Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

134: What Happened To That Private Room?

The manager felt that no matter how high the salary of a security guard was, it would not be much higher, so he gritted his teeth and nodded to Qi Lin: "I understand now that hiring a useful bodyguard is more important than anything else."

Qi Lin smiled and reported a number. This time it was the manager's turn to suspect that his ears were wrong. He leaned forward and asked Qi Lin, "How much did you just say?"

Qi Lin curled his lips and said to the manager: "Didn't you hear "980" just now? If you heard it, there is no need to ask me. Your ears are right."

The manager gasped, feeling a little dissatisfied in his heart.

"What do you mean? If you don't want to be a bodyguard, you can just say so, there is no need to come here to embarrass me.

Qi Lin raised his hand and said with a look of injustice: "I never said that, I mean it, I can probably earn this much money in a month now."

"If you want me to be a security guard for your restaurant, then you have to pay this amount to be able to hire me."

After the manager listened to Qi Lin's words, his mouth opened wide. For a moment, he didn't know whether he had a problem in his heart or Qi Lin had a mental problem.

The stewardess couldn't help but smile, she clicked on her mobile phone, opened a web page and handed it to the manager.

"This is him."

The manager took the phone carefully, and then saw the photos and introduction on the webpage. After reading it, he realized that he had made a very incredible request

After he finished reading, his eyes were dull, and he only knew to stare at Qi Lin closely. When Qi Lin saw that the other party was staring at him closely, he couldn't help but smiled and said to the other party.

"It's useless for you to stare at me like that, even if I'm the richest man in the world, there's no way I can get a dime out of my face.

The manager still feels in a daze until now, he thinks what happened today is really incredible.

First, someone made trouble in public and threatened them with a knife, and then he helped him deal with the bad guys. It turned out to be the richest man in the world.

This kind of encounter made him suspect that he was actually dreaming now. Thinking of the word dreaming through the experience, he seemed to suddenly realize it, and then he slapped himself twice in front of Qi Lin and the stewardess.

Neither Qi Lin nor the stewardess expected the other party to react like this, they were both stunned...

"What are you doing?"

It took Qi Lin a while to find his voice. He had seen the reactions of many people who knew his identity.

Among those people, there has never been one who is as direct as the manager, haha ​​gave himself two slaps.

The manager felt the pain in his cheek, he looked over with a confused face, he didn't understand why he hadn't woken up from the bed yet, and he didn't understand why he could feel the pain on his cheek.

Seeing the confused look on the manager's face, the stewardess held back a smile and said to Qi Lin: "I guess he thinks he is dreaming now.

After the stewardess Qi Lin finished speaking, she said to the manager: "Don't worry, you are not dreaming, you are now in reality."

Jing 0.9 listened to this sentence, he didn't react, just nodded in a daze, then turned around and walked out of the private room.

When he walked to the first floor, he was still in a daze. Xiao Zhang next to him saw that his expression was not right, so he cautiously approached the manager and asked.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to that private room just now?".

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