The experience this time was indeed quite good, as if he was acting out another person's life, he played it very enjoyable.

But it is probably only this time, this is just one of his entertainment activities, and he does not intend to develop this entertainment activity into a long-term plan.

So when the director invited him to continue filming next time, he finally refused.

"Why? Then you have such good conditions that you can be popular in this industry ~ drink spicy food."

Hearing what the director said, Qi Lin replied to the director: "I really don't have this need, and I don't have that much enthusiasm for acting."

"It's okay to try something new once in a while, but it's definitely impossible for me to treat him as a job."

When the director heard this, his brows frowned. He really admired Qi Lin. He memorized his lines very well and his expression was very agile. It can be said that he is very talented in this line of work.

He is a person who has high requirements for scripts and presentation effects, and there are very few people who can make him feel talented, and he can count them on one hand.

"Do you really stop thinking about it? I have a friend who runs an entertainment company. You don't have to be afraid of him cheating on you. The conditions he will give you will definitely be the best in the industry.

The director still didn't give up, and wanted to draw Qi Lin into this circle. When Qi Lin heard the director's words, he just smiled and didn't speak.

The director talked for a long time, and when he saw that Qi Lin was still smiling, he gave up. He didn't want to enter this circle, and he couldn't force him to join him.

The director chatted with Qi Lin for a long time before letting him go. Qi Lin originally wanted to leave with his own things, but was stopped by A Yuan.

"What's wrong?"

When A Yuan heard Qi Lin's question, he shook his head with a smile and said, "What's wrong, you didn't even leave a card number, how can we send money to you?"

After thinking for a while, Qi Lin shook his head and refused, "I just wanted to come and experience it, so you don't need to pay me."

A Yuan replied: "How can this work? I was the one who brought you here. If you didn't take the money, I would be nothing.

A Yuan was too persistent, Qi Lin didn't want to spend time here all the time, so he could only give A Yuan his card number.

0......seeking flowers......

After giving the card number, he asked Ayun graciously: "Then can I leave now?"

Hearing this, A Yuan asked with a smile: "Don't be so anxious, I want to ask, what did the director tell you just now, does he want to recommend you to someone else to sign?"

Qi Lin didn't think there was anything to hide, he nodded very frankly, and said: "Yes, but I refused, I have no plans to develop in these ten aspects.

A Yuan was a little surprised, he didn't expect Qi Lin to refuse, he asked in puzzlement: "Why did you refuse? The person recommended by the director must be very reliable, and the conditions he can give are also very generous.

"I see that you are also quite interested in acting, why don't you develop more?"

Qi Lin laughed: "I'm not very interested, I just use this as a way to pass the time.

A Yuan is not like the director, he didn't have to persuade Qi Lin to enter this circle.

"Okay, then can you leave me a contact number six?".

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