"Have some tea.

The stewardess smiled and said nothing, Qi Lin thought for a while, and said: "Actually, if it were me, my idea would be much simpler. They really want to stop dragging you down."

When the stewardess heard this, she was stunned, and her fingers began to tremble slightly. She took a deep breath and said, "Why do you think so? Isn't it because of what I said...so it's me..."

Qi Lin patted her on the back reassuringly, "That's not the case. They know very well what they will do to you, 06."

"Of course, I won't say much, after all, I'm not them, but the past is the past, you have to look forward."

When Qi Lin said this, he finally got back to the topic.

"I know what you want me to do, and I said yes."

The stewardess looked at Qi Lin in a daze, and after a while, she burst into tears and said with a smile: "Is it true? Could it be to coax me?"

When Qi Lin heard this, he glanced at the flight attendant out of the corner of his eye and said, "Don't you just want me to coax you?"

The stewardess didn't deny it either, she looked at a certain corner in a daze, and after asking for ten minutes, she said: "Actually, I thought it would take some time.

"My original expectation was that I would mention this matter to you on the last day you left, but I didn't expect..."

Qi Lin smiled, and said to the stewardess: "I didn't expect that we just had no place to go today, did I?"

The stewardess nodded, she looked up at Qi Lin and said, "Thank you, really."

"So if you need anything from me, you can tell me directly, don't be polite to me."

Qi Lin understood what she meant, and he replied to the stewardess: "My favorite thing is to follow one's heart. Today I see this group of children are quite eye-catching."

"You don't have to think so much, I'll just take care of this matter."

Qi Lin is a very efficient person. If he agrees, he will definitely take action immediately.

After appeasing the stewardess, he took out his mobile phone and stood aside to call his assistant.

His assistant is in 24-hour power-on mode, so he just called and the other party picked up the call.

"President Qi."

Hearing the assistant's words, Qi Lin responded, and then said: "I need you to help me with something.

"You should know where I am now, right?"

The assistant replied immediately: "I know, we have been following your itinerary."

Qi Lin continued: "Suddenly there are a bunch of blind children here, please help me contact a few local people to set up a primary school for the blind."623

Hearing Qi Lin's words, the assistant was silent for a while, and after a while he asked: "Mr. Qi, are you serious?"

When Qi Lin heard the question, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Does my words sound like I'm joking with you?"

The assistant took a deep breath, rubbed the space between his brows and did not speak. Every time Qi Lin went on a trip, he would be asked to do a lot of big things, and one thing was bigger than one thing.

Qi Lin didn't hear the assistant's answer, so he continued to ask: "What's the matter? Is this matter difficult for you?"

The assistant took another deep breath and said, "This matter...he is not so easy to handle...".

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