Chio Matsushima is the owner of Send House, and he has been running the place for many years.

Especially in the mansion where he rests, he has arranged various sophisticated mechanisms, including fortifications.

Although under the powerful offensive of Rose, Zhou Pojun, and Oda Masao, the guards guarding Matsushima Chio were extremely struggling.

However, with the assistance of various agencies, they really blocked the first wave of offensive that Matsushima Rina stopped.

And when Matsushima Chio's reinforcements arrive, tens of thousands of ninjas will besiege them, probably the mighty Zhou Pojun, so don't even think about retreating completely.


Facing the worsening situation, Matsushima Sonona's beautiful face was calm.

"Do you think that after firing the signal flare, you can wait for support?"

"What if your subordinates dare not come? How long will your defense system last?"

Matsushima Kira was like a gorgeous but extremely poisonous butterfly, who ruthlessly dealt with a chunin who was guarding in front of Matsushima Chio, and then said calmly.

Hearing this, Chio Matsushima, who was always vigilant, had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"What do you mean by that..."

He wants to ask.

But before he could wait for Matsushima Yuna's answer, there were violent explosions on the main roads around the family.



"Boom boom boom!"



The sound of broken and flying gravel and wood.

A series of tragic screams intertwined in Matsushima Chio's ears.

"What's going on? What's going on here?"

Looking at the flames and the fierce fighting everywhere, Chio Matsushima could no longer maintain his composure just now, and his face was horrified.

"Matsushima Chio acted in the opposite direction, he was not as good as an animal, he killed his father and brother to seize the position of the head of the family, his crime is unforgivable, under the order of Ms Matsushima Mina, he will be killed.

"Now that Chio Matsushima has been executed, if you don't want to step into his retreat, throw away your weapon and surrender immediately!"

This is the voice of Jonin Kameda.

Chio Matsushima's subordinates who came to support were attacked by an ambush bomb, and they were wounded and dead. They were in a panic and didn't know what happened.

However, the signal flare that the Patriarch asked for support and escort just now was for real.

Now that they heard Jonin Kameda's words, they believed it, and they really thought that Chio Matsushima was dead.

It's better to die than to live. People are obedient to the strong.

Matsushima Yuna is also of the blood of the Patriarch, so it seems that there is no problem in surrendering to her.

Anyway, the Matsushima family has long had the tradition of killing their fathers and brothers, and these ninjas have become accustomed to such things.


Before Chio Matsushima could wait for the support of his loyal subordinates, these subordinates threw down their weapons and surrendered under Kameda's flickering.

The location of Kameda is not far from Chio Matsushima.

Hearing that Kameda, who was appreciated by him and became the number three person in the family, betrayed him in a blink of an eye, and even helped the traitor Matsushima Kira to recruit the family ninja, he almost fainted with anger.

"Baga! Who said I'm dead! I'm not dead at all! Kameda, you bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Pulling out the samurai sword at his waist, Chio Matsushima charged towards Matsushima Yuna, trying to break out of the encirclement first, and then summon his subordinates to kill this rebellious woman.


Now that he has no foreign aid, what is the matchup between Songdao's repeated crimes and his team.

Under the siege of several masters such as Rose, Zhou Pojun, Matsushima Kuna, and Oda Masao, Matsushima Chio retreated steadily.

The wretched Mediterranean warrior hairstyle also fell apart, and he was extremely embarrassed.

How could he still have the courage to show off his might just now.


Matsushima Chio's strength is not as high as Oda Masao's.

Under the siege of the four masters, he could no longer resist.

After being hit several times, he spit out blood from his mouth and flew backwards.

Barely supporting himself with a samurai sword, he knelt down on one knee.

"Matsushima Chio, what else do you have to say?"

Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes carried a trace of carefreeness, and she looked at Chio Matsushima, who was dying on the ground.

To be honest, Chio Matsushima is kneeling on one knee now, supporting himself with a knife, which is quite like the scene of the end of the hero.

At this time, he should probably be stubborn to the end, and then die under his own misery.

But in the next second, Chio Matsushima's behavior shocked everyone's attention.

"Wuwuwu, Wunai, I made a mistake for my father, I made a big mistake for my father, I shouldn't bully you as a father."

...asking for flowers......

"Since I'm your father, and because we are connected by blood, why don't you let me be your father this time?"

"You want the position of the head of the family, right? As long as you let go of being the father, a meeting will be called and the position of the head of the family will be passed on to you."

"If you don't want to see the father, the father can even leave the country of cherry blossoms, go to Europe, America, Southeast Asia, go anywhere, and never set foot in the country of cherry blossoms.

Speaking of this, Matsushima Chio looked at Matsushima Kirina eagerly, how humble and humble she was, and how flattering she was.

Kirina Matsushima: "..."

Looking at Matsushima Chio's extremely embarrassing, greedy for life and fear of death behavior, and seeing the weird eyes of Rose, Zhou Pojun and others, Matsushima Xunna's beautiful face turned red for the first time.

She couldn't help explaining: "Although China has a saying that like a father, like a daughter, I can assure you that I am definitely not such a despicable and shameless person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and I never admit that he is my Father…………"

Rose interrupted Matsushima Kirina's words, holding back a smile and said: "Mirna, there is no need to explain, our own sisters, don't I know how good you are?"

"Furthermore, with Qi Lin's bastard's eyes, it's impossible for ordinary women to fall into his eyes."

Hearing Rose said that the two are her sisters, Matsushima Kirina's pretty face became more and more rosy.

She nodded and didn't say anything more, but the killing intent in her eyes became more and more determined.

She is not a holy mother, and she will not be soft-hearted and let the tiger go back to the mountain or something just because Chio Matsushima is her biological father.

Today, the only purpose of her coming here is to kill Chio Matsushima, the insane ghost father who is not as good as a beast.

"These words, you'd better save the hell mother to confess!"

Matsushima Kiruna's voice was extremely cold, her beautiful eyes carried a trace of hatred, and she walked slowly towards Matsushima Chio.

"What do you want to do?"

Chio Matsushima, who was at the end of the road and whose combat strength had been greatly reduced, trembled with a hint of fear in his voice.

He jumped up subconsciously, ready to turn around and run away.

But Zhou Pojun and Oda Masao moved faster, the two were as fast as the wind, punching him directly, and sealed all the retreating soil of Chio Matsushima. .

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