Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

178: There Is No Need For Such Self-Righteous Protection

Qi Lin smiled, and asked Nana: "Have you been hacked by the whole Internet because of making friends?"

When Nana heard the question, she froze for a moment, and then she quickly guessed that it was the manager who told him.

She didn't mean to hide it, and when Qi Lin brought it up directly, he simply told Qi Lin the ins and outs of the matter.

This incident was actually not a big deal, but she made a "370" friend before.

Because she doesn't know people clearly, she feels that the other party and her are good friends who exchange their hearts for their hearts, so she entrusts all her affairs to her.

In the end, I didn't expect that the other party turned around and said these things. The key point is that she made up some black material that didn't exist at all, and said that she bullied the other party.

The other party knew that what she said was unfounded, and she even showed the chat records as evidence. Those so-called bullying statements were all made by Ya Ya as a joke with the other party.

But because she has the habit of clearing the chat records regularly, she had no way to refute the other party at that time, and could only defend weakly.

The other party also knew that she had the habit of clearing chat records regularly, so they dared to step on her position with such unscrupulous black material.

Originally, Nana thought that she had to quit the circle, because almost everyone was attacking her during that period of time, and she could receive hundreds or even thousands of messages of personal attacks every day when her mobile phone was turned on.

At that time, she had no way to deal with this situation. She collapsed and even suffered from depression for a while. The relationship between her agent and her was very good, so she was very distressed at that time.

Just when they thought everything was going nowhere, the other party committed a crime of her own, and her original friend stood up and spoke out.

Not only took out the original chat records to prove it, but also took out the chat records between her and the person who kept saying that she was bullied.

In the chat records, they could see that the person who said he was being bullied actually told others that Nana was a fool.

After the previous chat records came out, the public opinion on the Internet was turned upside down. Instead of attacking Nana, they began to defend Nana.

The friend who said she was bullied before fell into the same situation as Nana, but she couldn't turn things around against the wind.

Ever since this incident happened, Nana has been very wary of making friends, and her manager is even more afraid than her. When Nana has gradually begun to let go, the manager is still wary of everyone close to Nana.....

"The cause and effect of the matter is like this. In fact, I don't think there is anything to say about it. After all, it happened a few years ago."

When Qi Lin heard this, he smiled at Nai Nai and said: "I can understand you, and I can understand him, but he is too protective of you, so he restricts you unknowingly.

Nana nodded and admitted: "I know he's protecting me, otherwise I wouldn't have fallen out."

"I've talked to him many times, but he always doesn't listen to me. 2.4 I've grown up and don't need his self-righteous protection."

"To be honest, no matter what friends I make or what harm I suffer, I can bear it myself. After all, I have grown up and have been an adult for several years.

"I will try to talk to him one last time in two days. If he protects me in this way, then I will have to stop renewing the contract with the company."

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