The recovery ability of ninjas is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

After bandaging the wound and recovering overnight, Oda Masao has recovered from his injury.

"Junior Sister, why didn't you kill this doctor? If she leaks our whereabouts, then we may be chased and killed by people sent by the family."

After leaving the clinic, Oda Masao said to Matsushima Kana with raised eyebrows.

Matsushima Kirina's voice was light: "She is my university teacher, should I kill my teacher?"

Oda Masao sighed: "Sister, have you forgotten the ninja manual? In the ninja world, there is no one who cannot be killed, as long as he hinders our way forward and threatens our interests."

Matsushima Yuna suddenly looked at Oda Masao: "What about you? When you block my interests, should I kill you too?"

Oda Masao was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "If junior sister can attack me one day, it means that you are already a most qualified top ninja, and I will be very happy when this day comes, even if you want to If you kill me, I will face it with a smile."

Kirina Matsushima: "..."

"What about me? I hinder your interests, will you kill me?"

Kira Matsushima asked angrily.

Masao Oda's face turned serious: "No, in my eyes, there is no one more important than junior sister in this world."

Listening to these words, Matsushima Yuna silently covered her white snowy forehead: "Lick the dog."

Oda Masao: "What?"

At this time, there is no such word as licking a dog.

This word was heard by Matsushima Kirina from Qi Lin.

Because he always asked: "How about your dog licking brother?"

In the past, Matsushima Wuna scoffed at this sentence, but now, she felt that Qi Lin's conclusion was correct.

I don't know why, the more Masao Oda is so heartbroken, the more bored she becomes, she always feels like there is a dog next to her, and she wants to lick your toes every time she comes up

Perhaps it was the appearance of the mysterious man.

Kirina Matsushima and Masao Oda took the plane back to Huaxia smoothly, and the two were not hindered in the slightest.

Successfully took the plane from Osaka to China.

the other side.

The Matsushima family residence.

"What did you say? The encirclement and suppression of 7 top ninjas, 36 middle ninjas, and 200 low ninjas made these two traitors escape? What are you people doing?"

Chio Matsushima patted the table angrily and asked.

With cold sweat on Kameda's forehead, he bowed his head and explained: "Patriarch, it's not that we didn't try our best, the main reason is that a mysterious person suddenly appeared. I've never seen such a powerful guy. He can beat the top 7 of us with one person's strength. Enduring defeats, if we hadn't resorted to seclusion, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to come back to see the Patriarch."

In order to avoid responsibility, of course it is better to describe the enemy as big as possible.

Although Zhou Pojun is powerful, without armor, he may only be able to tie with the 4 Jonin, which is a level better than Oda Masao.

There are 7 jounin, even he is hard to resist.

"Mysterious man, do you think I'm a pig's brain? The ancient martial arts and ninjutsu in the entire Sakura country have long since declined, and now only my Matsushima family has a complete inheritance." Tell me, who else can be better than you Jninjutsu? so much?"

"I think it was your negligence that allowed these two traitors to escape."

"It's not good to do things, and punishment is inevitable. Each of you consul's ninjas will go to Heilongya and think about it for 2 hours."

Chio Matsushima said angrily.

Black Dragon Cliff is not a cliff, or a cave or something.

It was a confinement prison that endured punishment passed down from the Matsushima family.

There are many poisonous insects and ferocious beasts inside, and all kinds of methane hidden weapons emerge in endlessly, which is very dangerous.

This is a place that even Jonin would not want to enter.

Although they are strong, but in the face of this dangerous place, they will peel off their skin if they don't die.

Military divisions understand the changes in people's hearts the most. Now that Matsushima Kira and Oda Masao have rebelled against the family, it is time for the Matsushima family to increase their strength.

If these loyal jounin are punished again, I am afraid that Chio Matsushima's dominance and prestige will really fall apart by then.

"Patriarch, don't be angry, do you still remember the video message brought by Qi Lin's bodyguard?"

...asking for flowers...

"That Chen Jiawei said that he would send helpers to help two traitors to murder the Patriarch. Could this mysterious person come from China?"

The military division's statement was reasonable, and Masao Oda's anger gradually receded.

"If it is a master of China, it would not be surprising."

"However, it can be seen that he has nothing to do with the ninja's concealment technique."

"Although his strength is superb, as long as you don't fight him recklessly, your life will not be in danger."

"Matsushima Kirina and Oda Masao have to get rid of the two traitors, Kameda, I order you to continue chasing them, as long as the dead body is not alive."

"If someone protects them, don't fight recklessly, retreat immediately if the situation is wrong, take advantage of the ninja's advantage, and constantly harass them, I don't believe that this helper can protect them forever.

This time, Matsushima Chio didn't even want a living person.

There is no way, the opponent's helper is too powerful, it would be good if he can kill someone, and there is no talk of bringing a living person back.

The only thing that makes Chio Matsushima regret is that he has never enjoyed the beautiful beauty of his own daughter, the beauty of the moon, but he has never enjoyed it once, which is really a pity.

Kameda and others were ordered to continue searching for Matsushima Sono's time.

This search is one night.

The next morning, Chio Matsushima received a message from the military adviser: "Patriarch, according to the latest news, the two traitors Matsushima Wuna and Oda Masao have already boarded the plane to Huaxia Jianghan City, we are late step."

The military division said with a wry smile.


Hearing the news, Chio Matsushima slammed the table, and the fine mahogany table shattered.

"So what if you escape to China? Can you survive in the world?"

"Order Kameda to pretend to be a tourist immediately, continue to search for the traces of the two, and make sure to kill them!"

"After arriving in China, let them keep a low profile and don't hurt any Chinese people. I only want the life of these two traitors."

Chio Matsushima is still sensible. He knows that China has a vast land and rich resources, and there are many hermits and monsters. Moreover, the government of China is not a vegetarian. If you annoy them, maybe your little family fortune will be planted there. .

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