This incident can be regarded as an intentional injury incident with a very large impact. The woman with a small wound on her neck was sent directly to the hospital.

Fortunately, the injury was not serious, it was just a skin trauma, otherwise the nature of this matter would have become a case of intentional homicide.

Originally, Qi Lin was called to help, but it was because he was really hungry, so the manager told the police to let Qi Lin take the initiative to take notes after he returned.

It was already an hour later when he went back, the guests left all over the place, and there were no new guests in the west.

What happened just now was too much trouble, and the surrounding guests were unwilling to come to this restaurant.

After the manager returned to the restaurant, he sat on the chair and sighed deeply. He didn't know what was going on recently, and similar things often happened in the restaurant.

The previous incidents were basically small troubles, and he and the staff could handle them well, so we didn't ask for security or guards.

The manager's intestines are green with regret now. When similar incidents happened before, he should have paid more to hire security guards.

But no matter how much he regrets now, it's useless. He can only remember to actively recruit security guards from tomorrow.

After the manager sat in a chair for a while, he took the menu and went to the private room.

Qi Lin just finished eating and was sitting in the private room and disappeared. When he saw the manager enter the private room, he asked the manager, "Did you finish the transcript so soon?"

When the manager heard Qi Lin's question, he nodded at Qi Lin and replied: "It was just that little thing, just tell the whole process of the matter."

"By the way, since you are also the party involved, you may have to go to register after dinner, and tell the process of the matter again by the way."

Qi Lin knew that there must be such a process, so he was not surprised by what the manager said.

He had nothing to say to the manager, so he fell silent after saying what he wanted to say.

The manager also stayed in the private room quietly, and the three of them didn't speak. After waiting for several minutes, he asked the manager again: "Do you need me for anything?"

Hearing this, the manager swallowed and replied, "I just want to ask... Do you want to come to my place as a security guard?"

When Qi Lin heard this question, he almost thought that his ears had made a mistake. After playing for a while, he asked the manager: "You...what did you say?!"

The manager looked embarrassed, he scratched his head and continued: "I just saw that you are very skilled, and I want to hire you as the security guard of our restaurant. Of course, "The price we will give you will definitely not be low." 1970

"You can set a price yourself, as long as I can afford it, I will definitely offer it.

Seeing the manager's sincere appearance, Qi Lin couldn't help but smile.

Even the stewardess next to her couldn't help laughing. Seeing the attitudes of these two people, the manager was stunned." He stammered and asked the two of them: "What's the matter? Is there anything wrong with what I said? "

Qi Lin was quite restrained at the beginning, but then he laughed louder and louder, until the end of the laugh, tears came out.

After wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, he asked the manager, "Are you sure you can accept whatever price I offer?"

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