Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

138: You Don't Have To Carry So Much

Less than half a year after that incident, her younger brother committed suicide and left a suicide note before committing suicide, saying that he would never drag the family down again.

After the flight attendant's parents found out about this incident, they didn't say anything, they didn't say a word of resentment or complaint, they just said to the flight attendant when she was in a trance: "We are sorry for you.

Then not long after, they, too, committed suicide.

After "840" heard this story, Qi Lin took a breath of air. He never thought that such a generous person would have such a tragic past.

In fact, after hearing this, he could probably understand why the other party received so many blind children.

But he didn't interrupt the other party, he knew that the other party was also talking now.

"Actually, I know that the reason why I do so much now is entirely because I feel guilty in my heart, and I hope to relieve my guilt by helping others.

"It's like if I don't do it, I'm going to die."

The word death seemed to be very easy for the stewardess, and she even laughed when she said it. Qi Lin felt a rare sourness in his heart when he saw her like this.

"So, you want to help them now?"

When the stewardess heard Qi Lin's question, she nodded firmly and replied: "The welfare policy here is not good, and the welfare institutions often abuse them, so I brought them all back."

"But I can't bring them a good life by myself, so I can only..."

When the stewardess said this, she didn't continue, she knew that Qi Lin understood what she meant.

After Qi Lin finished listening, he didn't express whether he was willing or not, nor did he express any other thoughts, but just asked the stewardess.

"are you tired?"

When the stewardess heard this question, her eyes suddenly turned red. She didn't know why. She had been working very hard for the past few years.

Many people have asked her this sentence, and her answer at the time was that she was not tired.

Now being asked by Qi Lin, she suddenly felt very tired. She felt physically and mentally exhausted, as if she was carrying some heavy pressure that she could not bear.

Qi Lin saw the flight attendant's eyes were red and tears couldn't hold back, he couldn't help but sighed, sat next to the flight attendant and gave her a gentle shake...

"You don't have to carry so much."

When the stewardess heard this sentence, she just shook her head.

"It's my fault, it's my fault"

Qi Lin saw the stewardess's desperate appearance, he sighed again and said, "Have you ever thought about it? They don't want to punish you?"

The stewardess shouted almost hysterically: "They just want to punish me in this way!"

The children outside the house were startled by the sound. They wanted to go in to see what was going on, but they didn't know if it was convenient for them to go in.

So they can only wander outside hesitantly, and then knock on the door to ask the situation.

The stewardess was out of breath from crying. After she calmed down for a while, she said to the children outside the 2.5 door: "It's okay."

The children are also very sensible, and when they heard what the stewardess said, they stopped knocking on the door.

Now that the stewardess has calmed down, she wiped away the wet tears on her face and said, "I'm sorry, I let you see a joke."

Qi Lin took the tea next to him and put it in front of the stewardess. .

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