Although Xia Taotao mustered up the courage to speak out, her face turned even redder.

Qi Lin even suspected that her head would be smoking because of her blushing.

"What's so embarrassing about that?"

Xia Taotao smiled shyly, and asked happily.

"Then you agree? Watch a movie with me alone!"

Qi Lin pinched Xia Taotao's cheek and replied.

"Of course, little fool."

Xia Taotao got the response, and happily jumped up on the spot.

"Then let's eat quickly, and after we eat, we'll go to the movies!"

Xia Taotao put all the food on the table and watched Qi Lin eat with a sweet face, but she didn't move at all.

"Why don't you eat?"

Xia Taotao shook her head and replied.

"As long as I see you eating, I'm happy."

Seeing Xia Taotao's appearance, Qi Lin sighed, took a mouthful of rice and vegetables with a spoon, and handed it to Xia Taotao's mouth.

"Why don't you eat like this?"

Xia Taotao's cheeks, which had just dropped the temperature just now, became hotter because of Qi Lin's actions, even hotter than before.

Xia Taotao was shy and excited, she couldn't bear to reject Qi Lin's tenderness.

The two of them ate the whole lunch sweetly, and after lunch, the two of them were ready to go to the movies.

"Would you like to go to a mall theater, or a private theater?"

Qi Lin has many private theaters under his own name, and Xia Taotao can go there whenever he wants.

But Xia Taotao didn't just want to go to a private theater, she just wanted to experience what a common couple would do.

She has watched a lot of related videos and found that the first thing many people do after they become a couple is to go to the movies.

After watching the movie, we went shopping together hand in hand, after watching these videos, Xia Taotao naturally wanted to do these sweet things with Qi Lin.

"Let's go see it in the Common Theater!"

Naturally, Qi Lin would not object to Xia Taotao's words, he specially asked the driver to change to a lower-key car.

The main reason is that the cars he usually asks the driver to drive are really eye-catching. They are all famous cars such as Ferraris, Porsches, and even Maseratis.

These kinds of cars are all famous cars, and when they drive out, the attention of the whole audience is on them.

Xia Taotao wants to be like a common couple with him, so naturally she won't do something proactive and eye-catching.

The two of them drove to the entrance of the cinema, and the two of them felt that they were already very low-key.

But for some reason, other people's eyes still stayed on the two of them.

What the two of them didn't know was that their appearance was outstanding, and the two of them stood together, giving people a sense of politeness.

This made other people's eyes fall on the two of them.

Although the eyes of other people made the two of them a little uncomfortable, the two of them still bought movie tickets step by step and waited for the movie to start.

The movie they chose was a newly released romance movie. Xia Taotao held Qi Lin tightly during the whole process of watching the movie.

"You said, if only we could make a movie like this..."

The movie mainly tells the story of the hero and heroine falling in love at first sight, separated due to various accidents, and finally overcome all difficulties to be together.

Qi Lin didn't really understand this plot, but he didn't want to spoil Xia Taotao's interest.

Xia Taotao finally plucked up the courage to put forward his own idea, no matter what he would achieve Xia Taotao's idea.

After watching the movie, it has been two hours. Although the plot is very simple, the duration is really quite long.

After watching the movie, Xia Taotao didn't know what to do next, she pursed her lips and asked Qi Lin.

"I don't even know what to do next, why don't we go shopping together?"

Seeing Xia Taotao's frowning expression, Qi Lin asked with a smile.

"Are you sure you only want to go shopping with me?"

Jia Taotao pouted and asked.

"Then what else can you do?!"

Qi Lin had already arranged the follow-up itinerary in the movie theater, he and Zhong Taotao clasped their fingers together and said. 【

"Let's go."

Xia Taotao looked puzzled, but at the same time she was also very excited. The thought of experiencing mysterious things with Qi Lin made her very happy.

The place Qi Lin took her to was the film and television base.

He paid a huge sum of money to rent it.

Originally, they set up this film and television base to make TV dramas, and they spent a lot of money on this film and television base.

Qi Lin's assistant searched all the places around here, and found that the only film and television base was the closest.

So they start throwing money at it.

At the beginning, the director refused to give up anything, and even said that the contract had already been signed.

However, under the price war that Qi Lin's assistant kept raising the price, he finally couldn't hold back the temptation to accept it.

This film and television base has also become a product under Qi Lin's name.

And for Qi Lin, the money is like a drop in the bucket and not worth mentioning.

He can use stocks to earn back the money in minutes.

Xia Taotao didn't know where their destination was at first, but when she reached the gate of the film and television base, she understood.

"Did you bring me here just because of what I said?!"

Xia Taotao couldn't believe it, "She was just thinking about it at the time.

How could she have imagined that Qi Lin would really choose to rent the entire film and television base just because of her words.

"Whether you said it casually or not, as long as it is what you want to achieve, I will help you achieve it."

Xia Taotao was so moved by 540 that she didn't know what to say.

This is the charm of Qi Lin, as long as what they want to achieve, Qi Lin will help them achieve it no matter what.

"Come on, don't stay at the door."

As soon as the two of them entered, more than a dozen people greeted them at the door.

"Who are these people?"

Xia Taotao looked puzzled, she didn't know what these people were doing.

Qi Lin answered for Xia Taotao.

"These people are screenwriters, since we are filming, we must find someone who can customize the script.

"You tell these people your ideas, and these people will tailor a good script for you."

"It's also a script exclusive to the two of us."

Only then did Xia Taotao understand why these dozen or so people were waiting for them here.

Xia Taotao's idea was very simple. After she briefly talked about her idea, the editors finished the script in half an hour.

In addition to the two of them, there are many leading actors and extras who serve them.

Xia Taotao originally thought that these were exaggerated enough, but what she didn't expect was that there were even more exaggerated things.

Qi Lin asked Xia Taotao to take Xia Taotao to the dressing room for makeup first, and then invited him to the door of the dressing room while Xia Taotao was putting on makeup.

Xia Taotao is currently putting on makeup in the dressing room, and is ignorant of everything happening outside. .

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