Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

163: No Need To Apply For A Certificate

Nana replied to her agent: "It literally means, he will be my partner in the future, and I will hold an art exhibition with him.

The economic man was silent for a long time. He had long been used to Nana's style.

As Nana's manager, being tired has become his normal state.

"Can you tell me, why did you open an art exhibition with a stranger at 640?"

When Nana heard what the agent said, she replied with a disapproving face: "How can we be called strangers? We spent a whole night together, and now we should call them partners." and friends.

The manager's brows were deeply frowned again, but he didn't say anything more. He asked Nana: "Where are you now? We'll pick you up."

Nana replied to the agent: "That's not okay, if I tell you where I am, you will go to war again, don't worry, after lunch

I live with myself. "

"I'll go back to the company directly, you just need to pick me up inside the company."

The agent wanted to say something more, but Nana hung up the phone directly without giving him any chance to speak.

The broker had no choice but to call his own people to go to the company first.

As soon as Nana hung up the phone, she heard a voice behind her. She turned her head and found Qi Lin behind her.

"when did you come?!"

Nana asked Qi Lin in surprise.

After Qi Lin heard Nana's question, he replied to Nana: "I just came here and heard you on the phone when I came here. Are you on the phone with your manager?"

Nana didn't hide it, she nodded to Qi Lin very frankly and said: "Yes, I was talking to my agent just now. Although my agent is a little grumpy, he is very nice."

"I asked him to wait for me in the company, so let's go to lunch first."

Qi Lin asked Nana: "When do you plan to hold an art exhibition?"

After Nana froze for a moment, Qi Lin replied, "Of course it will be after the documents are completed. If I want to apply for the documents, I have to go back to the company first and let my agent prepare the materials for me..."

Qi Lin replied to Nana: "There is no need to apply for documents, and there is no need to prepare materials.

Nana didn't understand what Qi Lin meant, she felt that her brain cells were not enough.

"Why don't you need to apply for a certificate or prepare materials? Is it possible that you are going to regret it? Don't you want to manage an art gallery with me?"

Qi Lin shook his head and replied, "What I mean is that I have submitted the materials. If there is no accident, we will be able to receive the temporary certificate tonight, so you don't need to apply for the certificate again."

Nana stared blankly at Qi Lin, and after five minutes, she opened her mouth wide and looked at Qi Lin, and couldn't help saying 5.8: "Ah?"

Seeing the blank look of the other party, Qi Lin couldn't help but want to rub the other party's hair. He didn't control himself, and directly put his hand on the other party's head and rubbed it hard.

"Ah what, I said that I can receive the temporary certificate tonight, if you want to hold an art exhibition quickly, you can discuss it with me now.

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