Seeing Nai Nai's innocent appearance, Qi Lin just smiled and said nothing, so he would not take the initiative to say that he is the richest man in the world, and any country has to give him face.

The two of them spent a peaceful night, and the next day, Qi Lin received a reply from his assistant, who told him that the assistant had handled all the conditions required for the documents as quickly as possible.

Now here is trying to apply for temporary certificates for him as much as possible. Although the time limit for temporary certificates is short, they can be used to open art galleries as quickly as possible.

Qi Lin was very satisfied with the assistant's work efficiency. After listening to the assistant's report, he directly said to the assistant: "This year's bonus will be doubled."

When the assistant heard this, he breathed heavily for a while, and then Qi Lin said, "Thank you Mr. Qi!"

As Qi Lin's assistant, he needs to be turned on 24 hours a day, and he may have to deal with various things every moment, but under such high-pressure work, he has the ability to match his work. salary.

In addition to a very high salary, he also has very good benefits. In this case, Qi Lin also doubled his bonus, and he can live another good year this year

After hanging up the phone, Qi Lin waited in the hotel room. According to the news from his assistant, according to what his assistant said, he should be able to receive the temporary certificate tonight.

Nana didn't know Qi Lin's progress. She was still sleeping at this moment and didn't get up. When she woke up, it was already afternoon, and her mobile phone had already been turned off~.

She decided it was time to contact her staff, so she went to the front desk and asked for a charger.

After the phone was turned on, she called her agent immediately.

"You finally turned on the phone, where did you go last night! Why didn't you reply after sending me a message?!"

Nana replied to her agent: "Oh, I know you will be worried about me, so you might as well not say it.

"But you don't have to worry so much, I slept in the hotel last night."

When the manager heard this, he immediately asked Nai Nai with a vigilant expression, "Are you in the hotel by yourself?"

...ask for flowers...

Nana smiled and replied to her manager, "Of course I'm alone, otherwise who else do you think there is?"

The agent breathed a sigh of relief, but she quickly raised her breath again: "Who is that man who sent you out yesterday? We saw from the surveillance screen that it was that man who drove you off in a Porsche." out."


"Could you be secretly dating us behind your back, Nana, you know we never care about your private life, if you are dating, you can tell us, there is no need to hide it from us."

Nana let out a sigh, she knew that her manager was going to think too much, she assured her manager again and again: "Don't worry, I'm definitely not in a relationship, and I don't want to be in a relationship right now either. The reason I'm with him is because he's my partner.

After the agent heard this, he felt his head was going to be covered. After a while, he asked Che Che: "Partner? What do you mean, Fan?".

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