When the stewardess heard the greetings from the children, she smiled and said to the children, "I'm back!"

When Qi Lin saw this situation, he was a little confused, and the stewardess didn't seem to want to explain, she pointed at Qi Lin and said to the children: "This is my sister's friend, you can just call him brother. "

These children are very obedient and well-behaved. When they heard what the stewardess said, they shouted in unison to Qilin: "Hello, brother!!"

Qi Lin saw how well-behaved this group of children looked, he smiled and nodded.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that something was wrong. The eyes of this group of children seemed to be out of focus, and their eyes and pupils were still shaking when they spoke.

After Qi Lin discovered this situation, he subconsciously glanced at the stewardess, who still had a smile on her face, and she gently stroked the child beside her and said.

"They're all blind."

Hearing this sentence, Qi Lin raised his eyebrows in surprise. This place is obviously not a welfare institution. There are so many blind children in this place, so there is obviously a story.

The stewardess didn't say much here. After introducing the situation, she turned to Qi Lin and asked with a smile, "Do you want to go in and have a cup of tea?"

Now that they have come here, of course Qi Lin will not refuse, that group of children are indeed very good, as soon as the two of them go in to drink tea [the children immediately go to the ten side to play by themselves obediently.

After sitting down and drinking a cup of tea, Qi Lin said to the stewardess: "So your purpose of looking for me in the first place is for them?"

The stewardess looked at the teacup in front of her. After a long pause, she nodded and replied, "You can say that."

Qi Lin was actually quite puzzled. With so many blind children, he knew that they could not be the children of flight attendants, nor could they all be relatives.

"May I ask why and what happened?"

The stewardess never thought of hiding it from him, after all, she planned to ask the other party to help from the beginning.

She began to slowly talk about the cause and effect of this incident, and the whole process was very calm, as if she was talking about an outsider.

According to her description, Qi Lin knew that she had a blind gene in her family, and she gave birth to another son. Because she did not inherit the blind gene, her parents had another one by chance.

0...seeking flowers...

Unexpectedly, her younger brother was blind at birth. This incident was a very big blow to their family, but fortunately the flight attendant was fine, which made their family not so desperate.

But as the flight attendant grew up, she began to feel irritable. She didn't understand why she had to drag a younger brother. She was very beautiful and had several boyfriends.

Every time when it comes to discussing marriage, when the other party finds out that she has a blind brother, basically this relationship will be directly warned.

At the beginning, she would say that it was because she didn't meet a good person, but later on, she herself began to despair.

She began to resent, resenting why her parents made her a burden, and later began to resent, resenting that innocent blind brother.

Her emotions were very intense, and once they even quarreled so that everyone had a bad New Year's Eve. At that time, the stewardess was still very young, so she said whatever she thought, and she didn't care whether others were hurt by her.

She still regrets it very much now, why she said that at that time, and why she was so noisy. .

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