Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

525: Isn’T It Just Pregnancy? What’S The Big Deal?

Villa No. 1 of Qi Lin's family.

Bernice has completely left Buzz, and it's time to meet her sisters and sisters at home.

"They are all acquaintances, and I don't need to make more introductions."

"Bernese is from France, she is different from you, you have to get along well and don't bully her, do you know that?"

Boss Qi Lin is also average, sitting on the main seat of the sofa.

Qi Xueyao is the owner of Villa No. 1, and she is pregnant again, so she should be favored, and she is sitting on Qi Lin's left.

Wearing a long dress for pregnant women, the swollen pregnant belly exudes radiance.

The long black hair has already been tied in an antique bun, and it is tied up.

On the exquisite earrings are two crystal platinum earrings, which are crystal clear.

A pair of white and slender beautiful legs, without any stockings, just like a lady's close together.

With fair-skinned jade feet and graceful arches of "Seven Nine Seven", she stepped on a pair of puppet slippers.

If there are pregnant women in this world, then Qi Xueyao's divine young woman's aura at this time is their best object of admiration.

Of course, if there is such a pervert, if Qi Lin encounters it, he can directly crush the other party into pieces.

As for the radiant Bernice, her pretty face was slightly red this time, and she was sitting on the opposite sofa, timid and cowardly, like a little sister seeing her elder sister.

"Look at what you said, you describe us as fierce tigresses, are we the kind of people who will exclude sisters?"

Qi Xueyao patted Qi Lin's chest lightly with her white and tender hand, and said coquettishly.

Qi Lin touched Qi Xueyao's white and tender pregnant belly, feeling very comfortable.

He always felt that as long as he touched this place, the little guy inside would kick him, as if he was telling Qi Lin, this bad baba, not to disturb it to rest.

"What about Yuxi? Why does she keep suing you?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Lan Yuxi was sitting on Qi Lin's right hand, and when she was pressing Qi Lin's leg, she suddenly felt aggrieved and said, "That's right, that's right, isn't it just pregnant? What's the big deal?"

Every time I saw it, I was sneering and sarcastic. "

Qi Xueyao's beautiful eyes cast a funny look at the playwright Lan Yuxi: "Am I being sarcastic? It wasn't you who came up to make trouble that time. If you are capable, you will also help your husband conceive a baby.


Lan Yuxi's small mouth was puffed out angrily, but she didn't know how to refute.

If her parents agree, you think she doesn't want to have a baby.

Seeing that the two Huanxi lovers were about to quarrel again, Qi laughed and said, "Send the two of you back to your mother's house if you quarrel again, and look at Bernice, won't you learn from her and be smart and sensible?"

Qi Xueyao and Lan Yuxi are both Qi Lin's wives, so you can joke around.

In order to let Bernice integrate into this family as soon as possible, it is natural to praise a few more words.

Qi Xueyao and Lan Yuxi already had two qualified wingmen.

Although Bernice is a big star, she is a foreigner after all. Does she have any roots in China?

It is impossible to become the master of the harem in the future, so there is no need to worry.

on the contrary.

Because she is the only European and American in Qi Lin's harem, she must have a unique position in Qi Lin's heart.

Won her to support him, will it be easier for him to become the master of the harem in the future?

"Bernese, your song 'God Is a Girl' is my favorite, and it's been played as a single, can you give me a signed record?"

Qi Xueyao got up with difficulty, walked to Bernice's side, and took her hand.

With this move, even Qi Xueyao had to marvel at the whiteness and tenderness of the skin of Europeans and Americans.

Compared with her, the white skin of my own yellow race is a bit inferior.

And doesn't it mean that Europeans and Americans have fair skin but rough skin?

Why is this cold white skin as tender as tofu?

The character of Europeans and Americans is straightforward, but they don't know what it means to be tactful.

Bernice explained with an embarrassed smile: "The song 'God Is a Girl' is actually not mine, it was written by Qi Lin as a present to me. What I liked before was his badness and his cynicalism. I just realized that my dear Lin is so talented, and I realized that I have been his little fan girl all my life."

Hearing this, Qi Lin waved his hands and said with a smile: "Don't praise me like that, it makes me feel a little embarrassed."

But seeing his embarrassing appearance, the girls couldn't help but roll their eyes.

But immediately, the girls began to wonder in their hearts.

The crayfish that is popular in China today was invented by Qi Lin. This is the kitchen...

Xiaomanyao TV Tower was designed by him, which is amazing and brilliant.

It is a computer genius who writes 720 anti-virus that the world's anti-virus software can't parry with one hand.

Go up to the hall, go down to the kitchen, be humorous and pampered.

If we say that at the beginning, these women were bullied by Qi Lin and replaced by Stockholm Syndrome and couldn't do without him.

Then, later on, because of Qi Lin's amazing talents, they became his little fans, and they fell in love with each other desperately.

On the surface, she doesn't admit it, but in fact, even Qi Xueyao, who was the first to be eaten by Qi Lin, sometimes blushes pretty when she sees Qi Lin's pensive look, or when he is arranging his suit. The calm demeanor is so confusing.

"Really? Husband, do you know how to write songs? And is it in English?"

Qi Xueyao looked at Qi Lin with a pretty face in surprise.

Even Lan Xiaohua had a look of disbelief: "Husband, haven't you always scored zero in English? You don't know a few English words, so you can write this kind of divine comedy?"

Bernice was a little unhappy when she heard the blue school girl say that. She smiled and said, "Sister Yuxi, my dear, you know that you can speak French? And it's more fluent than ninety-nine percent of French people. , is it any wonder that he can speak English?"

"What? Husband also speaks French?"

Lan Yuxi's small mouth grows big, why is this getting more and more outrageous?

Bai Nisi covered her mouth and smiled: "Think about it, when I first came to China, I couldn't speak Chinese. If my dear doesn't know French, how did you get me into it? Could it be that he is by his side? Is there an interpreter for 24 hours?"

These words are very convincing.

Lan Yuxi looked at Qi Lin with a pretty face full of resentment: "Husband, how many things are you hiding from us? Could it be that you are just pretending to have poor grades?"

Qi Lin smiled lazily and said: "Oh, I wanted to get along with you as ordinary people, but in return I was alienated and excluded. Forget it, I don't pretend anymore. I have a showdown. In fact, I am a school bully. I lied to you at the beginning. It’s also because I’m already a rich second generation, if my grades crush you again, what if you think about committing suicide?”

Lan Yuxi:

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