Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

146: I'll Transfer Money To You Now

When Qi Lin heard this, he nodded quietly, and then continued to be in a daze.

The preparation work of the crew was very cumbersome, and it took another half an hour before everyone finally adjusted all the machines.

"Okay! Now we can start filming..."

The director asked Qi Lin to stand in the middle of the camera, and then asked him to read the lines. He didn't expect much from Qi Lin. After all, the other party has no experience at all, and he can't ask for too much.

The development of the matter was beyond the director's expectation. Qi Lin unexpectedly came alive in the camera, as if he knew where the camera was shooting him.

Obviously he doesn't have 550 to look at the camera, but he has a full sense of expression in the camera.

A Yuan also entered the role. The two of them asked and answered questions, and they continued to act together as the plot progressed.

After two minutes, the lines of the two people finished, and the scene ended while they looked at each other.

"good, very good, excellent!"

The director applauded excitedly. What he wanted was this effect. Originally, he thought that this effect should not be achieved, but he did not expect that they picked up ten treasures.

"A Yuan, where did you cut this guy? He is an acting genius, and he actually knows where to find the camera!"

Hearing this, Qi Lin shook his head with a smile. It wasn't the first time he was exposed to the camera.

He had cast in a few films before, and had visited the cast, so he knew the direction and position of the camera, which was not what the director said he was talented at all.

The director doesn't care about these things. He repeatedly looked back at the scene of the scene just now. The more he watched it, the more he felt that he was still unsatisfied. Originally, filming is a matter of polishing the script while filming.

In the end, he patted Qi Lin on his thigh and said, "You shouldn't be in a hurry. If you're not in a hurry, I'll add a few more scenes for you."

"Don't worry! I will definitely give you the money!"

"If you don't believe me, I can transfer money to you right now!"

Seeing the director (aifg) so excited, Qi Lin couldn't laugh or cry, he was not short of money at all, and he didn't need the other party to give him such a guarantee.

But to be honest, filming really gave him a good feeling, and he agreed to the director's request without hesitation.

The director and the screenwriter talked for more than half an hour, and finally the two of them unanimously decided to add a full five pages of script to Qi Lin.

A Yuan was very surprised when he found out about this. He turned to Qi Lin and asked, "Do you know what this means?

Four. "male

Hearing what A Yuan said, Lin smiled and said, "Really? I just thought it was fun.

The filming process is very fast, but the preparation process is very slow. They need to wait for the scene, and they also need to wait for the on-site staff to finish preparing the props.

The five-page script communicated between the director and the screenwriter, in fact, they wanted to add a little plot to make the characters fuller, but they were afraid that the actors would not be able to perform the feeling they wanted.

Now seeing Qi Lin's role, they feel that they can add their own feelings into the whole main line, of course, "They can't just throw Qi Lin's script bluntly.

They had to tell Qi Lin the script from beginning to end, otherwise he would have no way to understand why the character did this.

They filmed from the afternoon until late at night, before Qi Lin finally finished filming all of his scenes. .

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