"God, can you let me experience Qi Lin's life, even if the price is death, I am willing!"

Qi Lin didn't know the aspirations of everyone, he only felt the trouble of happiness.

Usually his harem doesn't meet each other, but when they meet, accidents are easy to happen.

There are quite a few women who like to be jealous, and he doesn't really want to be cannon fodder among them.

After seeing more and more harems appearing, he directly asked others to announce the party started.

Let Matsushima Kirina and the others' eyes be attracted by jewelry.

In addition to the appearance of his own woman, the daughters also appeared at the party one after another.

Qi Lin could barely hold each of them.

He strived to be fair to each of his daughters, and each daughter was presented with a priceless jewel of emerald by him.

In the second half of the party, everyone was basically attracted by the brand's auction items.

At this moment, a person approached quietly from behind, Qi Lin turned his head and found that it was Yuna.

"Mr. Qi~"

"Do you want to go out and play together?"

Qi Lin just felt that this place was boring, and he had already bought everything that should be bought.

As long as the rest are of interest to his women, they will naturally buy them.

In other words, he is no longer needed here. 630


When no one noticed, Yuna and Qi Lin sneaked out of the party.

Qi Lin likes Yuna's boldness and sex appeal, and it was because of Yuna's surrender that he became the talker of the round table faction.

This made Qi Lin's affection for Yuna even higher.

"I came here specifically, do you have any arrangements?"

Yuna smiled and said to Qilin.

"Of course I did, but aren't you afraid that I'll sell you?"

Qi Lin also replied with a smile.

"Of course I'm not afraid..."

"But I'm curious, where are you taking me?"

Yuna still didn't say anything, she drove to a very remote place by herself.

"Come on, let's go up.

Qi Lin didn't expect that Yuna really took him to such a remote place.

"What's here, and how did it bring me here?"

Although Qi Lin had doubts, he followed Yuna up.

He is not afraid of what Yuna will do to him, and he also believes that Yuna will not do anything to him.

Yuna directly took him to the top, and the top was not what Qi Lin imagined.

He originally thought it was a wild place at best, but he didn't expect the scenery on the top to be quite good.

There is also a tent set up above, which has everything in it, and there is a special barbecue grill outside.

"How? This is my specially designed viewing platform."

"It's very comfortable to chat here, do you want to spend the night with me here?"

Qi Lin burst out laughing.

"Spend the spring night with a beauty, what's wrong with that?"

After Qi Lin finished speaking, he sat down directly outside the tent.

The two of them chatted from the sky to the earth, from the constellations to life, and basically talked about everything.

The next day, Qi Lin came down from above, and the phone finally got a signal.

As soon as the mobile phone had a signal, countless messages and calls poured into his mobile phone.

It turned out that many people called him last night, but because there was no signal on the mountain, he couldn't receive other people's calls at all.

Qi Lin didn't think it was an accident, Yuna probably took him to a place where there was no signal on purpose, in order not to let others disturb the two of them.

Qi Lin has already asked someone to send Yuna back. He looked at a large number of call records in his mobile phone [and did not click Shendial.

He knew that it should be last night that he suddenly disappeared at the party. Everyone was a little worried about him, and at the same time wanted to know where he went.

As soon as he appears, everyone will know that nothing happened to him, and there is no need to call back.

If he had to call back one by one, he would have spent hours on it.

After going back to sleep well, Qi Lin suddenly had an idea, he wanted to take his women (aca) to travel around the world.

But it doesn't count if he said it alone, so he called everyone to talk about it together.

Everyone has no objection to this matter.

Anyway, they usually don't have much to do, so it's okay to go out and travel around the world.

After finalizing this matter.

Qi Lin took everyone to the kimchi country first, not because of how good this country is, but because there are more idols in this country.

Among Qi Lin's women, many of them like the idol of this country.

At their strong request, Qi Lin first came to this country to travel.

Apart from eating and drinking, tourism is about having fun. They first went to famous scenic spots, and then went to swim in the river.

Qi Lin originally wanted to keep a low profile, but because there were too many people, he couldn't keep a low profile.

Therefore, the boss of Kimchi Country knew about his itinerary.

Until the world's richest man was actually in his own country, the boss of Kimchi Country didn't hesitate, and immediately asked someone to invite him to his place.

Qi Lin refused several times, but in the end he was not stubborn about the hospitality and went to a banquet specially held for him.

They left on the third day after the banquet. They were okay for the first few days, but after coming too many, they couldn't stand the food here.

The reason why this country is called the kimchi country is because they have kimchi in every meal.

It feels fresh when you first eat it, but then you start to get tired of it.

So they went away without staying a few days.

The second country they went to was the country of cherry blossoms. The cherry blossoms in this country were very beautiful, and the season when they went there happened to be the funeral festival with cherry blossoms.

So they went to watch the cherry blossoms.

Back to Matsushima Kira's hometown, Matsushima Kira will take everyone to play around.

But she is also selfish. When assigning everyone's whereabouts, she arranged herself and Qi Lin together.

No one else has any opinions, only Rose has a big opinion.

Rose and Matsushima Wuna didn't get along very well. Rose found out that Matsushima Wuna wanted to monopolize Qi Lin's Queen, but she didn't get angry.

"Why do you arrange this?"

Matsushima Kiruna replied with a cold snort.

"Because the Sakura Country is my territory!"

Rose also sneered.

"Then I'm quite familiar with this place, why don't I take Qi to play!"

When the two were confronting each other, Qi Lin said helplessly to the two of them.

"Okay, okay, since this is the case, why don't you two stay with me, so that the two of you have no objections?"

Matsushima Kirina and Rose glanced at each other, neither of them spoke, which was considered a compromise.

Neither of them would give in, which was the best way, so neither of them said a word. .

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