"Have you completed your mission?"

"Has Bernice been saved? Just ask me for the antidote?"

Qi Lin questioned Matsushima Yuna unceremoniously.

After Qi Lin said this, Matsushima Murona became even more speechless.

After a long while, she bit the bullet and said, "You didn't tell me that there was a trap in Buzz's villa, and the one I took away was a fake 'Bernese.'"

"Do you know that she still has a time bomb hidden on her body, if Chen Jiawei hadn't snatched her away by accident, I would be the one who was killed by the bomb.

"On the other hand, I have completed the task you gave me."

Spreading her tender little hands again, Matsushima Yuna repeated the words: "Give me the antidote."

This appearance is quite cute, like a little loli who repeatedly asks the uncle for candies.

Qi Lin laughed and patted Matsushima Wuna's white and tender little hand: "If you haven't completed the task, you haven't completed the task. Don't make any excuses with me. According to what you said, what about my Bernice? You can turn her into a Come out, let me make a baby with her?"

Listening to Qi Lin's obscene words, Matsushima Kuna blushed angrily: "Don't talk about me, I'll ask you, didn't you say that you would support me when I saved people? Why? You didn't show up until the end?"

"You didn't keep your promise, it's your fault."

"Give me the antidote quickly, you must know the poison in my body?"

Matsushima Yuna was so excited that she had already searched and groped Qi Lin's body. It is conceivable how much she cares about the child in her belly.

But Qi Lin has nothing on her body, so she is wasting her efforts in vain.

Feeling the body massage being done by his white and tender hands, Qi Lin deliberately asked: "The poison on your body must be cured? What kind of logic is this? Didn't I tell you that this poison has no side effects, as long as you take the antidote on time. "

Hearing Qi Lin's irresponsible words, Matsushima Yuna almost died of anger.

The poison is harmless to her, but what about the child?

Can Qi Lin guarantee it?

"Because I'm pregnant with..."

On impulse, Matsushima Kirina almost told the truth.

But at the last moment, she endured it with great perseverance.

Matsushima Wuna knew that if Qi Lin really knew about this, she would never want to leave Qi Lin again in her life.

It can't be said, and Qi Lin doesn't give an antidote.

Matsushima Kirina's chest was undulating, and the white tenderness was very seductive, and Qi Lin looked at it with relish.

However, sometimes things are such a coincidence.

After Bernice slept upstairs for a while, she woke up suddenly.

Feeling around, she didn't find Qi Lin's figure. She panicked, so she got up and went downstairs to look for him.

"Dear Lin, it's so late, why don't you go upstairs to sleep?"

Bernice didn't know Matsushima Kirina, and she didn't look carefully even though she was sleepy, so she went downstairs directly.

Hearing this voice, Matsushima Enchen, who was sitting on Qi Lin's lap, subconsciously glanced at Bernice Wen.

When she saw Bernice's appearance clearly, her whole body exploded.

If she read correctly, isn't the blond French beauty in front of her eyes the same Bernice that Qi Lin asked her to save?

Why did she suddenly appear at Qi Lin's house?

Kirina Matsushima is no fool.

Immediately she figured out the key to this.

From the very beginning, Qi Lin never thought of counting on her to rescue Bernice.

She just wanted to use herself as a fog bomb to confuse Buzz's judgment.

After his side has attracted all of Buzz's firepower, he will send someone to fish in troubled waters and bring Bernice back.

"Qi Lin!"

Thinking that she was actually regarded as an abandoned son by Qi Lin, Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes instantly turned red.

Unable to bear the anger and grievance in her heart any longer, she yelled at Qi Lin.

"Ahem, why did you call me?"

Qi Lin was also a little embarrassed, and asked while touching his nose.

"Why do you bastard use me? You know that I can't complete the task, but you still tempted me with antidote and freedom. Did you never intend to let me go from the beginning?

Matsushima Kiruna burst into tears like a fountain, and her heart was icy cold, like thousands of miles of ice.

Qi Lin sighed and didn't explain anything.

Like magic, he took out a delicate wooden box from his pocket.

"This is the antidote to the poison you took."

"Although I told you that you wouldn't believe me, I've thought about it a long time ago. Regardless of whether you rescued someone or not, I will give you freedom."

"Your innocence is given to me, and we have a romantic relationship, and I can't let you die for nothing.

Speaking of this, Qi Lin patted Matsushima Yuna's upturned peach: "Let's go, before I change my mind."

"You are free, you can go wherever you want."

Matsushima Yuna, who was originally angry, was stunned when she saw that Qi gave her the antidote so directly and let her go.

"What? Are you moved by my words? Suddenly you don't want to leave, you want to stay by my side forever?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.


It is true that Matsushima Kirin has improved Qi Lin's image, but it would be a little too contemptuous of her to use this to make her determined.

"Is this really the antidote?"

Matsushima Kirina took out the pill from the wooden box and asked suspiciously.

Qi Lin's expression was light: "Although I am indeed a big devil, and my actions are a bit ruthless, you are still my woman after all, and I don't need to give you a fake antidote to kill you

Regarding Qi Lin's words, Matsushima Wuna believed it.

Because according to her understanding, Qi Lin has so many women, no matter how he got them, he has never hurt them at all.

Thinking of this, Matsushima Sonona swallowed the pill without hesitation.

"Huh? It's quite delicious. Why does it taste like Qiao 807 Gram Beans?"

Kirina Matsushima twitched her small mouth, frowning cutely.

Seeing the appearance of the female ninja, Seal suppressed a smile.

Because this pill, is really a chocolate chip.

"The future will be indefinite. If there is a chance, I will still come and kill you."

Matsushima Kirina glared at Qi Lin, and immediately ejected the doctor from Qi Lin.

Before leaving, she did not forget to threaten Qi Lin.

After finishing speaking, she disappeared into the night without looking back.

That appearance seemed to be afraid that Qi Lin would be angered by her words and catch her back again.

Saying the most vicious words and making the most cowardly actions, this female ninja is too interesting.

Bernice walked up to Qi Lin, Bai Nenyu gathered the skirt under her hips with her hands, sat on Qi Lin's lap, put her arms around Qi Lin's neck, and looked at the back of Matsushima Yuna leaving with some curiosity.

"Dear Lin, did you really let this cute little sister go? She looks so beautiful. When did you become so generous?"

Qi Lin smiled and caressed Bernice's doll-like blond hair: "Don't worry, none of the women I like can escape from my hands. She will come back by herself in a short time."

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