Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

135: Are You Afraid That I Will Renege On The Bill?

The manager didn't say anything, but just kept pointing at the private room. The waiter looked at the direction the manager was pointing at. He looked hard, but couldn't see anything.

"Manager, what do you mean?"

After a while, the manager spit out four words from his mouth.

"World 's richest man."

When the waiter Xiao Zhang heard these four words, he was still in a daze, not understanding what the manager was talking about.

The manager took a deep breath and continued, "The man sitting on top is the richest man in the world."

Xiao Zhang was stunned, and then he took two steps back and slapped himself twice.

The manager saw that the other party and himself had the same reaction, and he was relieved. It seemed that he was not the only one who thought it was a dream.

After realizing that he was not dreaming, but in reality, Xiao Zhang cautiously asked the manager: "Really? Didn't you lie to us?"

Hearing Xiao Zhang's question, the manager nodded quickly and replied to Xiao Zhang: "Really! I have read it just now, and all the content on the website is true. "He is really the richest man in the world..."

When Xiao Zhang heard this, he put the plate on the dining table, because he was afraid that he would accidentally break the plate on his hand.

"Then shall we... take care of it or something..."

Xiao Zhang stammered and asked, the manager nodded and shook his head, he said to Xiao Zhang: "I've already finished my meal now." Even if I go to take care of it, it won't take care of anything.

As soon as the manager said this, he saw two people coming down the stairs. These two people were Qi Lin and the stewardess who were having dinner.

As soon as the two of them reached the first floor, they saw Xiao Zhang and the manager, and they faced them nervously.

Seeing the two of them so nervous, Qi Lin couldn't help being funny, and he asked the two of them, "Why are you so nervous? Could it be because you're afraid that I'll renege on you?

When the manager heard this, he quickly shook his head and replied, "No, no, that's not what we mean!"

"By the way, you don't need to give money. Today is thanks to you. If it weren't for you, we probably would have closed the restaurant right now."

Qi Lin didn't think it was a big deal. There was a reason for the high rating of this shop. The food was really delicious, and he didn't want to eat ugly food.

So Qi Lin said directly to the manager: "Just calculate the money for me directly, you should know that the most important thing I need is money."

When the manager heard this sentence, he became more cautious. He knew that Qi Lin was not short of money, but he couldn't think of any way to compensate.

Therefore, he could only kick Xiao Zhang under the front desk to make him think of any way to make up for it.

Qi Lin didn't see their little actions, he just thought the manager and the waiter were quite funny.

"That! That..."

Xiao Zhangzhu (Qian Qianhao) blushed anxiously, he really wanted to come up with a suitable gift as soon as possible.

But after thinking about it for a long time, he found that no matter what they offered, the other party might not need it, so he could only ask Qi Lin directly.

" you need something uncle?"

When the manager heard the question, he immediately sighed heavily. He knew that Xiao Zhang was unreliable. When Qi Lin heard Xiao Zhang's question, he was stunned for a moment and asked: "What's wrong??

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