Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

003: Experience Making Ceramics And Watching Movies

Qiu Yuelin nodded happily immediately.

On the third day, Chen Shuyi did not go to pick up Qi Lin in person, she directly gave Qi Lin a place to find her.

After Qi Lin rested, he followed the location and found the place where Chen Shuyi was.

"How did you arrange it in this place?"

Chen Shuyi was in the store at this moment. She was still wearing a scarf. When she saw Qi Lin coming, she went straight up and put the scarf on Qi Lin.

"Of course I want to experience the world of two with you."

The shop the two of them are in is a handmade shop, which does everything, including ceramics and handmade jewelry.

The space in the store is very large, at least 300 square meters, with a first floor, a second floor and a third floor, and the things on each floor are different.

"Come, come, let's experience ceramics first."

Qi Lin couldn't refuse his woman's request, and making ceramics by hand is also a very interesting activity.

So he started to cooperate with Chen Shuyi, and after the two of them sat down, Chen Shuyi began to play with these ceramics.

Qi Lin originally thought that a staff member would come to help them, but the two of them started to do it, and the staff member did not show up.

"Where are the staff in this store?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Chen Shuyi replied casually.

"I asked them to go on vacation tonight, just the two of us here."

Qi Lin was stunned when he heard this.

"Then how do the two of us make ceramics?"

Chen Shuyi looked at Qi Lin with wide eyes.

"What do you mean? Do you think I can't do it?! Can't I teach you?!"

Qi Lin immediately showed weakness.

"I know, I know, then you can teach me!"

Qi Lin didn't know how to handle these ceramics. After sitting for a while, the ceramics began to shake desperately, and quickly deformed.

Just when he was at a loss, Chen Shuyi sat beside him, put her hand on his, and slowly taught him how to make ceramics.

Neither of them spoke, but they could feel that the atmosphere had changed.

Qi Lin understood Chen Shuyi's purpose, and he began to slow down his pace to cooperate with Chen Shuyi.

The two of them are like falling in love. They obviously didn't say anything, but the atmosphere is full of ambiguity.

After finishing the ceramics on the first floor, they went to make handmade accessories on the second floor, and the two made couple models.

One Red and one Blue, they stayed in this store for a day without anyone disturbing them.

It looks easy to do by hand, but it is actually very difficult and time-consuming.

Qi Lin is already considered a very talented person, and Chen Shuyi gave some hints, and Qi Lin can make a finished product.

After the two of them experienced all the handmade things in the store, it was already dark.

"Are you hungry w"?"

After Qi Lin took off the scarf, he asked Chen Shuyi gently.

Chen Shuyi touched her empty stomach, and she nodded slightly.

Qi Lin originally wanted to take Chen Shuyi to a nearby restaurant, but Chen Shuyi insisted on cooking by herself.

Qi Lin had no choice but to take her to a nearby supermarket to buy vegetables.

"what do you think about this?"

“The meat looks good”

The two talked and laughed, and at the end of the shopping, Qi Lin carried a bunch of meat and vegetables, as well as some snacks.

Qi Lin originally thought that Chen Shuyi was going to take him back to the villa to cook, but unexpectedly, Chen Shuyi took him directly to another house.

"How did you bring me to this place? Did you rent or buy?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Chen Shuyi replied with a proud face.

"Of course it's the place I rented, and I will definitely not take you back to the villa, take you back to the villa, how could it be possible for the two of us to spend time alone.

Chen Shuyi is cooking in the kitchen, and Qi Lin is helping out beside him. The atmosphere between the two of them is very good.

"How about this potato goulash? This is something I have learned for a long time, just waiting for your evaluation.

Qi Lin's taste is very picky, he can only rate the taste of this beef stew with six points, but he thinks that this is a dish that his woman has learned for a long time for him.

Qi Lin replied to Chen Shuyi without hesitation.

"Of course it's very good. This is the meal you cooked for me."

The two spent a night happily and sweetly in the small house.

For three consecutive days, Qi Lin didn't rest, so on the fourth day, he said to Yuan Xiuyan.

"Why don't we stay at home today?"

Yuan Xiuyan immediately became dissatisfied when she heard this.

"What do you mean? You are just going out to play with them, why are you staying at home with me?"

Qi Lin saw that Yuan Xiuyan was beginning to feel wronged, so he immediately comforted Yuan Xiuyan.

"That's not what I mean, I just want to watch a movie and have a meal with you alone at home, if you don't want to, we can also go out to play.

Won Soo-yeon pouted, but finally agreed.

"If it weren't for seeing you too tired, I would also drag you to go shopping, and drag you to go sightseeing in the mountains and rivers!"

Seeing Yuan Xiuyan's delicate face, Qi Lin burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay, I know you love me the most."

Qi Lin chose a sci-fi movie and a horror movie, and asked Won Soo-yeon to choose two movies.

Won Soo-yeon likes to watch romantic movies, so the two movies she chose are all about love.

After watching the two romance movies, Won Soo-yeon was crying like crazy.

"What's wrong? I just cried so badly. I didn't see any abuse in this movie."

Qi Lin thinks that movies that can make women cry generally have either the male lead or the female lead die, and if it doesn't work, the pet died.

But these three points are not in these two romance movies.

Yuan Xiuyan felt that she was being teased by Qi Lin, she pouted and replied.

"What's wrong with (Li Wangzhao), can't it be that my tears are a little lower?"

"And these two movies are really touching, if not, you cry for me too!"

When Yuan Xiuyan said this, she started to play, Qi Lin laughed and avoided, and the two began to play together.

After a while, the pair said Won Soo-yeon was shaking.

"Do you want to go out and play?"

After Yuan Xiuyan froze for a moment, Qi Lin asked.

"Aren't you very tired? If it's not possible, we can stay in the villa for a day, as long as I stay with you, I like it.

Qi Lin said to Yuan Xiuyan with a smile.

"Where are you tired? I'm not tired at all. I just want to watch a few movies with you in the villa."

"If I didn't say that, why would you stay at home and watch a movie with me obediently?"

Yuan Xiuyan's angry little fist hit Qi Lin's hand directly.

"Hmph! Then go out quickly!".

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