Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

523: Why Didn't You Kill That Bastard? Because Can't Beat

"Master... Junior sister, why did that person help us?"

Sakura Country, inside a private clinic.

Faced with Kunai Matsushima, the doctor bandaged Masao Oda's wound tremblingly.

Masao Oda was still puzzled by the person who appeared in time and saved him just now.

Regarding this matter, Matsushima Yuna did not intend to tell Masao Oda the truth.

She looked indifferent: "I don't know, it may be a senior hermit.

"Aren't there many such stories in Huaxia?"

Masao Oda: WW

As the number one expert in Sakura Country, why doesn't Masao Oda know there are such people in Sakura Country?

But he felt that maybe his junior sister didn't know, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"Junior Sister, what should we do next?"

Oda Masao asked worriedly.

Sakura Country may not be able to stay.

Let Matsushima Chio find that the two have returned here. With the energy of the family's political and business circles, they have nowhere to hide.

Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes hesitated for a moment, and finally said a place that Oda Masao could not accept: "I am going to go back to Huaxia, after all, that is not the sphere of influence of Matsushima Chio, and if he wants to do anything to us, he will You have to measure your own strength."

Oda Masao gritted his teeth and asked: "Junior Sister, you don't want to go back to find Qi Fan's things again? 567"

Seeing that she couldn't hide it anymore, Matsushima Yuna nodded and admitted directly: "In this situation, only he can protect us.

Oda Masao was allergic to hearing the name Qi Lin, he said angrily: "Even if I fight to the death with the person sent by the family, I don't want to be protected by that dog, junior sister, he has never treated you as a human being, Why do you want to go back and let him torture and humiliate you?"

Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes looked faint: "Otherwise? Would you rather watch me die at the hands of Matsushima Chio than live under Qi Lin's protection? You always say you like me? This is what you like ? Selfish to the extreme? When you like someone, you want her to live well and live happily. What do you think of this sentence?"

It's not that Matsushima Yuna wants to stimulate Oda Masao, it doesn't matter if she is dead, but she really needs Qi Lin to protect the child in her stomach.

Hearing Matsushima Kirina's words, Oda Masao turned pale and was speechless.

Do you really love your junior sister?

In the eyes of my junior sister, I am actually a selfish person!

That's right! Since you really like someone, don't you want her to live happily and live well? Why would I rather my junior sister die than live?

"Oda Masao, you are such a damn selfish man!"

It's over. (bgfc) The man in Sakura Country is already a fat man, but now he is brainwashed by Matsushima Kira.

Oda Masao's vision gradually became firmer, but his heart felt more and more painful.

As a man, he couldn't protect his beloved woman, and had to escort her back to his rival.

Dare I ask, is there anything more painful than this in the world?

"Junior Sister, I will listen to you, I will go back to Huaxia with you."

Oda Masao said with a wry smile.

Matsushima Kirina didn't speak any more, but there was a trace of relief in her beautiful eyes.

Oda Masao is a stubborn person, if he doesn't let him follow, I'm afraid he will run back and fight Matsushima Mikio to the death.

When he arrives in Huaxia, letting him hide his name there and find an ordinary girl to marry and live is the best ending.

"You take a rest first, we will fly back to China early tomorrow morning."

After Matsushima Kira said something to Masao Oda, she went to the room where the doctor was resting.

After the female doctor bandaged Masao Oda, she obediently returned to the resting room.

Looking at the woman in the black dress and black veil in front of her, the female doctor timidly said, "Ms. Wuna, I recognize you. You are a sophomore student at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tokyo, right?"

Hearing what the other party said, Matsushima Yuna sighed slightly in her heart, and took off her veil: "Isn't it good to pretend that you don't know me? You know that if you do this, your life will be in danger.

The other party repeatedly waved his hands and said, "Miss Wu Nai, don't worry, I will definitely not tell anyone this secret."

Matsushima Kirina didn't say anything more.

This woman is her pharmacy teacher, and she usually runs a private clinic. She is kind and enthusiastic, and Matsushima Xunqi didn't want to hurt her.

Unless she revealed her identity.

"I am pregnant."

Kira Matsushima reveals her secret.

The female doctor didn't think it was too strange after hearing this.

16-year-old deferred girls in Sakura Country are too common, and Matsushima Kirina is pregnant at 19, which is normal.

"Help me check my body, I don't want something to happen to the baby in my belly, and I want to ask a question, why once I act violently, I will feel dizzy and flustered.

"Don't tell the man outside about these things."

Matsushima Kirina lay on the hospital bed by herself.

The female doctor nodded quickly, and then began to check Matsushima's body.

Ten minutes later, the female doctor smiled and said, "Miss Wuna, your body is very healthy and your fetus is developing well."

"As for the dizziness, palpitation and weakness you mentioned, it belongs to the phenomenon of hypoglycemia after pregnancy."

"To be more specific, it's actually the baby in Ms. Wuna's belly who is stealing nutrition from you. Is Miss Wuna picky eater? If you want to avoid these things, you need to eat less and more meals, and eat more protein, vegetables and fruits. You can’t be picky eaters anymore, okay?”

"Otherwise, not only will Ms. Wuna have physical problems, but the baby will also lag behind in development and even get sick."

Hearing what the female doctor said, Rena Matsushima blushed slightly.

She does have a picky eater.

Maybe it’s because he’s a ninja. He’s a carnivorous animal. He basically doesn’t eat fruits and vegetables, so it’s no wonder he has hypoglycemia.

"Thank you Hashimoto-sensei."

Matsushima Kiruna politely straightened her dress and finally thanked the female doctor.

The female doctor smiled and said that you are welcome, then she blinked and asked: "Can you tell the teacher, who is the baby's father? Is it the man outside? He looks very manly, you can see that he It was to protect you that I suffered such a serious injury."

This joke is not funny, Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes were indifferent again: "He is not the baby's father, he is the most hateful bastard in the world, every time we meet, I wish I could kill him."

The female doctor froze for a moment, and asked a very strange question: "Ms. Wu Nai is so powerful, why didn't you kill him?"

Matsushima Kirina's pretty face was embarrassing, and a touch of pink appeared: "I can't beat him."

The female doctor couldn't bear it anymore, and laughed out loud: "Happy friend, this is, now that Ms. Wu Nai has his child, I believe you two will be able to reconcile as before and live a happy life."

For the first time, Matsushima Wuna showed the posture of a little girl, and said coquettishly: "Teacher, if you talk nonsense again, I will get angry.


Seeing the sharp shuriken in the student's hand, she coughed in embarrassment and shut up decisively.

PS: As the Chinese New Year is approaching, the author has a lot of things to do, and may not be able to guarantee the frequency of two updates per day, but the author can guarantee that there will be no interruptions, at least one or two chapters will be updated every day.

This book has also entered the final stage. You can find that the author has begun to fill in the gaps. The author will fill in the heroines who have not been accepted and the male protagonists who have not been resolved.

Finally, when the book is finished, that is when the author opens a new book. The name of the new book will be announced at the end of the chapter. If you like Lao Qi's writing style, you can continue to support it at that time.

I wish you all a happy new year in advance, with a lot of laughter and good luck in the new year. .

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