"What's wrong? Don't want to go? Don't like it?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, the flight attendant quickly shook her head and said.

"No, I'm just a little surprised."

Qi Lin smiled and didn't speak. He just registered a name here. The procedure was very simple. They came out five minutes later.

Although the stewardess has been here for a long time, she has never tried this "zero one three" kind of activity.

So after leaving the building, she couldn't help asking Qi Lin, "Where are we going?"

Qi Lin took the stewardess into the car and said, "Go to a very hot place."

The place was really hot, and when they got there, their coats had already been put in the car.

The weather outside was really boring, and the stewardess felt that the air around her was a lot stuffy when she got out of the car. After she felt the boring weather, a feeling of despair surged in her heart.

"No way...we don't want to shoot in this hot weather, do we?"

When Qi Lin heard this, he glanced at the hot and sweaty stewardess and asked, "What's the matter? Do you want to shoot here? If you want, it's not impossible.

When the stewardess heard this, she immediately shook her head like a rattle.

"No, no, no! Forget it, if you shoot a gun here, I will really faint from the heat."

When Qi Lin heard this, he couldn't help but chuckled a few times in a low voice. The stewardess was really good-natured, so he couldn't help but tease her twice.

After the two of them walked for a few minutes, they arrived at the door of a very large house.

The stewardess glanced curiously. There was nothing at the door, only an iron fence. If Qi Lin hadn't told her that this was a place where guns were shot, she would probably have thought it was someone's private residence.

"Are you sure this is really where the guns were shot?"

The stewardess asked with some uncertainty. Seeing the other party's uncertain appearance, Qi Lin couldn't help but want to tease the other party again. He said in an uncertain tone.

"It should be, I'm not sure."

The stewardess was taken aback, her eyes were wide open, and the word "shock" was clearly written on her face.

Just when Qi Lin couldn't help but started laughing, someone came out from inside, and the person who came out was a man in casual clothes 0.

"Are you the one who made the reservation?"

When Qi Lin heard the other party's question, he nodded to the other party, but the other party didn't say anything, and directly opened the iron fence to let them in.

Everyone has already arrived, and they asked Qi Lin, the stewardess felt that this place should be the destination they were going to.

She followed Qi Lin closely, and in order not to look like she hadn't seen anything in the world, she looked left and right curiously.

The man took them directly to a very spacious room, which couldn't even be called a room, because the space was too big.

From a rough look, it is at least as big as a square, and there are many targets and windows in it.

2.2 After the stewardess saw it, she couldn't help but look at it a few more times. She had only seen this scene in TV dramas, and this was the first time she saw the gun practice site in reality.

The man first brought them to the field, and introduced them to the rules of shooting in the field. After a brief introduction, he brought the two of them into the warehouse.

"You pick whatever you want, take whichever you want."

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