The stewardess smiled mysteriously and said to him: "I didn't bring you here to let you see the tree.

Seeing the mysterious look on the other side's face, Qi Lin looked at the other side expectantly.

The stewardess took him to a lake, then pointed to the lake and said to him, "Did you see it?"

Qi Lin looked at the lake, and he didn't feel any difference in this lake.

So he looked at the stewardess with puzzled eyes, trying to get the other party to explain his doubts.

The stewardess replied to him: "I used to come here often when I was in a bad mood. At the beginning, I just thought the air here was good and the scenery was good.

"It's relatively remote here, and I won't meet any familiar people, but I found this lake in the back is quite magical, you look carefully at the surface of the lake.

After Qi Lin listened to her, he leaned closer to the lake and looked carefully, and then he found something that he hadn't found just now.

"Why is there a rainbow in this lake?"

The stewardess said excitedly: "That's right! There is a rainbow on the lake! It should be projected by light. Isn't it amazing to see it like this?"

Qi Lin stared at the flight attendant's face for a long time, and it took him a long time before he laughed.

In fact, he has seen too many landscapes, whether it is a meteor shower or a rainbow, these have no way to make him feel surprised or amazed.

But at this moment, under the gaze of the stewardess, he couldn't shake his head.

"It's really pretty."

After giving such a reply, Qi Lin sat on the ground and looked at the lake quietly.

The stewardess was also sitting on the ground, the two of them didn't speak, let the wind blow gently past them, Qi Lin was fascinated by his eyes in a soothing way, five minutes later, he asked the stewardess.

"Are you interested in me?"

The stewardess replied without hesitation, "Am I going to be so obvious?"

Qi Lin laughed straight away, he gestured to the flight attendant's face, and then said: "You are almost writing on your own face, isn't that obvious?"

The stewardess didn't feel embarrassed at all, she touched her face with her hand and said, "It turns out that I really wrote it on my face, but I never thought of hiding my thoughts from the beginning to the end."

"I believe you can also see it, so, are you planning to reject me now?"

Qi Lin took out another pack of cigarettes from his pocket, put the cigarette in his mouth, surrounded the lighter and took a sip.

"I don't intend to, but I'm not going to find a stable relationship."

"It won't be too long to stay here, do you understand what I mean?"

The stewardess turned her head and glanced at Qi Lin, then she nodded and replied, "I know, that's why I want to follow you during this period of time."

After she finished speaking, she took the cigarette out of Qi Lin's mouth and took a puff herself.

Qi Lin was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party was still smoking. After all, he hadn't seen the other party smoking from yesterday to now.

The stewardess saw Qi Lin's doubts, she bit her cigarette butt and smiled.

"What's wrong? I don't look like a smoker?"

Qi Lin smiled and nodded: "It's not like that, but it's not surprising that girls smoke now."

"I was just thinking, you haven't smoked in front of me from yesterday to today."

The stewardess shrugged her shoulders and said, "Isn't that just acquainted? I don't know what type you like, so I can only be a little reserved in front of you."

Qi Lin liked the other party's straightforwardness, so he asked curiously: "Then you are not reserved now?"

The stewardess frowned again, she took two puffs of cigarettes and replied: "Later, I found out that pretending is useless, so I stopped pretending."

"How about it, do you want to think about me?"

Qi Lin smiled and took the cigarette back from the stewardess's hand, and said, "I thought my actions had made it very clear, as long as you know, I won't stay here for long."

The stewardess laughed heartily, and she lay directly on the lawn.

"I thought you were difficult to deal with. After all, you are the richest man in the world, someone you can only meet in your dreams."

"I saw you on the plane at the time, but I just endured it and saw your hypoglycemia when I got off the plane. I thought in my heart that this must be an opportunity bestowed on me by God."

Qi Lin shook his head: "Why are you still talking politely now?"

After the two talked, getting along became more natural, and they both knew where they were in each other's heart.

0. Begging for flowers…………

Those who get along are also very measured, and it is precisely because of this that the two people get along more naturally.

"Should we just sit here all afternoon?"

Qi Lin turned his head and asked.

The stewardess replied with a smile: "Originally, I just wanted to drag you to a place where there are no people to get along with each other."

"If you really want to go, I guess we'll have to go back downtown.

Qi Lin thought for a while, and he asked the stewardess: "Would you like to go play something exciting?"

The stewardess nodded without even thinking about it: "Okay, anyway, I have two days off, and I have already piled up all my annual leave in these few days.

"Wherever you want to go, I will accompany you."

Qi Lin stood up with a smile and surrounded the phone contacts.

Not long after, he said to the stewardess who was still sitting on the lawn: "Let's go."

The flight attendant didn't ask where they were going, but just followed them. When they got out of the park, a Maybach stopped in front of them.

"Is this the car you called?"

The stewardess asked Qi Lin.

After thinking for a while, Qi Lin replied, "You can say that, but I just bought this car.

The stewardess was silent for a while, and then she said with an indescribable expression: "Although I know you are rich, but your behavior, I still have to say that you are a real doctor."

The character of the stewardess is really interesting. Qi Lin likes to talk to the other party, and I always feel very relaxed when chatting with her.

Qi Lin was so dizzy in the car just now, he didn't want to drive, so he simply asked the driver to take them to the city center first.

The number of people in the city center became more visible to the naked eye. After they arrived in the city center, they first went to a commercial building to register.

The stewardess looked left and right curiously, and she poked Qi Lin's arm lightly with her finger.

"What is this place?"

Qi Lin didn't look back, and walked forward while answering: "I will take you to shoot a gun later, so you have to register here first."

The flight attendant's eyes widened in shock, she didn't expect Qi Lin's excitement to be one aspect.

"You're taking me to shoot?!!!"

Seeing the other party's surprised look, this lamp couldn't help laughing again. .

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