Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

132: The Manager Went To The Police Station By Himself

When the man heard this, his face became extremely gloomy, and his hands began to move forward uncontrollably.

The woman couldn't keep screaming anymore, and the tip of the knife moved forward, causing a hole in her neck.

Blood slowly flowed out from the hole. Although the wound was not big, it was enough to make people feel shocking.

The man frowned, glanced at the woman, and felt that she was really annoying, so he nodded to Qi Lin and said, "Then you come here and replace her.

When Qi Lin heard this, he began to walk slowly towards the man. When the man saw Qi Lin walking towards him slowly, his eyes gradually became excited.

He felt that he was attacked by surprise just now, and he didn't react for a while. Now that he has a knife in his hand, Qi Lin must not be able to beat him.

Thinking of him being able to make Qi Lin kneel down and apologize to him, the man trembled with excitement. He has a tendency to violence from the bottom of his heart, and hates others to embarrass him the most.

Qi Lin just let him have such a big revenge in front of everyone, he must take revenge for this matter, otherwise it will not be enough to calm the anger in his heart.

Qi Lin walked towards the man step by step. The manager wanted to stop him, but was stopped by Qi Lin's eyes.

The man looked at Qi Lin who was getting closer and closer to him. He couldn't help breathing heavily, and then his hand holding the dagger (adfc) also began to loosen slowly. He needed to throw away the woman on his hand first. .

When Qi Lin was only a few steps away from the man, the man threw the woman in his hand aside, and then grabbed Qi Lin by the collar.

When he wanted to put the dagger on Qi Lin's neck, he felt that his whole body was out of control, and the slight sense of weightlessness made his body tremble uncontrollably.

Immediately afterwards, there was a pain in his wrist, and the dagger in his hand fell down uncontrollably. Ye Li, a staff member behind him, immediately came to press him down to keep him from moving.

The situation just now fell into everyone's eyes, and they didn't actually see clearly what was going on.

I only know that when Qi Lin was caught, he seemed to lift the man's body, and after throwing the man to the ground, he broke the man's hand to make the man's dagger fall off.

The stewardess kept watching and didn't speak. Seeing that Qi Lin subdued the man so easily, she couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

It can be said that Qi Lin subdued the man without any effort. After the manager and other staff subdued the man who was constantly thrashing on the ground, the police finally came.

When the manager saw the police coming, he sighed deeply. He didn't come until the matter was resolved. This efficiency is really slow enough.

Qi Lin was not injured at all. After moving his wrist slowly, he asked the manager who was sitting on the ground with a stagnant expression, "Can I continue to eat in a private room?"

When the manager heard the question, he hadn't reacted yet, he just stared blankly at Qi Lin.

Qi Lin saw that the other party looked like he couldn't respond, so he patiently asked again, and the manager finally realized that the other party wanted to go to the private room for dinner.

He nodded to Qi Lin without hesitation, and asked the waiter Xiao Zhang to take the two of them up.

After asking the police to take the man away, the manager went to the police station by himself. .

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