Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

550: Chio Matsushima Dies, Kirina's Childhood

"Go to hell, you bastard!"

Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes carried a trace of cold killing intent, and the samurai sword in her hand chopped towards Matsushima Chio's head without hesitation.


In an instant, blood was sprayed for more than ten meters, adding a touch of blood to the already tragic courtyard.

The human head flew up with the samurai sword.

Chio Matsushima's eyes were full of unwillingness, and they stared wide open.

The entire Matsushima family is under their control.

There are twenty-four Jonin.

There are hundreds of Chunin.

There are thousands of Ninja.

These forces, no matter where they are placed, are quite explosive.

On the other hand, on Matsushima Kirina's side, there are not many shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

The only jounin who helped were Kameda and the others who Matsushima Sonoto instigated from his side.

Is this a flying dragon riding a face?

How do you tell him to lose? "Two seven three"

But the problem is, he really lost.

Lost in the hands of his own daughter.

No, it should be lost in the hands of a young man who he didn't count at all.

The moment a human head is cut off, it can still supply blood for three seconds to maintain thinking.

After three seconds, Chio Matsushima felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and his eyes went dark, and he could no longer perceive the world.

"Chio Matsushima is dead, why don't you stop?"

Seeing this scene, Oda Masao shouted angrily, and shouted to those who rushed over to support him.

The effect of this sentence is very good.

When those ninjas saw Chio Matsushima's headless body slowly falling to the ground, their faces were filled with bewilderment.

The head of the family is dead, is there any use in resisting?

"Bang Bang Bang ~"

Weapons were thrown on the ground one by one, these ninjas stopped resisting, and were obediently controlled by Kameda and others who drove back again.

"Hahaha! If you have meat to eat, don't grab it from me. I want to eat meat, delicious meat!"

The battle came to an end.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, a crazy woman with disheveled hair ran out from nowhere.

She laughed nervously and ran directly towards Chio Matsushima's body.

Seeing this scene, Rose thought it was Chio Matsushima's helper, her face turned cold, and she was ready to go up and kill her.

"Miss Rose, wait a minute!"

Seeing the person coming, Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes were very surprised, but immediately, she stopped Rose.

"Sister Rose, she is not from Chio Matsushima, she is my aunt, and she is also a poor person."

Matsushima Kirina shook her head, a look of pity flashed across her beautiful eyes.

She is very lucky to face such a cruel animal father like Matsushima Chio.

Because she met Qi Lin, the man she hated so much at first, but now she loves so much.

With the help of Qi Lin, she beheaded the invincible Matsushima Chio, ending her tainted fate.

But what about aunt?

Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes gradually turned rosy, and an unbearable past event gradually emerged in her mind.

A mother who is full of numbness and despair, and a father who is so fanatical about rights that he has no humanity.

It was the father who sent the mother into the room of that same inhuman animal grandpa.

When the mother came back the next day, she was covered in bruises and her eyes were dead.

She went to take a bath first, and then touched the hair of Matsushima Yuna, who was only 7 years old at the time.

"Kuna, mother is a useless woman, mother is too painful, mother can no longer take care of you "I'm really sorry."

"Remember what my mother said, when you grow up, you must escape from here, no matter where you flee to."

After saying these words that Matsushima Yuna could not understand, the poor woman tied a white silk in front of her daughter, and then ended her life.

When Kirina Matsushima was 12 years old.

My aunt also ran out of Grandpa's room, crying and bruised all over her body.

And that Grandpa Beast, and Chio Matsushima walked out of the room with reminiscence on his face, as if he was used to this kind of thing.

Since that day, Matsushima Yuna has never seen her aunt live normally, she is crazy every day, and even has incontinence.

He likes to smear himself with feces.

Matsushima Kira didn't know if her aunt was really pretending to be stupid, or to protect herself, but since then, at least Chio Matsushima and that animal grandpa haven't touched her again.

"Hahaha! It's so delicious, the meat is so delicious!"

A maddened and piercing laughter brought Matsushima Yuna back from her memories.


Rose is also a well-informed person, but seeing this crazy woman gnawing Matsushima Chio's head beyond recognition, she almost vomited it out.

Seeing this scene, Matsushima Yuna, a strong girl, finally couldn't help crying...

She slowly walked up to the mad woman and knelt down.

She didn't dislike her dirty smell, and gently comforted her: "Auntie, it's okay, everything will be fine in the future, you can live the life you want, and find the person you love.

Matsushima Kirina's words made the woman's crazy mood gradually calm down.

After a long silence, the woman's voice said softly: "Kuna, thank you, thank you for everything you have done for us poor women. Your mother will be relieved to see Chio Matsushima's fate in the sky."

"My aunt is very pleased that you can find these like-minded friends. My aunt has also heard about the matter between you and that person. You are very lucky to meet someone you like."

"Auntie, think about that night ten years ago, a man could have appeared and rescued me from this devil's lair.

"But there are not so many ifs. My aunt is tired. This world is not worth it."

"My aunt is gone, take the happiness of my aunt and your mother, and live well."

Is Kirina Matsushima's aunt really crazy?

Judging from her performance at the moment, I am afraid that she has been pretending to be crazy all these years.

But the problem is, sometimes you are really crazy, and you don’t know anything. Compared with pretending to be crazy and acting stupid for more than ten years with pain, you are really much happier.


The vengeance was avenged, and seeing her enemy die tragically, she also ate his flesh and drank her blood, her heart was unprecedentedly peaceful.

5.1 Picking up a handful of kunai on the ground, the woman stabbed into her soft abdomen without hesitation.

As the blood flowed, consciousness gradually blurred, and the woman actually showed a slight smile.

Until the end, she dropped her hands weakly, and died in the arms of Matsushima Yuna.

From the beginning to the end, Matsushima Kirina watched quietly without any intention of stopping.

In Sakura Country, seppuku is a symbol of honor and a symbol of atonement.

After death, he can return to the embrace of Amaterasu.

Matsushima Kirina has no right to prevent her aunt from ending this painful life.

There was a long silence.

"Kameda, arrange for someone to bury my aunt and find a place facing the sea where spring flowers bloom. My aunt likes the sea the most.

Kirina Matsushima ordered lightly to Kameda.

"Yes! Patriarch! The subordinates understand."

Kameda knelt on one knee with a respectful tone. .

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