this time the eyeliner gave Masao Oda a surprise.

"At that time, the angle was quite good. I happened to take a picture of Ms. Matsushima Kirina's front face. Mr. Oda can confirm it by himself."

The eyeliner took out a few photos and handed them to Oda Masao.

As a result of the photo, Oda couldn't wait to carefully look at the photo of his junior sister.

In about a few minutes.

Oda Masao's eyes suddenly became excited.

"This is Junior Junior Sister, she is absolutely right.

"The skin can be imitated to perfection, but the eyes can never deceive those who know her well."

"There is a hint of coldness in her firmness. Although she is a ninja, her heart is extremely pure. She only has murder and travel in her eyes, and she can't tolerate anything anymore. This is definitely a junior sister."

Listening to Oda Masao's serious description, Chen Jiawei's face turned dark.

Can women tell the difference through their eyes? Isn't this too nonsense?

He felt that Masao Oda was possessed by a demon, completely bewildered by falling in love.

Anyway, he couldn't understand this kind of dog-licking behavior.


Back then when he was kidnapped, he was so greedy for life and afraid of death that he let his beloved fiancée Yu Jin replace him.

A person like Chen Jiawei who is extremely selfish will never understand what pure love feels like in his entire life.

"Mr. Chen, you and I have made a covenant, now is the time when I need your help, please help me immediately and help me bring back my junior sister.

Just as he was talking, Masao Oda suddenly bowed to Chen Jiawei, which shocked Chen Jiawei.

After reacting, he couldn't help cursing in his heart: "Fuck, I formed an alliance with you because I want you to help me assassinate that bastard Qi Lin. You are better now, let me and you save the unwilling woman."

"My two balls are gone, do you still want me to give my life to Qi Lin?"

But Chen Jiawei didn't dare to say that on the surface, after all, the two really signed the covenant.

"Ahem~ The matter of helping Oda-san rescue Ms. Matsushima Kirina is good. I will send 40 of the top bodyguards to go with you right now.

"But I may not be able to do it here. The defense of the manor is weak. I am afraid that Qi Lin will take advantage of it and sneak in, which will be bad for my father. I believe Mr. Oda can understand, right?"

0...seeking flowers...

As long as he can have a helper to help him hold Qi Lin, he will have the confidence to take his junior sister to a safe place.

Oda Masao bowed again to thank Chen Jiawei: "Thank you Mr. Chen for your help, as long as I rescue my junior sister and find Qi Lin's flaws, I will take action and kill this villain with my own hands.

time does not wait.

After Chen Jiawei nodded, Masao Oda took away the 40 guards in the villa.

After he left, Chen Tiansheng coughed and was helped down the stairs.

Ever since Qi Lin robbed the business of the Xiongchu Elevated Highway, and his son was injured by Qi Lin, his legs were disabled and he could no longer be humane. Chen Tiansheng was exposed by the angry thunder and almost died of cerebral hemorrhage.

Even after being rescued by the doctor, his health was deteriorating.

At this time, it would be impossible for the Chen family not to hand over to Chen Jiawei.

It can be said that it is finally Chen Jiawei's turn to take control of the current Chen family.

"This time may also be an opportunity. Our Chen family has a great career, and we can recruit again when the bodyguard is gone [but every time we can get rid of that little boy named Qi Lin, we must not miss it.

"Let that Jonin from the Sakura Kingdom take the lead, and you lead someone else to observe the situation in the dark."

"It doesn't look right, you retreat immediately."

"If they fight to the detriment of both sides, you should attack immediately and kill everyone.

An old house where a treasure.

Jiang is still old and hot. Although the Chen family has been ruled by Chen Jiawei, Chen Tiansheng reminds his heir from time to time to prevent him from making wrong decisions.

Chen Jiawei, who was originally planning to stand still, listened to his old father's suggestion and pondered for a while.

Afterwards, he nodded: "Although Masao Oda is not as powerful as Qi Lin, he can still hold Qi Lin for a long time. As long as I don't show up casually, I shouldn't be in danger."

"Dad, I'll listen to you, follow me right away to see what's going on."

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