Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

517: Dog Licking: I Love You Too After Being Defiled

There is no doubt about the effect of the SSS level disguise technique.

In less than ten minutes, Qi Lin himself was completely changed.

He made up himself to look like Chen Jiawei.

Lin Dong still went back to his old business, and made up to look like Matsushima Sonona.

Zhou Pojun made the first strange attempt in his life and became Masao Oda.

"Bernese, you can find a candid angle nearby and help us take a video."

Qi Lin entrusts Bernice with an important task.

Bernice's pretty face was stunned for a while, not understanding what kind of trick Qi Lin was playing again.

But she still nodded, took the camera, pretended to be candid and began to shoot videos.

"None of you can speak Sakura language, so I don't need to say anything."

"Just nod and say hi when I finish a sentence and pause, understand?"

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Hearing that the task was so simple, he was a little apprehensive, and Zhou Pojun, who had never acted before, heaved a sigh of relief.

"Understood, boss."

Zhou Pojun nodded.

Qi Lin nodded towards Bernice, indicating that she could shoot.

Immediately afterwards, he said to the two with a serious face: "You helped me get rid of Buzz, and as a thank you, I promise to give you assistance and send someone to go back to Sakura Country with you to get rid of Chio Matsushima.

"When the time comes, I hope Miss Wuna will not forget our partnership when she becomes the head of the Matsushima family after killing Chio Matsushima."

Speaking of this, Qi Lin, who turned into Chen Jiawei, stopped talking.

Zhou Pojun and Matsushima Wuna also understood at this time that it was time for them to perform.

Both of them had the same serious expressions, and they didn't talk much, they all lowered their heads and said, "Hi!"

No matter how you look at this video, it is full of flaws, making people suspicious.

But Qi Lin is not worried that Matsushima Chio does not believe that Matsushima Yuna and Oda Masao have rebelled.

We must unite with outsiders to deal with this patriarch.

He knew what Matsushima Chio wanted to do to his own daughter, so it would be no wonder Matsushima Sona didn't hate him.

As for Oda Masao, he has been doing his own way and disobeying discipline. Chio Matsushima has long wanted to get rid of him.

Qi Lin's video is just a fuse.

Thinking of this, he smiled slightly and said, "Want to go back to the Sakura Country? I don't think you will be able to come back under the overwhelming pursuit of Matsushima Chio."

After shooting the video, Bernice returned to Qi Lin, and she handed the camera to Qi Lin with a pretty face: "Dear Lin, is this video aimed at the girl from last time?"

Speaking of this, she covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly: "Let me just say, as long as it's a girl I love dearly, how can I let her go casually, I look forward to seeing this little sister again one day.

Qi Lin pinched Bernice's nose, then took out the memory card in the camera and handed it to Zhou Pojun.

"Po Jun, thank you for flying to the Sakura Country, and handing over this memory card to Masao Oda as soon as possible.

Zhou Pojun immediately took a step forward, took the storage device, and nodded: "Understood, boss."

Then turned and left.

After Kirina Matsushima left from Qi Lin, she immediately came to the place where she and Masao Oda had agreed to meet.

After Oda Masao was injured, he found a small clinic and opened the door, and he treated and bandaged the wound himself.

Because he was worried that he would miss the news from his junior sister if he didn't wait there, he rushed back immediately and lay down on a tree.

Because he was really sleepy, he actually just slept on the tree all night.

The next morning, Masao Oda, who was in a daze, heard the sound of "chirping birds.

At first, he didn't take it seriously.

But within a few seconds, his eyes suddenly waited, and a look of surprise appeared on his face: "It's Junior Sister who has returned."

Thinking of this, Masao Oda easily jumped off the tree.

Then, he saw the pretty figure of his junior sister, standing not far away.

"Junior Sister, you were fine in the last battle, were you not injured?"

Oda Masao immediately began to care about his junior sister.

Matsushima Kirina shook her head: "No injury, but the mission failed, the Bernice I took away is fake.

Speaking of this, Matsushima Yuna suddenly saw the gauze on Oda Masao's arm, and her pretty face froze for a moment: "Brother, your arm?"

Masao Oda smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, it's just a small injury. In the past, when performing missions, there were more serious injuries than this everywhere...

Speaking of this, Masao Oda seemed to have thought of something, and he asked nervously: "Junior Sister, since the mission failed and no one was rescued, will Qi Lin let you go? Is there any antidote? There is no antidote, What about your body?"

When Oda Masao said this, Qi Lin's free and easy way when he let her go came back to Matsushima Kuna's mind.

Thinking of this, she bit her lower lip lightly, and then said: "The man has been rescued by himself, I'm just a cover-up, used to confuse Buzz [he never expected me to rescue him. "

Hearing what the junior sister said, Masao Oda gritted his teeth angrily: "Damn it, I knew that bastard Qi Lin didn't have such good intentions, so he didn't give you the antidote at all? It's junior sister, you find a way to escape from?"

Matsushima Yuna still shook her head, and then sighed softly: "We all misunderstood him this time, he not only gave me the antidote, but also told me that he would let me go no matter whether Bernice was rescued or not." , so I can come here to find you."

Oda Masao: "......"

"Junior Sister, this must be a trick played by Qi Lin's dog, don't fall for his tricks, and run back with a soft heart."

Oda Masao said nervously.

Matsushima Yuna said softly: "Perhaps he is not a qualified villain after all, I gave him my innocence, so he finally softened his heart towards me, but it is impossible for me and him after all, don't worry, I don't I will go back, this time I will go back to Sakura Country."

Hearing Matsushima Kirina's words, Masao Oda's face brightened. (money is ok)

Because this was already the answer he most wanted to hear.

"Junior Sister! This... After returning to the family this time, I will ask the patriarch to witness our marriage. You should also know that I have liked you for a long time. Really, I don't care about anything that happens to my junior sister. I will only be single-minded in this life. love you alone."

This confession, anyone who hears it may be moved.

After all, Matsushima Wuna has been tarnished like that by Qi Lin.

But Matsushima Kirina's face was calm, and a sigh flashed in the darkness.

Senior brother doesn't mind her, but she never wants to touch the word "emotion" in this life.

As soon as she returns to the country of cherry blossoms, she will disappear without a trace in an instant, find a quiet place outside the world, and live the most peaceful life.

Then, she will give birth to the child in her womb, raise it up carefully, and enjoy this warm affection.

As for the brother's devotion to her, Matsushima Yuna can only say sorry. .

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