Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

551: The New Emperor Ascends The Throne, Sisterhood

With the surrender of all endured, the Matsushima family ushered in a new round of dynasty change.

Since then, the era belonging to Chio Matsushima has come to an end.

The era of Kirina Matsushima has arrived.

"Sister Wuna, are you alright?"

After learning about the beastly deeds committed by the beastly men of the Songdao family, Rose began to feel sorry for the little sister.

Matsushima Kirina shook her head: "I'm fine, it's a kind of happiness for my aunt to be relieved."

Speaking of this, her beautiful eyes became firm again: "The deceased is gone, what I have to do now is to thoroughly cleanse the Songdao family.

"The ninjas who committed brutality against the women of the family, or my aunt and mother, will be shot and killed."

"To Chio Matsushima and his father's loyalists, we must eradicate them mercilessly.

"The Matsushima family will carry out reforms again, and the ancestral precepts and family precepts will all be abolished!"

Kameda arranged for Aunt Matsushima Kirina's funeral and rushed back again.

Matsushima Kirina, who was already sitting in the family ceremony hall, asked lightly: "Tell me about the battle situation this time."

Kameda respectfully knelt down on Shan 15: "There are 24 jnin in the family, 9 of them died this time, and 15 remain, 108 of zhongnin, 28 died in battle, 80 remain, and 1000 of jnin. More than 400 people died, and there are 600 left.”

Matsushima Kiruna listened and nodded.

"Immediately count these ninjas, the stubborn ones, the ninjas who bullied the women of the family, Chio Matsushima and his father's loyal old ministers are all cleared away. I will send Zhou Pojun to assist you..."

Speaking of this, Matsushima Kirina looked at Kameda with a trace of murderous look in her eyes: "Did you ever bully my mother, or the family women?"

When Kameda heard Matsushima Kuna's questioning, his neck shrank suddenly, and his whole body broke out in cold sweat: "No, I can swear to Amaterasu that I never did these things, otherwise the sky will be struck by lightning, and five thunders will strike the top."

Kameda is a character who is eager to study power, but not very interested in female sex.

At the beginning, there were so many ninjas who participated in the bestiality, Kameda couldn't hide it even if he wanted to lie.

"hope so."

Kirina Matsushima waved her hand and asked Kameda to go down to settle the matter.

The bloody cleansing of the Matsushima family lasted for nearly half a month.

There are 7 upper ninjas involved, more than 30 middle ninjas, and more than 200 lower ninjas.

These ninjas were all participants in the original incident, or were surrounded by Matsushima Chio loyally.

In order to consolidate her rule and even reshape her family, Matsushima Yuna would rather sacrifice nearly half of her power.

When these ninjas saw that Matsushima Yuna was going to kill them, they immediately rose up to resist.

It's a pity that under the suppression of Kameda, Rose, Oda Masao, Zhou Pojun and others, there was no bubble at all, and they were all killed.

From then on, the Matsushima family belonged to Matsushima Kirina alone.

The atmosphere of corruption and darkness has also taken on a new look.

two weeks later.

A sunny day.

Kameda, the newly appointed deputy chief executive, and Oda Masao, the chief executive, held a grand succession ceremony for her.

Dressed in a traditional kimono, the stunningly beautiful Matsushima Kiruna, surrounded by four maids, took the seat of the head of the household.

The Matsushima family is also a family that has lasted for thousands of years in the Sakura Kingdom, and is well-known.

The new Patriarch succeeded to the throne, and the major families of the Sakura Kingdom, even the President, sent envoys to congratulate him.


Another ninja family in Sakura Country, as famous as the Matsushima family.

For thousands of years, the struggle between the two major ninja families has never ceased.

But over the years, the strength of the two big families is almost the same, and no one can do anything to the other.

"Patriarch, according to our eyeliner, this time the Matsushima family fought among themselves, resulting in countless deaths and injuries, and nearly half of the ninjas were eliminated by themselves."

"Without half of the ninja intermediate power, they are not enough to compete with our Koga. Such a good opportunity, should we take the opportunity..."

Next to Patriarch Koga, the military division made a gesture of destruction.

Patriarch Jiahe heard this, his eyes flickered, and he was a little tempted.

But at this time, a new guest came again.

"Mr. Peninsula Mei came to congratulate you."

Rose in a fiery red dress slowly entered under the support of Zhou Pojun and countless bodyguards in suits and sunglasses.

Matsushima Nai, who didn't get up no matter any important guests came to congratulate her, now she got up to greet her in person with a smile on her pretty face.

"Sister Rose, please come to congratulate me in person, the day is hard."

Rose smiled lightly, and took Matsushima Wuna's little hand: "My sister, why are you so polite, you just became the head of Matsushima, there must be some young people coveting you, be careful in the days to come, as long as someone dares to bully you You, just tell my sister, she will never let you suffer any grievances."

Rose is now doing a big business, not only controlling the largest underground kingdom on the peninsula, but also monopolizing the private arms of the peninsula.

As long as she thinks, she can get countless ammunition for Matsushima Kirina in an instant, making her enemies suffer from firepower phobia.

The conversation between the two of them was naturally for these guests who were harboring ulterior motives.

Patriarch Jiahe immediately frowned: "What's the origin of this woman? How dare she speak so arrogantly? Isn't she afraid of being assassinated by ninjas?"

Koga's thinking is still in the era when assassination is invincible, no matter who is afraid of ninjas, and dare not provoke them.

The military adviser behind him was sweating profusely at this time, and explained to Chief Jiahe: "This woman is called Rose, and she is a member of the peninsula's councilor, and she is also the hottest new star in the peninsula's political arena recently. I heard that she controls the entire underground area of ​​the peninsula. The kingdom has more than 100,000 members, and it also controls all the arms of Biaoer..."

Patriarch Jiahe interrupted the military division impatiently: "What if she has these names, isn't she afraid of our assassination?"

The military adviser glanced at Zhou Pojun next to Rose fearfully: "The man next to her is 627 super powerful, and our ordinary Jnin is no match for him at all, and this time our spies reported that he has a set of extremely weird armor , Invulnerable to swords and guns, even bullets can't hurt him at all, this is simply a humanoid self-propelled killer. I thought Zhou Pojun was a helper invited by Matsushima Wuna, but I didn't expect him to be Rose's person.

"I didn't expect these two women to be as close as sisters. If this is the case, not only can we not attack the Matsushima family, but we should also take the initiative to show our friendship...

The military division's analysis has never been wrong. After hearing these words, the mouth of the Jiahe patriarch grew wide, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

Obviously, the deadly enemy for thousands of years is at the weakest stage, but he can't take the opportunity to destroy the other party.

"Everything is to be done according to the advice of the military adviser."

In the end, the head of the Jiahe clan did not dare to gamble with the safety of the family.

Sighing, he decided to show his favor to the Matsushima family, and even if the Matsushima family was aggressive, he would endure it.

PS: The account was stolen, and I just appealed back now. I would like to reiterate that the Xiaohuanxishu with the pseudonym is not mine. The author of that account has already sold it. I believe old readers can also see that the style of writing is also similar to that of the author. no the same.

The ending outline of this book has always been stored in the computer, and all the main and branch plots will be processed before March to give everyone a perfect ending.

That's it, don't scold the author, this book has been discontinued for a month, it's really not the author's intention, the author is also innocent. .

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