Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

512: Captured By Future Father-In-Law?

"Buzz, have you brought back the thousand items?"

"This is your last chance to return to the family."

The next day, Buzz received a call from the patriarch of the family, who was also his father.

Buzz's face was pale, and he stammered: "Father... there is something unexpected here."

Before Baz finished speaking, the other party's expression changed, and he said in a cold tone: "I don't want to hear your reasoning, I just want to ask if the family's collection has been brought back."

Buzz stammered and said: "That Qi Lin is too cunning, I fell into his tricks, and Bernice was also snatched away by him, but don't worry, father, I still have his tricks in my hand, this time I will definitely Can bring back the collection of the family."

Hearing that Baz had really failed, the other party's voice became more and more indifferent: "Trash, the family spared no effort to help you, and even helped you deliver a batch of prohibited weapons. Is this how you convinced the family?"

"I'll give you another chance at the end. Within three days, if you don't have the collection within three days, then you can stay in Huaxia forever. The family will find a way to get back the collection.

After finishing speaking, ignoring Buzz's stinky shit face, the other party directly hung up the phone.

"Qi Lin, hateful Qi Lin, you are the one who caused me to be like this.

"Since you don't want me to have a good time, then I will ruin you too."

Buzz sat on the bed with a gloomy face.

Because of vomiting blood, his body suffered some losses.

But he was in his prime, and after a doctor's treatment, he rested for a night and recovered his energy again.

That night.

An explosive news swept across China, and everyone who read the news was dumbfounded.

The mayor of Lingnan City, in particular, was extremely furious at this time, and severely reprimanded the City People Construction Company located in Jianghan City in front of the reporters.

Naturally, Qi Lin's shareholding in City People's Construction Company is the construction company controlled by Chen Shuyi.

It is also this company that is responsible for the construction of the Xiaomanyao TV Tower in Lingnan.

"Lin'er, hurry up and read the news, it's full of reports about you.

"A man named Buzz was interviewed by the reporter himself."

"He said that he was instructed by you to use a large number of shoddy materials in the construction of Xiaomanyao to help you seek improper benefits from it.

"Son, did you offend someone? Why did that Buzz come out to frame you?"

Fang Yuanyuan's tone was anxious.

Qi Lin comforted Fang Yuanyuan, and said with a smile: "Mom, I didn't offend that Buzz, I just robbed his fiancée.

Fang Yuanyuan: "......"

She knew that her son was not a cheap lamp. If she didn't offend others, why would others frame him for no reason.

"Who is this Buzz's fiancée?"

Fang Yuanyuan asked in silence.

Qi Lin smiled and said, "It's Bernice, mom, didn't you just meet yesterday?"


Hearing Qi Lin's fucking answer, Fang Yuanyuan instantly had the urge to have a cerebral hemorrhage.

No wonder suddenly there is a blond daughter-in-law, emotional Qi Lin abducted his partner's fiancée.

"Ha ha!"

Qi Lin couldn't help laughing on the phone.

"You kid still has the heart to laugh. Xiaomanyao is the face of Lingnan City. There are billions of funds designed in it. If you don't handle it well, you will go to jail, do you know that?"

Fang Yuanyuan was so anxious that she didn't understand why her son could still laugh.

The two were talking.

There was already a knock on the door of Qi Lin's villa.

Bernice is sitting on Qi Lin's lap at the moment, feeding him sugar bridge.

Hearing someone knock on the door, she looked at Qi Lin with beautiful blue eyes.

Qi Lin nodded and patted her upturned peach: "Go and open the door."

Bo Ni, who swayed her graceful and unique figure in an expensive long dress, opened the door.

A group of uniformed police officers appeared at the door.

The leader was Qi Lin's acquaintance, his father-in-law Lan Gang.

"Is Mr. Qi Lin at home? You are suspected of being involved in an economic crime case, please come with me immediately."

Lan Gang looked at Qi Lin with a serious look on his face.

Looking at his appearance, Qi Lin was a little funny. As his father-in-law, his acting skills are quite good, and it seems that he has never seen himself.

But Qi Lin also understands that he is in a sensitive position, and once he gets too close to himself, he will not be able to contribute to himself in this matter.

"I am."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

The policewoman next to Lan Gang took out the arrest warrant: "This is the arrest warrant."

Qi Lin didn't even look at it, he got up and put his arms around Bernice's waist and asked, "This is my assistant, can I take her with me?"

Seeing Qi Lin being so affectionate with a beautiful blonde girl in front of his face, Lan Gang's eyes almost popped out.

It's this time, and he still wants to pick up girls, he really wants to give this kid a big fight, let him know how powerful he is.

But in the end, Lan Gang held back.

Qi Lin and Bernice boarded Lan Gang's special car.

Lan Gang's own people are in the car, and only then can he anxiously ask the question in his heart: What kind of plane are you kidding?"

"The Lingnan City Government trusts you, so they gave you the construction of Xiaomanyao TV Station. Is this how you repay others?"

"This time, your partner personally came out to backstab you. He also personally took over the batch of fake and inferior materials and purchased them from France. Now he says that this matter was ordered by you.

"Economic cases involving hundreds of millions [how many heads do you have enough to pay?"

Facing Lan Gang's questioning, Qi Lin looked calm and indifferent.

"Buzz can't take it anymore? He used all his last trump cards, but he seems to have forgotten one thing.

"My own harem is on fire, even (Zhao Dezhao's) fiancée has become mine, does he think I don't know about it?"

It's not easy to kill Buzz.

As long as there is family support behind him, Qi Lin can't easily move him for a day, otherwise he will incur a tragic blow from the behemoth behind him.

Only by designing to make the Baz people betray their relatives, make a wrong move, and make the Baz family abandon him, can Qi Lin completely kill him in the end.

Bernice's whole heart has actually fallen in love with Qi Lin for a long time.

Why didn't Qi Lin let her come back to him earlier?

In fact, Qi Lin asked Bernice to hang out with Buzz and collect his stolen evidence to frame him.

Including the recording of his speech, the agreement signed with Chen Jiawei, and the despicable procurement plan reached by Buzz and the purchaser from France.

Bernice did not disappoint Qi Lin either.

Taking advantage of Buzz's trust in her at the beginning, Bernice completed all the collection of evidence. .

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