After finishing her makeup, Xia Taotao anxiously wanted to go outside to show Qi Lin.

As a result, as soon as she opened the door, she saw two people standing at the door smiling and greeting her.



The two who greeted him were not others, but the two leading actors in the movie they had just watched.

Xia Taotao covered her mouth in surprise, and after a while, she finally said a word.

"My God..."

Xia Taotao felt that she was so moved that she was about to cry.

How could she have imagined that Qi Lin would carefully invite the leading actors in the movies they had seen to be assistants?!

After the surprises were over, Lin Lin came out.

"are you happy?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Xia Taotao nodded as if she was pounding garlic.

"You don't know how happy I am, I'm so happy!"

Qi Lin also laughed.

"Then are you going to do something practical?"

Xia Taotao immediately understood what Qi Lin meant, and without hesitation, she lay down and there was a lip mark.

Shyness can no longer stop her from getting close to Qi Lin.


"I love you so much!"

Afterwards, the two of them had fun at the film and television base, because the two of them originally filmed things with the idea of ​​having fun.

They don't plan to broadcast what they filmed either, this is a memory that belongs only to the two of them, and they don't intend to share it with anyone.

So the two of them filmed the filming very child's play, but also very happy filming.

By the time they finished shooting a short film, it was already dark.

"Are you hungry? If you're hungry, let's go straight away."

Xia Taotao was still thinking about her short movie, she asked Qi Lin.

"Is the filming over?"

"I want to go to dinner after filming."

Seeing Xia Taotao's reluctance, Qi Lin shook his head, a plank was about to hit Xia Tiaotiao's head.

"Shooting things is not as important as eating. What do you do if you get hungry later? Hurry up and go eat with me first."

"Besides, we're almost done shooting, just ask them to cut it when the time comes."

"Quick! Follow me to dinner."

Xia Taotao still looked reluctant when she heard this, and Qi Lin had no choice but to use his trump card.

"Do you want me to starve with you, too?"

How could Xia Taotao let Qi Lin go hungry with her? Qi Lin was her favorite.

Hearing Qi Lin say that she was also hungry, she wanted to take Qi Lin to eat without saying a word.

"How can you be hungry? Let's go, let's eat together!"

Seeing that Xia Taotao was finally willing to eat, Qi Lin shook his head helplessly. It seemed that it would be more useful to use his trump card.

The two went to a nearby Advanced restaurant for dinner, and they went straight back after eating.

Xia Taotao was already tired after taking pictures all day long, so she lay down on the bed and fell asleep as soon as she got back, completely ignoring Qi Lin.

Qi Lin had no choice but to pamper her.

The next day, Qi Lin's women spontaneously organized an event. They played outside for so long, and felt that they had already played everywhere.

Simply hold a party together, everyone eats, drinks and has fun together, and you can even buy jewelry together.

Their parties are not Common's parties.

Their gatherings are more like shopping together, and all brand merchants will come to their gatherings to promote their brands.

Of course, all the brands are all jewelry and clothing.

The jewelry and clothing they recommend are all sky-high prices, but they know it.

As long as the women at the party are fancy, Qi Lin will buy them.

Therefore, many platforms squeezed their heads and wanted to enter this party.

It is not so easy to enter this party, they must be qualified.

After all, not all jewelry is high-end.

Qi Lin knew that they were going to hold a party and they were all up to them.

Even if he doesn't do anything now, the property under his name makes a lot of money every day.

As his woman, of course she has to help him squander his property.

In addition to jewelry and clothing, there were car brands at the party.

The car brand is specially prepared for Qi Lin.

Qi Lin has no other hobbies, but loves to collect cars. He already has ten garages under his name.

Now the last garage is almost full, and as long as it is the brand he loves, he will receive a car curry for every car.

Because he prefers one of the brands, he simply bought this brand. After that, every ten cars of these ten brands will enter his car curry.

third day.

The party started smoothly, and all Qi Lin's women were present at the party.

They all love Qi Lin equally, and in order to be with Qi Lin, they can bear that other women are also with Qi Lin.

But this does not mean that they can live in harmony, so at the party, they will still intrigue.

In addition to Qi Lin's harem, some of Qi Lin's brand business friends also came to the party.

They had already arrived at the party early, and they were drinking, when suddenly, they were attracted by a figure at the door.


"Who is this? This is too beautiful!"

"I remember this seems to be... Mr. Qi's people..."

It was Matsushima Kirina who appeared at the door, and she was well prepared today.

In order to attract everyone's attention, she specially customized a high slit that only belongs to her.

Of course, her main purpose is to attract Qi Lin's attention.

Qi Lin was talking to other people, and when he saw that everyone's eyes were unconsciously attracted by the door, he also turned his head to look over.

Seeing Qi Lin turning his head to look over, Matsushima Wuna immediately shouted with a smile.


Qi Lin smiled, Matsushima Wuna trotted to Qi Lin's side, and the little bird snuggled up to Qi Lin's shoulder.

This made all (of) people present envious, Matsushima Kirina looks really good-looking.

And Qi Lin has more than just such a good-looking woman.

Matsushima Kirina is just one of them.

At this moment, Cold Frost also appeared.

She is different from Matsushima Yuna, and the dress she wears is also very suitable for her temperament.

When she appeared, everyone's eyes were also attracted by her.

Seeing that this woman was also attracting everyone's attention, Matsushima Kirina couldn't help but gritted her teeth.

All of Qi Lin's women are beautiful, and each of them is a different type.

All the guests present came to see the brand.

Because Qi Lin's harem appeared one after another, their focus was shifted.

All the guests had only one thought in mind.

"My mother, I'm so envious of Qi Lin!!!"

"I'm going to... so many, I can't spoil it...".

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