For such a poor and hateful Buzz, a hint of disappointment flashed across Bernice's beautiful eyes, and she no longer had any interest in playing and torturing him.

It seemed that she had sensed what Bernice was thinking.

Qi Lin suddenly raised his hand.

Zhou Pojun immediately understood what Qi Lin meant, and he put his pistol in Qi Lin's hand.

Under Bernice's dazed gaze, Qi Lin handed her the pistol: "Since you don't want to see him again, why don't you kill him now?"

"Anyway, he has been abandoned by the family, and now he is just a crazy wild dog. Even if he is killed, no one will care."

These words seemed to have stimulated Buzz, and he roared at Qi Lin: "I'm not a wild dog, I'm not a wild dog! I abandoned the Buzz family, I abandoned them! They don't deserve to have such an excellent person like me!" Future generations, this rotten family should have been destroyed long ago."

Facing Buzz's anger, Qi Lin smiled faintly: "Don't worry, I will help you fulfill your last wish, and you will see your father and brothers in hell on the 13th."

Bernice bit her lower lip lightly, fear flashed across her beautiful eyes.

No matter how radiant she is, she is only a 24-year-old girl after all, not to mention killing people, even chickens and ducks have never been slaughtered.

What's more, the man in front of her is her former fiancé.

But Bernice also knew that this was Qi Lin's test for her.

The sight in front of her made her dream. The beloved Huaxia man is a big devil with flaming flames.

If she wanted to gain a place in his heart and not fall out of favor in the future, she had to show a side that Qi Lin could appreciate.

Thinking of this, Bernice took the pistol from Qi Lin's hand and aimed the black muzzle at Buzz's forehead.

"You shouldn't meet me in this life, and I don't want to meet you in the next life, so maybe you won't die at my hands either.

There were tears in Bernice's beautiful eyes.

That's not because of the old love for Baz, Qi Lin is the only man she loves deeply now.

She was just telling the twists and turns of her own destiny.


Bernice suddenly closed her eyes tightly, and pressed the trigger with her slender fingers.


Buzz's pupils dilated suddenly, and he looked at Bernice in disbelief.

He never thought that he would die at the hands of his favorite fiancée in the end.

Hearing the sound of the corpse falling to the ground, Bernice could no longer bear the horror in her heart.

She threw away the gun in her hand, and her delicate body fell into Qi Lin's arms in an instant, crying Qi Lin: "Dear Lin, I killed someone, I really killed someone, please don't abandon me, okay? Don't want to go to jail."

Looking at Bernice who seemed to be really scared, Qi Lin couldn't stop laughing.

Caressing her golden wavy hair, Qi Lin comforted with a smile: "Killing a damned person is just killing a chicken, don't worry, after there is no Buzz, you don't have to worry about anyone anymore, An Anxin is my wife..."|

"By the way, you French people seem to change your surname to your husband's surname after you get married. You won't be called Bernice Chee in the future, will you?"

Qi Lin asked with interest, and diverted Bernice's attention in a timely manner.

As expected, Bernice got better, but she still didn't dare to turn around to look at Buzz's body. She nodded her head slightly, and looked at Qi Lin with red eyes: "Yes, from now on, my name will be Bernie.

Qi Lin put his arms around Bernice's waist and walked outside.

But Zhou Pojun immediately stepped forward to open the car door for the two of them.

The body of Buzz here will naturally be dealt with later.

Just got in the car.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing a male protagonist, the reward system points 10,000 points.

"Current cumulative system points of the host: 29885."

Listening to the information of credit points credited to his ear, Qi Lin smiled slightly.

Buzz is not an ordinary hero, he has the Buzz family as his backer, and Qi Lin doesn't want to have long nights and dreams, so he asks Bernice to deal with him directly.

Of course, the most important thing is that Qi Xin moved the 10,000 system points.

Qi Lin has long been greedy for the exchange interface in the system mall.

From future technology to various strengthening potions, from life-prolonging pills to endless energy for immortality, the more points this system has, the better.

"Jiang Lei has been subdued and has lost his fertility. He has completely become an ordinary person and gained 10,000 points in the system."

"Hu Bing was sentenced to indefinite term, and he will never come out again in this lifetime. The system also rewarded him with 10,000 points."

"Now kill Buzz and get 10,000 points."

"Bought some small things in the system mall in the middle, and used some points, the number 29885 is quite right.

Qi Lin thought about it for a while, lamenting that the hero is hard to kill, and the system points are hard to earn.

I want to wait for the day when I will dominate the world, and the day when I and the heroines in my collection will have a beautiful face forever, and the day when I am free and easy is still far away.

"According to the latest news, Buzz, who framed Mr. Qi Lin and bought a large number of fake and inferior building materials, has committed suicide in his villa in Jianghan City, Huaxia."

"So far, the Lingnan TV Tower construction materials case has been completely solved, and City People Construction Company has finally been cleared.

In the early morning of the next day, the news of Baz committing suicide in fear of guilt was broadcast on the news. It must be that Lan Gang's case had already been closed.

All the evidence in the villa has been erased by Qi Lin, and he asked people to disguise Baz's body as a suicide in fear of crime.

Anyway, Buzz had already been abandoned by the family, and now that the incident was revealed, even if he made such a move, it would not be surprising.

Qi Lin smiled and gave the TV.

Things have to be done one by one. Now that Buzz has been resolved, the next step is to start with Matsushima Yuna.

Her father, Matsushima Chio, took over the order to assassinate Qi Lin, and the two had already formed an indissoluble feud.

Others have come to assassinate him, and it is not Qi Lin's style of doing things to go back without paying back.

in addition.

Kirin Matsushima didn't plan to let her go immediately, you know, this girl still has her own child in her stomach.

And this time in his plan [Matsushima heavy turbulence is also an extremely important tenth ring.

"Boss, did you call someone here for something?"

After receiving Qi Lin's notice, Lin Dong immediately came to Villa No. 4.

The girl in a kawaii lolita dress and white silk pantyhose bounced up to Qi Lin with beautiful eyes blinking.


Zhou Pojun also received Qi Lin's notice, came to Qi Lin, bowed his head slightly.

"The two of you will play a play with me now."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

For acting, Lin Dong is quite experienced, because she had pretended to be Matsushima Yuna last time.

Zhou Pojun couldn't help being stunned for a moment, because he had never had such an experience.

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