Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

002: Candlelight Dinner, Cruise Vacation

When several women heard this, they looked at each other, and they all felt that the meaning of this question was acceptable.

"I first!"

Lan Yuxi was the first to raise their hands, but the others also wanted to be the first to experience the days of being alone with Qi Lin, so they also raised their hands one after another.

Seeing so many people vying to have a candlelight dinner with him, Seal felt that he was truly blessed.

After thinking for a while, he said to them.

"Well, let's draw lots, and the order we draw will be the order."

Everyone accepted this method, and soon the order was determined by drawing lots.

Lan Yuxi was the first person to experience a candlelight dinner with Qi Lin.

The other people were very tactful and didn't disturb their separate space. Since Qi Lin didn't have time to have dinner with them, they just went to eat with a few women.

Anyway, there are many delicious things here, and they also have plenty of money, so they can eat whatever they like.

When only Lan Yuxi and Qi Lin were left in the villa, Lan Yuxi began to feel shy.

"Do you want 02 to eat the rice cooked by me, let me tell you, my cooking skills have improved a lot now.

When Qi Lin heard Lan Yuxi's words, he fondled Lan Yuxi's hair.

"There are servants and restaurants where you can eat, why do you have to cook by yourself?"

"We are here to enjoy traveling, not for you to be a cook."

"Let's go, today I saw quite a few restaurants that looked pretty good.

Lan Yuxi has no objection, as long as she can be alone with Qi Lin, she can do whatever she wants.

Qi Lin asked someone to drive the two of them to a five-star restaurant.

"Bring up all the best dishes here.

I don't know the characteristics of this restaurant, and I don't know what is delicious in this restaurant.

Qi Lin chose to let this restaurant serve all the expensive ones they thought were good.

When the waiter heard what Qi Lin said, he said with a embarrassed face.

"Sir, I'm sorry, if you order like this, there are too many dishes, and the two of you will definitely not be able to finish them."

Qi Lin restrained the smile on his face, and he replied to the waiter with a nonchalant expression.

"I'll just order this much, and I'll give you the money. Do you have any objections?"

This is what the waiters are worried about, their restaurant is not cheap at all.

Their five-star restaurant is a well-known high-end restaurant, and usually people order one or two dishes from them, which is already called expensive.

He was afraid that after waiting for so many dishes, these two people would not have the money to pay them.

Qi Lin was too lazy to communicate with the waiter so much, so he said directly to the waiter.

"Call out the manager of your restaurant."

The waiter didn't hesitate when he heard this, he went directly to the back kitchen and called their manager out.

The manager of the restaurant is a man who looks fat and kind. He can see Qi Lin's temperament, as well as his famous clothes and out-of-print watches.

The restaurant manager immediately understood that this is not an easy person.

The manager of the restaurant rubbed his hands and put on a flattering smile and asked Qi Lin, the upper echelon.

"Sir, is there a problem?"

Qi Lin glanced at the restaurant manager, and then said to the restaurant manager.

"I want your restaurant to deliver all the expensive and good dishes. Do you have any questions?"

The manager of the restaurant immediately shook his head. The out-of-print famous watches in Qi Lin's hands can already afford their entire restaurant.

"No problem, let them prepare right now."

At this moment, a few more tables of guests came in, Qi Lin frowned as he looked at those tables of guests.

"I'll make a reservation, drive those guests out."

When the restaurant manager heard this, he didn't hesitate and asked the waiter to do it.

"No problem, it's just that the cost of chartering may

Before the restaurant manager finished speaking, Qi Lin threw the black card directly in front of the restaurant manager.

"Is there any problem now?"

When the restaurant manager saw the black card, his eyes lit up.

"No problem, no problem, I'll go down and handle the dishes for you now!"

Seeing Qi Lin being so considerate, Lan Yuxi's eyes almost turned into heart shapes.

After dinner, the two of them went for a walk on the beach together.

"It's been a long time since I've been alone with you like this... Ever since I had them, I feel like you almost forgot about me."

Lan Yuxi complained delicately as she walked.

"I don't reject them, but I hope you can always remember me, don't forget me, sometimes you also play with me..."

Hearing Lan Yuxi's words, Qi Lin replied with a face full of love.

"How could I forget you, you are so young, beautiful and obedient, do you want to go on a cruise?"

Naturally, Lan Yuxi would not object to this suggestion, so Qi Lin had someone charter a ship with just one phone call.

The ship is a luxury ship, and there are only the two of them on the ship besides the waiter.

The two of them watched the moon and ate fruits on the ship, and sometimes whispered some whispers, as happy as they wanted.

The two spent the night together on the ship, and they didn't get off the ship until the next day.

The two of them had just returned to the villa when they were besieged by several other women.

"The two of you didn't come back to the villa last night, where did you go?"

Lan Yuxi replied with a snort.

"Of course 110 had a sweet night together."

After a good morning rest in the villa, Qi Lin just woke up when he saw a woman sitting beside his bed.

"Qiu Yuelin?"

When Qiu Yuelin heard Qilin's voice, she immediately turned around and said.

"you're awake?"

Qi Lin stood up and asked.

"Why are you here? Didn't you go out to play?"

When Qiu Yuelin heard the question, she immediately felt wronged.

"Have you forgotten? The time I got is today, since you're up, go shopping with me!"

Qiu Yuelin's hobby is shopping, if possible, she would like to go shopping all the time every day.

Qi Xiaolin inherited her shopping-loving gene.

"Okay, okay, after I finish eating, the two of us will go shopping together.

The two of them went to the shopping mall immediately after eating together. This time they had already moved to a shopping mall farther away.

Because the nearby shopping malls have been sold out by Qiu Yuelin, it is estimated that there will be no new products in the shopping malls in the past month.

So Qiu Yuelin handed Qi Lin to a shopping mall far away.

There is everything in the mall, in addition to women's clothing, there are also men's clothing.

As soon as Qiu Yuelin entered the mall, she dragged Qi Lin to the men's clothing area.

"Didn't you want to help you buy clothes? Why are you still in the men's section?".

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